This must have been hilarious to watch. And all the excuse making is too funny. Curiously none of the TSA folks did jack about the guy filming the episode with his phone cam. I guess the 3-year-old was more important.

  1. nicktherat says:

    reminds me of tank man

  2. brm says:

    Hey, assholes, develop a clear POLICY for these sorts of searches instead of relying on the “good judgement” of your bonehead employees to figure it out for themselves.

    What a shoddy operation.

  3. eighthnote says:

    Groping three-year-olds under the guise of security? I’m not buying it. Amazing what the flying public will put up with.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    Ah well, at least she got a normal pat down, not the sexual assaulting, vaginal rubbing “enhanced” pat down. When you see that happen, best to step in and disable the TSA molester doing it and the parents who allow their children to be assaulted.

    But, the kid did say stop. I guess it’s good to train little girls early that no means yes.

  5. e? says:

    These people are perverts. It’s just disgusting.

  6. ABC says:

    I think i would assault the TSA if they dared try an “enhanced” pat down on my child. I would end up in prison, but no way i would permit any sort of molestation of my child whether approved/disapproved by law. I would assume the psychological effects would be the same as rape when it comes to a child.

    The option is either child pornography versus child molestation

    as for grown ups the options are the same.

    The world has become a severely sick place to live in. Terrorists have won the war by far.

    You have a higher chance of being struck by lightning (20 times), dying in a car crash than to be caught in an act of terrorism.

  7. bobbo, not a tech guy says:

    So why is the kiddie acting out? Hyper sensitized at home??? Put the hand in a sock puppet and the security needs of our overlords would be met.

    Inadequate parenting meeting inadequate TSA. Combo Plate.

  8. tigerjuju says:

    As much as I think TSA are bunch of politically correct hindsighted idiots, what do ppl expect from TSA when faced with a unruly child event the parents cannot control? Are they suppose to be patient and hold the entire line up until whenever the kid finally decides to calm down? Or do they just skip searching the child until next terrorist decides to exploit this security hole by hiding a bomb in a out-of-control kid? When that does happen, would TSA make us leave our kids at the security gate like they made us do with water bottles?
    It’s the parent’s failure as much as TSA’s for not being able to get the girl the to cooperate for security check. But how can you blame a stranger (TSA) for not knowing how to handle your own child when even you cannot do it yourself?

  9. tigerjuju says:

    Got to read some posts here now. I don’t understand why ppl automatically equate pad-down to sexual grope. Unless you think even legitimate pad down should be prohibited (then I won’t even bother try to debate you on it), it is simply the reality of modern travel post-911. 3-year old may not be security threat by their own intentions, tell me it is not easy for adults to manipulate children into carry things through security? If you absolutely don’t think kids should be subject to security check and/or any pad down at all, maybe we just need simply make it a consensus that young kids are not suppose to do any air-travel at all just like many other things kids are not allowed to do.

  10. TooManyPuppies says:


    In this case it wasn’t a sexual grope as this was not an “enhanced” pat down. Plus a parent was allowed to remain with the child, in an enhanced pat down the subject must be isolated from any other person. If you want to know how one of those are performed read post #19 in this thread:

    These “enhanced” pat downs violate numerous laws pertaining to child molestation and sexual assault upon a minor by specifically feeling the entire portion of the breasts, squeezing and lifting them and by running ones hand around then under the buttocks and up into the genitals (testicles/vagina) with pressure, squeeze and motion applied. A simple fact is that if you were to even touch your own child in this manner you would be facing heavy charges.

  11. Brian says:

    Wow…and the stupid ignorant newscaster dismisses it… and people are like dur hur … it’s just a hassle we have to put up with I guess…sigh.
    Please. If that was my daughter heads would be rolling! WTF is going on anymore!

  12. Lou says:

    Looks like another win for the terrorists to me.

  13. Magnatron says:

    “You do the hokey Pokey, and you turn yourself around..thats what it’s all about..” ..What if the Hokey pokey is really “What it is all about?”

  14. ? says:

    How many terrorists have the TSA stopped? I count zero.

  15. ? says:

    Let me put it this way.

    There exist 1 billion Muslims in the world, and 6-7 billion people.

    If just 1% are extremists, and fox would have you think it is 40%, then there would be 10 million Muslims or 60-70 million others who could be available to be terrorists.

