Can this story be verified? It’s outrageous. It has to be a hoax.

  1. Zybch says:

    So, anyone surprised?

  2. Grandpa1947 says:

    So what’s the problem? You refuse to be checked and they did their job. When you start acting like you will become hostile and a security risk they have to control you. Good job TSA.

  3. Ghost says:

    Ha, the slaves are asking questions. Off to Gitmo for you.

  4. Breetai says:

    I don;t care if it is a Hoax we need more stories like this. Facts don’t work, shouting does.

  5. JabuTi says:

    To Grandpa and the rest of the GitmoNation slaves:

    The XXX-ray scanners and “improved” pat downs are EXTREMELY invasive. Just because you bought an airline ticket doesn’t give the TSA (or even the actual police) the right to search you. There is no probable cause from buying an airline ticket. This is infringing the privacy and the physical rights of citizens. The TSA are not even law enforcement officers.

    The “improved” pat down is sexual assault. What’s to stop perverts from joining the TSA so they can pick out the “random” suspects who appeal to them the most? All that’s required to work as a TSA agent is a background check, a medical and an “aptitude test”.

    Scientists from UCSF among others have expressed concerns regarding the safety of the XXX-ray scanners.

    Stand up to these boneheads and OPT OUT! OPT OUT from being a slave while you still can.

  6. notatall says:

    Grandpa1947, you can of course count on lots of help from us complainers when you or someone you care about gets their turn at that kind of treatment.

    I know it’s reflexive to lash out at anyone not being a good little sheep and doing what he or she is told by their betters. Thank you for being a sterling example of obedience.

  7. Slatts says:

    The European answer is to stop flying! Take the train, it’s far more relaxing.

  8. Cursor_ says:

    Can find nothing on this story but blogs reblogging the OC.

    Of course the press will most likely pick it up soon as they monitor the blogs and then a few days after it breaks we will either get a no comment from the TSA or it didn’t happen they way she says.

    Either way we won’t know what really happened for sure without other people coming forward. I doubt anyone will.

    It is plausible of course, but who knows outside of her and the people involved?

    In these situations it helps to be either old looking, ugly and unkept. That way no one wants to touch you.

    My advice opt-out and arrive looking like a homeless person with scabies. They won’t want to pat you down for anything.

    Maybe there is a market for a scabies make-up kit? Hmmmm.


  9. BS says:

    Give me a damn break. This is nothing more than made up crap so this Free Talk Live can’t get some attention for their BS show. Get some damn facts that this really happened. BS BS BS.

  10. Lou Minatti says:

    I refuse to fly. I won’t allow my children to go through this. Shut down the TSA.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “Can find nothing on this story but blogs reblogging the OC.”

    I can find plenty of current stories about abusive TSA agents and policies from all sides of the political spectrum.

  12. Rider says:

    OR stunt, either that or we will find out she did something way over the line and they are now spinning the story.

    Not that I like what the TSA is doing just don’t trust some radio show.

  13. Lou Minatti says:

    “So what’s the problem?”

    I think most of us have a problem with strangers taking nude pictures of children and grandma… or have them be groped by other strangers. That is precisely what is going on now.

    We all laughed at that scene in Total Recall. Well, it’s come true, and it’s no laugh.

  14. Dallas says:

    I agree the Cheney administration created TSA needs to be disbanded.

    The most effective way to screen for terrorist at airports is the Israeli method of profile scanning using trained undercover agents.

    Unfortunately, like the military the TSA is now just another government jobs program that will live forever.

  15. Lou Minatti says:

    “I agree the Cheney administration created TSA needs to be disbanded.”

    My recollection is it was the Donks who were pushing for the creation of the TSA. Searching the newsgroup from 2001:

    “Bush Asks Congress Not to Federalize Air Screeners

    By Scott Lindlaw Associated Press Writer Saturday, October 27,
    2001; 10:10 AM

    President Bush asked Congress on Saturday to reject a proposal
    that would make all passenger and baggage screeners federal
    employees. He suggested indirectly that such a move could make
    it more difficult for managers to fire delinquent workers…

    The Senate bill and legislation introduced by House Democrats
    contain many of the same provisions. But the Senate bill would
    make all 28,000 airport screeners federal workers, allowing
    smaller airports to use local or state law enforcement
    officials. “

  16. NoAgenda Fan says:

    Probably similar disinformation like you guys did for No Agenda Shots on episode #250, about some “reports” of pedophiles joining TSA. I hated that bit btw. It makes you question the credibility of the show.

