A Chinese activist who campaigned for compensation for victims of a 2008 contaminated baby milk scandal has been jailed for two-and-a-half years. Zhao Lianhai, whose child was among the 300,000 made ill by the milk, was convicted of inciting social disorder.

Mr Zhao founded a website to provide information for parents after it was found milk formula had been laced with the industrial chemical melamine to give it a high protein-content reading. At least six babies died.

“It is such a harsh sentence,” Mr Zhao’s lawyer Li Fangping told the Associated Press news agency.

He wasn’t an “activist” he was a dad. The Chinese have some explaining to do. The Chinese love children possibly more than any other culture (hence the population).

  1. cloewe says:

    #7 Breetai said

    Does anyone really care what that fairly useless organization based in New york has to say?


    Have you gotten out of your Mom’s basement yet?


  2. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well Cursor #32–should I say “right you are” or “its definitional” or “don’t get all technical on me” or “I was speaking in the nomimal case not the definitional one?”

    Rather contrarian for no point at all, I think thats called being irrelevant?

  3. Fred Ziffel says:

    bobbo, the evangelical anti-theis –

    Quiet Slave!

    Just be glad we in Canada are on top, that makes you our bitch!


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