When Nancy Pelosi ruled the House of Representatives with an iron fist, one could chuckle at Republicans who came to committee hearings quoting scripture as the rationale for their positions on energy policy. But now, when one of those very same Republicans is in the running for the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce committee, it just doesn’t seem so funny.
[…John Shimkus, R-Ill] starts by quoting Genesis 8, Verses 21 and 22, in which God makes Noah a promise.
Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.
As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.
Shimkus continues: “The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood.”
I’m glad that John Shimkus can sleep at night, faithful that that God’s word is “infallible, unchanging, perfect.” But for those of us who are less confident in humanity’s ability to keep from massively screwing up, the thought that the Bible will be determining government energy policy is massively ulcer-inducing.
Repukes – will govern like Breakfast Cereal – FROOT LOOPS AND CUCKOO FOR COCO PUFFS !!!
Ahh, how soon we forget how the wing nuts ruled their committees and agencies.
god save us from such people
THIS is why the rest of the world considers the US (and those dumbasses that vote these lunatics into office) totally backwards and ignorant.
Well done.
It IS fun to have the truly incompetent retaking a certain amount of responsibility from the merely wimpish.
Remember the good old days when being a Republican didn’t necessarily mean you were a bat shit crazy fascist Bible thumper? Yeah, me either.
Hey, you TeaBaggers get the hell off my lawn!
My Moma always said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
“Oh yeah and the devil can quote scripture for his own purpose.”
That was a good one too.
He’ll handle this as well as he handled the Mark Foley scandal.
Do not take this too seriously. It is only one week since winning back the House and already the Republican leadership is backpedaling on banning earmarks. You can’t teach old dogs a new way to govern.
“I probably won’t even vote for the guy. I had to endorse him. But I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me.”
George Bush on John McCain (2008)
The wingnuts are strangely silent here. Come on guys, let’s hear you defend your Republican heroes! 🙂
Hey Congressman Boner… It’s been a week since you took over Congress… WHERE’S THE JOBS?!?!?!
Liberals should be happy about this. You are more likely to convince an anti-science person about the threat of global warming than someone who thinks thru the science.
God won’t destroy the Earth, but perhaps upsetting the natural balance that god created will.
Someone who looks at things scientifically may conclude that CO2 won’t have that much of an impact, partly out of belief that God created a system with negative feedbacks.
@#12 Please point that part in Constitution where it stipulates that Government must make decisions based on Science… Pointing to the part where it sez’ “by the people for the people” is easy. Percentage of people who believe in Bible in this country is also well known (vast majority). Hence, this decision is more in sync with the governed than many science based ones..
God will realize what a mistake he made makiing human kind – to DESTROY PARADISE AND PUT A PARKIING LOT !!!
Idiocracy is what you get when you take the “Tea Party” to its logical conclusion. Hypocrisy and stupidity are a bad combination but I am sure Americas conservatives can make it work.
Yes We Cannabis!
Maybe I take the Bibbel too literally, but nothing in the lead quote means that “man” will continue on earth. Silly to think that scripture addresses our need to transition to green energy sources.
And Improb–no need to take the Teabags to their logical conclusion: just take them as they are now. Totally Insane-you betcha!
Ron Paul cracks me up: ran on being against earmarkes, now vowing to fight for Kentucky’s share. Seems “real” teabags got noted as such and not elected, while those real politicians willing to play the Teabags got in.
Ha, ha. Yes, gridlock will be fun. Just as Obama is unfairly but expectantly being smeared with BushtheMalignantRetards mess, Obama should incorporate the gridlock for an overwhelming sweep in 2012. I saw no avoidance of the first, and hope Obama will get agressive to take advantage of the second.
I don’t think he has it in him. Spineless for some reason.
Some guy on the tube just said that in revelations the bibbel says the earth will warm 7 times and an asteroid will poison the waters.
Who knew?
