This must have been hilarious to watch. And all the excuse making is too funny. Curiously none of the TSA folks did jack about the guy filming the episode with his phone cam. I guess the 3-year-old was more important.

  1. denacron says:

    What a miserable pathetic nation this is becoming. We are in decline and our ‘Great Leaders’ are only too happy for its demise.

    Wherever our modern aristocrats go they are insulated from the barbarism they inflict on those not of their ilk. Nepotism will grant their offspring some insulation from the degradation they embrace for the lowly sheep.

    Our nation seems so very short sighted.

  2. Publius says:

    brm is right about the problem with absence of policy making TSA a shoddy operation.

    Furthermore it might not be an oversight but an engineered design to let them make the policy on the spot unfettered by things that were written down

    ie, more power for the decision-maker who is unbound by anything in particular

    “We will know a problem when we see it”
    “Some common sense rules apply”
    “At our discretion”


  3. Publius says:

    @Said, who said “How many terrorists have the TSA stopped? I count zero.”

    I say: How many terrorists have the TSA let through? I count zero.




    nonsense of course

  4. msbpodcast says:

    Pity the next guy who had to handle her on the return flight.

    I’m pretty sure she “filled her shorts” at the thought of going through the hands “security” personnel again.

  5. bobbo, not a tech guy says:

    Our TSA is a tool. A tool of BushtheMalignantRetard who if asked I’m sure would say it was necessary to protect the USA from another attack regardless of violations and regardless of the threat: Job #1 by way of devine revelation. He has that born again look in his eyes as if called upon to do God’s work.

    And the Dem’s got in line with it as to be accused of being weak on Terrorism is about as popular as saying you are for increased taxes.

    And Obama inherited this mess. Could he stop it with a signature? No. His job is to IMPLEMENT the laws, not ignore them–he’s no BushtheMalignantRetard. And he like all spineless Dem’s is afraid of being yelled at by the Pukes.

    Its almost as bad as the spineless mouth breathers posting here that say they would not put up with such searches when its pathetically obvious we all do. If you want to fly, you put up with it.

    Seems to me the only way to lighten the load of our oppressors is to form a grass roots movement to have some “No Fly Because of TSA” days. Perhaps every 9-11?

    As Spineless Obama might say: “I want to do this, all you (voters) have to do is force me.”


  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Why do you have to ask for your child under the age of 12 to be deselected? That should be automatically done, if not by the ticket counter then by the TSA worker, come on people.

  7. ethanol says:

    @Dallas #20, true that.
    @Lou Minatti #22, also true.
    @Ready Kilowatt (NSP) #27, make one for me too, please.
    @Nick the Rat #28, I totally agree. The methods employed by the TSA do almost nothing other than hassle citizens and visitors alike.
    @Faxon #30, still doesn’t make it OK for our federal government to violate our rights. Kinda like the border patrol stops that aren’t on the border…
    @BigBoyBC #39, good point.

  8. The Pirate says:

    Stop trying to justify the actions of TSA child molesters!
    Stop trying to bully everyone with your juvenile name calling, vilification and innuendo.

    Typical limousine liberal, crack a joke, spout off a few excuses, ignore the problem and pat themselves on the back for self indulgent cleverness.

  9. deowll says:

    I don’t think it is illegal to film in most places and a lot of tiny devices for filming are less than conspicuous.

  10. The Pirate says:


    When traveling this holiday season, opt out of any porn scanners. Opt out LOUDLY. Say “I OPT OUT” while you smile at the nearest TSA agent. Be polite and move on to step two, the Pat Down.

    Getting a hand pat down.
    Teach your children to shout LOUDLY, “STOP TOUCHING ME in a SEXUAL MANNER!”.
    Adults yell, “Stop TOUCHING ME in a SEXUAL MANNER!”.
    Smile and be polite as you do this.
    Children are allowed and encouraged to cry.

    Video the whole escapade with sound and as clearly as possible.
    Post to
    Behold the power of the collective conscious.

    Game on Janet!

  11. Metals721 says:

    Profiling, boycotts and lawsuits are the answer to this problem.

  12. Counterweight says:

    # 38 bobbo, – Obama inherited this mess. Could he stop it with a signature? No. His job is to IMPLEMENT the laws, not ignore them

    Don’t be a fool. Obama could change so much of the tyrannical TSA actions with a phone call to Napolitano. There isn’t no law that tells the TSA to squeeze titties and measure dicks. These and so many other bad things the TSA does are simply internally generated regulations that can be reversed with a sneeze.