  17. Counterweight says:

    Dvorak – I hope you follow up on this story. I did a search and saw no verification. If she did something wrong, I’m sure TSA will quickly release their video. IF they did these things, there needs to be a lawsuit. If they truly tore up her airline ticket, there needs to be criminal charges. The airline will not replace that ticket gratis. So, in addition to a sexual assault (“twisting” her breasts?!?) she has suffered a financial loss – basically a robbery. I don’t know if the intimidation and handcuffing would make it aggravated or armed. Either way, a felony. IF this happened as she said (and I have to admit it had the ring of truth) then I hope she follows through and presses charges.

    If it DID NOT happen, I hope TSA presses charges for defamation or slander or whatever it is.

    We are spending BILLIONS of buck each year to fund an agency that seemingly wants to do nothing more than abuse us. Maybe we can get the new Repub Congress to defund them.

  18. Publius says:

    The 1991 Torture Victim Protection Act reaffirms the 1789 law and gives U.S. courts jurisdiction over claims by citizens involving torture or extra judicial killing occurring anywhere. Lawsuits can only go forward if the defendant is served legal papers while in the U.S.

    Now we know how to fight back against renegade government employees starting with this week’s confessed torturer.

    Start it by not letting this meme go away.

  19. jcostedpm says:

    John, I sent you an opt out story but this is not my Meg. She was delayed but not harassed. Seems there may be more to this than we are given here.

  20. JohnM says:

    The most important point of this is the statement wondering about how victims of violence are affected by these new devices and procedures. This population is clearly at risk for psychological relapse due to this kind of treatment. I am sure there are other populations that also have not been considered.

    I had to laugh at the statement wondering how showing up at the airport in a speedo would be handled.

  21. jbenson2 says:

    “It has to be a hoax.”

    Surprising to hear the Cranky Geek John C Dvorak believing that government employees could possibly be guilty of misconduct and use excessive force. Especially after all the Police Brutality videos he has posted.

  22. deowll says:

    The people posting this with no video have no agenda?

    I didn’t get one minute into this when I realized that the person on the phone was part of some sort of unsubstantiated event while the people posting this claiming to have no agenda clearly had an agenda.

    Since I don’t know what happened this is leave er right. Leave er right where I found it until I come across something to confirm or deny it.

  23. Jay says:

    I found a few news articles but if this is legit then I want to see the police incident report since she claims she was escorted out.

  24. jbenson2 says:

    This issue is not just a one person story. Websites on the sexual groping by government employees are popping up all over.

    The magnitude of the problem can be seen here:

    How many more weeks before the airlines start crying over the falling number of fliers?

    If the TSA maintains their hands-on policy full body search and groping during the Thanksgiving rush and the Christmas holidays, the outrage will reach critical mass.

  25. jbenson2 says:

    New U.S. guidelines put into effect two weeks ago no longer require air passengers to remove turbans if doing so makes them uncomfortable, the U.S. Transport Security Administration said.

    So it is racial profiling to frisk a large garment that can conceal a deadly weapon.

    But it is fine to sexually grope random travelers, especially the attractive ones.

  26. jbenson2 says:

    Remember when Bobbo was posting comments about the “silly hoomans” who were protesting the naked body scanners imaging wives and daughters?

    He seems to be strangely silent on this issue now.

  27. Burningsol says:

    Grandpa, some of us dont want to be rubbed down in the crotch! Shut it!

  28. msbpodcast says:

    Well don’t that take the wanderlust out of your shorts.

    But if you ain’t in a hurry, can rent cars and can kayak real well then can take you anywhere on this planet you want to go.

    I have friends I will NEVER see again because of shit like this. (Until my life expectancy is less than the growth time of various cancers anyways.)

    The only thing I feel good about is that the TSA goons will die faster (though they’ll save money on night lights.)

  29. RoeBoeDog says:

    We should all start filming the TSA while in the line from now on.

  30. spsffan says:

    Plane bad. Train good.

    I really don’t care who gets to take a peak or grope my goods, and we are far, far too prudish and uptight as a society, but I can understand those who would object. If that’s your feeling, stay home. Once only those with a rational view of the human body are the only ones left traveling, the skies will again be safe.


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