1. Thomas from Sydney says:

    That’s very bad sportsmanship

  2. Ken in Berkeley says:

    Someone should try that in the NFL.

  3. mKrack says:

    the coach is a tool. that is all, except, the coach is a tool.

  4. Random Troll says:

    I dunno… I think it’s pretty good.

  5. deowll says:

    #1 No actually its just being trickier than your opponent.

  6. matt says:

    @1: Bad sportsmanship?! Do you even keep score in your games. It’s called being smarter than your opponents. Geez. What is this world coming to.

  7. JazzManG says:

    It isn’t being smart. It was an illegal snap according to the state’s rules. It was blown call by the referees. Keep in mind they had to spend a lot of time practicing how to be sneaky instead of real fundamentals. The coach is a douchebag for teaching this to the kids.

  8. McCullough says:


  9. Lou Minatti says:

    “It isn’t being smart.”

    Scored a touchdown. Smart.

  10. Two to the Head says:

    #1 #3 #7 Who cares…its friggin football…

  11. Three to the head says:

    #1 #3 #7 must be parents on the other team. 🙂

  12. Troublemaker says:

    Sports are for the enjoyment of feeble-minded idiots.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    That’s the way Obama and the Dems are going to win in 2012.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    >> Troublemaker said, on November 12th, 2010 at 9:56 pm
    >> Sports are for the enjoyment of feeble-minded idiots.

    Not even close to being true.

    I personally know a real-deal genius who loves sports. (Not NASCAR, of course)

    Baseball has long been a sport that cerebral people like but many sports bridge the gap between dumb, average and smart people.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    In the old timey days of football, there was play where the offensive team would fade back, circle and secretly pass the ball to one member.

    Or so it was explained to me when I saw a high school team do it once. It had everybody in the audience laughing.

  16. gRANDPA says:

    I can remember the old statue of liberty play. Pretty sneaky, kind of like this one 🙂

  17. Trick plays are a traditional aspect of this game. They are all highly regarded.

    I suppose the first time a guy threw a forward pass some a-hole would call it unsportsmanlike too.

  18. brm says:


    “Sports are for the enjoyment of feeble-minded idiots.”

    Often said by people who are into things like comic books, RPGs, and computer games.

    i.e., irony!

  19. RazzleDazzle says:

    It’s a one time play for that team. They’ll never be able to run it again if the teams they play are smart.

  20. Magnatron says:

    What a Schnook

  21. Counterweight says:

    Thank you, Uncle Dave.

    Great to start the day off with a good laugh. Beautiful.

    Did the team win?

  22. Knute says:

    That QB will be president one day!

  23. Thomas says:

    I not so sure about gadget plays being “highly regarded”. They are definitely part of the game and part of what makes it fun. If a gadget play works, it is highly regarded. The problem is that many gadget plays fail and often when they fail, they failure is costly in terms of yardage or turnovers or at least downs. However, at the end of the day, if you are successful (which means it must be legal), then any amount of trickery is ok.

  24. ArianeB says:

    Now that is the very definition of the “Quarterback sneak”

    People question the unorthodox hike, while some leagues may specify how the hike must be done, in general the play begins as soon as the center picks up the ball.

    The center does not even have to give the ball to the quarterback (a play known as the “center sneak” which can sometimes get you much needed inches), or he can hike it pass the QB to the running back (known as the wild cat play). Both plays rely on the acting ability of the quarterback to pretend to have the ball and fool the defense.

  25. WmDE says:


  26. Thomas says:

    In most leagues, the rules state that the ball must be hiked through the center’s legs. This is definitely the case in the NFL and NCAA. I believe it is also true at the HS level.

  27. The0ne says:

    I love this! I love how kids can be corrupted so easily. Man, I wish I can spend my days and quite possibly nights as well, teaching crap to kids. If only I was as great a person as that coach. And may I remind you this coach doesn’t even compare to the one that, y’know, picked up the armband with the other team’s play and used it against them 🙂 Now that’s a champ coach if I ever read one!

  28. Mr Ed says:

    The trick play worked but that team ended up losing the game.

  29. foobar says:

    Looks like he was even yelling “wrong ball” before the play. Classic.

    A pro lineman would remove your head for trying this, but it works on the kids.

  30. foobar says:

    This trick doesn’t always work. Watch the linebacker in the black jersey.


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