    You have a mind. Stop letting it hide behind your dogmatism and bullying and use it for a change.

  13. DaveO says:

    What is this little bitch trying to hide?

  14. Likes2LOL says:

    Next time, Mandy will have learned to carry only a non-metallic shank…

  15. bobbo, always eager to be shown the better way says:

    Could Obama stop this with a phone call? On second thought, I think he could as the enabling law can’t be so specific in all the details?

    I’m was in mind of his statement that he could not change “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on his own. That probably is debatable too given the strength of his commitment to the issue which so far appears to be about zero in all areas.

    You know, if he caves to the Pukes and extends the tax cuts ((inflation spurred by deficit spending being the harshest regressive tax there is)) why, I’d be about ready to join the Tea Party myself.

    What??? They are all about tax cuts? Sorry, I think of them as just being crazy.

  16. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    meh, children cry and freak out over all sorts of things, especially three year olds.

  17. The Pirate says:

    Perhaps more three-year-olds need to fly more often. At least they stand up for their rights.

  18. Dallas says:

    #47 lol

  19. 911_WAS_an_inside_job says:

    This TSA terrorism and all the loss of our hard won civil liberties can be traced to one event – the “terrorist” attack on the WTC on 9/11. Everything is justified by that – two wars, countless billions if not trillions of dollars lost, the Patriot Act, the build up of the Homeland Security dept, constant spying on the American people, and now the terrorism of the TSA. All of this is justified by 9/11.

    But what if 9/11 really WAS an inside job? What if it was a false flag operation engineered by rogue elements highly placed within our govt (or in the shadow/intelligence govt) specifically designed to bring about these reactions and all these effects? What if it was a FAKE?

    I won’t go into all the numerous arguments about why it was obviously a false flag, you can visit many sites yourself to determine that. Most of the arguments are too technical for most people. But what made ME realize almost from the start that it was a false flag event, was the incredibly LOW body count. Only 3000 people died on 9/11 including the ones on the plane. At the time I thought that was utterly bizarre – such a low count. On any given day, the number of people in the buildings themselves could top 50,000 and tourists could be at least another 50,000. On a given day, AT THE RIGHT TIME, from 100-150,000 people could have been targeted. Tens of thousands of people could have been killed – if the “terrorists” had picked a later time for their flights.

    Why didn’t they? Why would they pick flights that would hit the targets before 9 am (one of the planes was about 20 minutes late) – a time before the vast majority of office workers and tourists had arrived? And on an election day in NYC when even more might be expected to be late? Flights with the same trajectory, just at a later time of day, could have killed tens of thousands of people. Why would “terrorists”, whose whole purpose as we can see in other bombings, is to kill as many people as possible, pick such an absolutely absurd time as to GUARANTEE a much lower death rate? It doesn’t make sense – terrorists may be crazy, but they do have a clear objective, which they successfully carry out, and that’s a high body count. Since no buildings had ever been taken down by terrorists with planes before, that could not have been their objective, as they could not reasonably have expected the buildings to collapse. I doubt there would have been any real security reasons for picking such early flights – security was lax in these airports at any point of the day.

    Real terrorists would NOT have attacked the Twin Towers before 9 am on a weekday. They would have waited, perhaps until 2 pm or so, sometime later in the day when there would be FAR more people. The only reason to pick the earlier time – is to guarantee a far lower death count. And that is something “terrorists” would not do. Especially terrorists who allegedly plotted so long and diligently, to the point of taking time to learn to fly planes.

    We have to dispel the myth of 9/11 being caused by outside Muslim terrorists, and investigate the belief that American insiders did this to us, before we can start dismantling the entire outrageous assault upon our civil liberties and wallets that has come to pass in the last 9 years. We have been scammed.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #53: too long, did not read.

  21. 911_WAS_an_inside_job said says:

    “Olo Baggins of Bywater said, on November 14th, 2010 at 7:29 am
    #53: too long, did not read.”

    Then you’ll never learn or understand anything – not just from me – from anyone. If you can’t take the time or energy to read a few paragraphs, how on earth can you educate yourself at length, understand what is going on, or help run a country? I assume most Americans are like you, which is why the country is doomed. Hopefully this is short enough.

  22. Holdfast says:

    @Olo Baggins of Bywater
    Are you proud of your ignorance? It would take 2 minutes max to read that page and there are 52 comments above it.