And this is why we need a third option. The Democrats are fiscally clueless and the Republicans are filled will religious loons. There is a whole generation waiting for a fiscally conservative, atheist politician. One day…
Thomas–its not fiscally clueless to be for raising taxes, all within reasonable historic levels and in comparison to other similar nations, when the alternative is an increasing deficit. What we need are extended budget plans to set a yardstick of government performance.
As to an atheist politician–there is only one declared atheist right now, some guy from California. No, religion has too strong a hold on America. Don’t know what will break it but imagining it so will not make it so.
# 15: Which Bible? Douay Rheims, Book of Mormon, RSV, King James, Jehovah Witnesses…whatever.
There are lots of Bible versions to choose from to cherry pick a verse…
Me? I prefer science…there’s some actual evidence there.
#24 – my plan was to hack the DTP system at the printers and add a few verses.
Quick pop-quiz, according to the bible how many of each animal were on the ark?
I KNEW this would happen.
Don’t you friggin folks see that modern North America is still (and probably will be for some time) beholden to its agricultural/pioneer/religious past?
“We gotta be concerned about what happens right here…I keep a gun ’cause the sheriff’s too busy elsewhere and varmints eat my crops…what do I CARE about them furrin people and their friends in the big cities with their strange ideas and habits and their snooty knowledge? God will punish ’em for that…Planet? What’s a planet? My world is right here, gosh durn it!”
(but he’d like it if his son went to that fine law school back East…the boy might even give him some money when he’s old)
Politics is local as usual (and there’s lots of locals).
I think a quote by Queen Latifah in Hairspray comes in handy here…
“better brace yourselves for a whole lotta ugly comin’ at you from a neverending parade of stupid”
If people want to govern according to Holy Scripture, then they will certainly want to abolish our space program immediately. We should have learned from the Tower of Babel incident in Genesis that God thwarts the plans and punishes the arrogance of those who reach toward the heavens. Perhaps that is even why he sent Al-Qaeda to attack America, along with the less-than-gentle breezes known as “Katrina.”
Mount St. Helens was a warning sign that we completely ignored, so God has to speak with an increasingly loud voice until He gets our attention and we stop this foolishness of exploring the heavens, which is the sole domain of the Lord God Almighty!
Can I hear an “Amen, Brother!”?
(Mental health is a delicate and fragile thing.)
And I never thought that they would use the Bible of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for anything other than satire.
If they keep it up, think of the benefits. Fridays will be a holy day, there will be beer fountains in every town, and you will be required to talk like a Pirate on Sept. 19!
May you all be touched by His noodly appendages.
Don’t know why all my fellow righties haven’t responded yet, so let try my hand at it (using the tricks I’ve learned from reading lefties like bobbo, Greg Allen, JimD, and the rest…):
1) The source is Salon.com – incredibly left-wing and unreliable.
2) Even if the source is correct, then the comments mentioned (quoting the scripture, etc.) were uttered over a year and a half ago. That’s a lifetime in politics. No doubt this is NOT what he believes now.
3) Just another hit piece by the libtards, democraps, and other fans of Barrack Hussein O-Dumbo.
4) Why don’t the D’s get out of the way and let the R’s fix the mess that Nancy Pelosi and her crew have caused in the last 4 years?
6) Perhaps the R’s can cross over party lines and let a D head the committee. I nominate Hank Johnson, the Georgia Democrat who so famously stated – concerning Guam –
“My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”
7) Okay, seriously, RTFA. This Shimkus guy seems pretty much like a flak to me. Even if you are a rightie (like me) you don’t want to have this ‘indivdual’ as the face of your preferred political party. I hope someone else gets the nod.
Lotsa–thanks for the demonstration. Yes, naysaying and pantomiming a dumbo position is easy to do. But like Thomas, doing so only makes you a mechanical kneejerk. You miss the substance of the claim==even when here you admit the guy is a flak(e).
What makes you proud to claim to be a Republican? 3-4 points for the flavor?
Good Lord