• Apple I to sell for $200,000?
  • Apple to jigger with Java in some odd way to screw Android.
  • Facebook going after GMail with Facebook mail. Cripes.
  • Big fuss over Pedophile book. Whole story is odd and dumb. I discuss.
  • Microsoft Kin back in play?
  • Kinect system deconstructed.
  • Want to see Phone 7, go to Radio Shack.
  • Boxee box now out.
  • Supercomputers will be inside sugar cube.

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  1. ? says:

    No commentary about the “Nexus S” (two backwards)???

    JCD, hope your sources are feeding you before the announcement Sunday (if it comes).

  2. deowll says:

    Even if the government didn’t create the book as a honey pot they are going to be collecting the IDs of everyone who buys the book. Who knows? They may have even wanted Amazon to sell the book.

  3. The Kin Man says:

    Is this a discussion about Kin?

    The Kin is like the evil villain. We thought it was dead, but right at the end of the movie it rises up from the dead, to make an attack on Windows Phone 7.

    Microsoft had previously tried to brush Kin under the carpet. But that wasn’t enough to keep it down.

    Yes. Just one week after Windows Phone 7 was launched in the United States, the Kin re-awoke to rear its ugly head once again, and ruin the launch.

    Maybe it was a Microsoft middle manager who decided to make a few bucks by clearing the remaining inventory of Kin phones. But he didn’t know what kind of genie he was awakening. For those few bucks he made, he ended up damaging the launch of Windows Phone 7. He reminded all prospective Windows Phone 7 buyers of Microsoft’s past disasters.

    Windows Phone 7 apparently had the biggest advertising campaign of any product ever released. Therefore, it must also be the biggest marketing failure of all time (the sales are dismally low in the US). But now its next-of-Kin has risen up to hammer a nail into the WP7 coffin.

    The word ‘Kin’ is fully interchangeable with the word ‘debacle’ in the English language. Up until now, Motorola’s Iridium and Microsoft’s Kin were the 2 biggest debacles the mobile industry has ever seen. But now Windows Phone 7 has flopped, it will take that crown.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    When I see the Tv ad for Windows Phone 7, I think “It’s either far less useful than other smart phones, so you naturally don’t spend much time staring at it. Or it’s just got this big blue menu grid, for fat fingered users. That incorporates all the must used phone functions in it. Instead of making you hunt for the appropriate app. So it fools users into thinking it more efficient, somehow.” Big deal. Eight or so apps, reduced to a single “Start Menu” styled grid.

    The WP7 isn’t really competing with iPhone (I gather). But with the other lesser non-iPhone smart phones. Or perhaps with non-smart phones.
    Anyway. Until I see more, I’ll just assume WP7 is a cross between an iPod and a standard cellphone, without the camera. I wonder it it can be hacked to run Linux?

  5. Glenn E. says:

    You know where Microsoft got the name “Kin” from? Amazon should sue them for stealing half their product’s name. The Kin-dle. Very original of Microsnuff, eh? Hey, McDonalds use to sue everybody who dared to use the “Mc”, in their company name. Even those older than Mickey D. As if anyone could “own” a two letter combination, that’s existed in names for centuries. Well when you sell overpriced crappy meals. You’ve got the spare change to try and push everyone else around, I guess.


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