Best I’ve heard.

  1. Benjamin says:

    I agree with the video. If the FED keeps printing money we will be carrying our money in wheelbarrows to buy bread.

  2. cgp says:

    Fools, money in fact will be scarce. They are printing money in the form of bonds purchased on behalf of our kids. This stuff will never reach us in the form of loans and jobs.

    The dollar will not drop to 10 cents, the market manipulators will not allow that to happen.

    When the QEn theft finally crashes the system’s belief mechanism all hell will break loose in that all money flow will stop. This is a complete credit/liquidity shutdown.

    Did you note the panic of the near-credit crunch that almost happened when that major bank crashed. That will happen to the complete system.


  3. bart1452 says:

    Credit is the quick and easy artificial leavening of the economy. Too much of it creates explosive bubbles that burst. Not enough leaves the economy flat. Maybe it’s time to mostly wean ourselves from credit. Some companies operate without debt and have huge cash reserves with which they can expand, innovate, and weather downturns. That’s the old fashioned, slower acting, and natural leavening. It’s time for it to come back into style and save credit for start-ups and emergencies.


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