    Do the terrorists get turned away by TSA? No. The terrorists want to terrorize, and even if they are caught at the gate, they have succeeded in striking more fear in the population. They win by terrorizing, which doesn’t necessarily involve killing us.

    I’m all for security, but I’m seeing here is a bull in a china shop.

    No thinking, no intelligence, and while that screaming kid is being mollested, the real terrorist slips through the attention of the distracted TSA agents.

  16. Breetai says:

    Take Note….

    This Video was posted January 22, 2009 It’s close to 2 years old.

    Sometimes I’m not sure speaking up matters. I just got out of shouting match over this crap with some asshole at the store who luuuvs this fascism.

  17. Matt says:

    With all the porno-scanners and getting felt up, I refuse to fly. I can drive to wherever I want to go faster than I can fly anyway. Screw the TSA and the airlines. It’s their faults for letting it happen anyway. Once they became government subsidised and considered a public utility, it all went to Hell.

    Screw this man. I’ll drive.

  18. Dallas says:

    Disgusted. Pres Obama needs to disband this government jobs program created during the Cheney administration.

    The best way to secure air travel is the Israeli method of professional, undercover heavy profiling. There is no such nonsense in Israeli airports. You’re screened as soon as you drive in airport grounds!

    We already have the Military as a government jobs program. We don’t need another agency.

  19. Lou Minatti says:

    “Disgusted. Pres Obama needs to disband this government jobs program created during the Cheney administration.”

    This is Barack Hussein Obama’s TSA. Barry Sotero has been running it for 2 years.

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    “So why is the kiddie acting out? Hyper sensitized at home???”

    The child is three and was never groped by a stranger before.

  21. John E. Quantum says:

    #8, #9, and #10-

    Even a well parented “good” child has bad days. They are individuals and the same circumstances that make adults annoyed (rude passengers, indeterminate waits in long lines, etc) make very young children cranky. And children respond to their parents moods as well so that as the parent grows increasingly frustrated by the circumstances the child reflects that frustration. How many cranky kids do the TSA screeners see in a day? My guess is way too many.

    It’s the system that is the problem- not the passengers or the TSA screeners. And yes, the terrorists have won this battle.

  22. Special Ed says:

    TSA should hire Catholic priests.

  23. lakelady says:

    “Hillarious to watch” what a sick and twisted sense of humor you have – oh wait I forgot where I was.

  24. No-Flyboy says:

    “Shut Up you little slave, and stop squirming and let the nice TSA goon feel you all over!”
    How long is this bullshit going to last?!
    How could her dad watch this and then do this story with a seemingly positive twist?!
    Screw the TSA, they secure NOTHING, we don’t need them & until alot more people OPT OUT of the naked body scanners and clog up all the lines at all the airports on a REGULAR BASIS, you will continue to be radiated in these machines & your kids will continue to be molested in the name of FEAR.
    Somebody with money needs to stand up from the herd & sue this agency for sexual assault!
    Exclamation Point!

  25. nick the rat says:

    pat downs wont detect c4 in your anus. i have nothing against the old way. back of hands quickly run up and down the body. this is groping.

    amazes me how much personal freedom a person would give up out of fear. im personally going to scream like that kid did if they touch my junk

  26. chuck says:

    Interesting how the story begins with the reporter (the father of the child) seemingly apologizing to the TSA, saying the some sacrifices must be made. I disagree. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave – we do not sacrifice liberty for anything.

    Here are 2 questions I like answered at the President’s next press conference:

    1. Mr President, have you ever gone through a full-body scanner?

    2. Mr President, how would you feel about your children being viewed through a full-body scanner?

    These questions would never get asked. I expect the honest answer to the 1st would be “No, I’m the President, I don’t have to”. And I expect the 2nd question would result in the questioner being detained by the Secret Service.

  27. Faxon says:

    I don’t have to go through either a metal detector or a radiation detector at an airport.
    I don’t have to be groped by a moron at an airport.
    I don’t have to obey any instructions from TSA officials at an airport.

    I don’t travel on airplanes.

    Too bad for you people who keep buying those tickets.

  28. Richard says:

    I know. The TSA agents should dress up in kid friendly costumes. Maybe a bear costume. Hmmmmm?

  29. butter butt says:

    OK, here’s what I don’t understand…

    Why is everyone in this country EXCEPT the washington politicians, bureaucrats and their friends considered potential terrorist?

    Seriously, I’ve never even had a parking ticket!

    All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
    Thomas Jefferson


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