    The US constitution is even longer. Presumably you haven’t ready any of that?

  23. ted says:

    Let me put it this way. I for one love to be touched, I plan to fly next week with a vibrator up my butt hole and let her ripe right before getting a pat down. FYI- I am a man.

  24. kingcaboose says:

    Um the video is not showing due to copywrite infringement ????

  25. Shadowops says:

    911_WAS_an_inside_job said, on November 14th, 2010 at 7:16 am
    “Tens of thousands of people could have been killed – if the “terrorists” had picked a later time for their flights.”

    Muslim terrorists aren’t all that happening in the brains department. Yes, they are patient and determined and brutal, but believe it or not, they are people and they make mistakes; miscalculate; misjudge, etc.

    Maybe next time they will pick a better time to murder Americans. Would that suit you?

    Think before you automatically make “US” the enemy, and not them.
    “Woe to you that call good evil, and evil good.”

  26. Shadowops says:

    “kingcaboose said, on November 15th, 2010 at 1:58 pm
    Um the video is not showing due to copywrite infringement ????”

    Yes, I noticed that as well. What copywrite infringement? That video was shot by a citizen with a phone camera!

    There’s a conspiracy for you, 911_WAS_an_inside_job!
    Just go ask your friend, Janet Napolitano. Why wouldn’t she want this video to be seen? I guess if the video can’t be found, it never happened.

    Hopefully, someone has extra copies of this video. This should be plastered all over the news. Well, we know it wouldn’t be shown on MSNBC or any of the network news stations. Probably not CNN either.

  27. Shadowops says:

    Just found another link to the video, for anyone who wants to get their blood boiling, like mine is. Especially when I learn the TSA is planning on letting muslim women go through without screenings, because that would be too intolerant to them.
    Never mind that muslims do the majority of bombings in the world, but no, go after the little American kids and Christians.
    Three words for you, Napolitano and TSA: Profiling, Profiling, Profiling!
    It works wonders for El Al. And if we could get over our fear of the politically correct set branding us as “intolerant” to suspicious bomber types, it could work for us too, and save some lives. Instead of the worthless, feel-good-about-being-extra-safe-even-though-we-are-not airport “security” we have now.

    Anyway, here is the link. Be sure to watch it before Napolitano and her Obama-thugs take it down:

  28. Rwolf says:

    TSA or Tyrants Squeezing Ass?

    Imagine the fallout if a famous movie star’s naked airport scan was circulated or sold on the black market by a TSA employee. That might happen when you consider that TSA has been documented keeping thousands of naked scan photos of U.S. Citizens.

    If not stopped, Airports are just the beginning of Citizens being X-rayed / Stripped Naked by Government, having their Private Body Parts Touched, Squeezed and Patted-Down by Government Employees. It is problematic Americans (next) will be X-Ray Scanned and Physically Molested boarding trains, cruse ships, buses; when entering sports events and office buildings. Continued Low Radiation Exposure is Accumulative and believed to cause Cancer.

    Americans should boycott airlines; that would get TSA’s attention and stockholders of airlines. Meanwhile Not just pilots and flight attendants, “ordinary air passengers” should also be afforded privacy, when felt up, searched at public airports.

    Talk about government in your face. Recently the Obama government purchased hundreds’ of X-Ray Vans that will travel our streets without warrants, x-raying Americans, seeing Citizens naked when walking, standing, riding their bike. Government/police will use the x-ray vans to peer though Citizens’ homes and vehicles, exposing Americans and their families to radiation. X-ray vans are an affront to privacy, allowing government to view Citizens in their bedrooms. Americans need to ask Obama if independent studies were conducted to determine if Citizens could develop Cancer, if (repeatedly exposed) to police X-rays. It is easy to imagine government/police with or without a warrant every night X-raying a person of interest in his or her home. It is foreseeable some Citizens might install similar to smoke detectors, sensors that will set off an alarm, if their home or vehicle is being bombarded with X-rays.

    Obama’s X-Ray Vans can ALSO be used by the military or police to secure perimeters to control civil unrest and instances of revolt, to screen and stop Citizens carrying guns, cameras; any item. Does Obama expect Americans to revolt?

    The Nazis used national emergency as a premise to repeatedly target and detain, search and question Germans boarding or taking trains considered political dissidents or morally unworthy; targeted Citizens were intentionally delayed by police/military so they would be late or miss work. Of course many lost there jobs and could not survive.


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