A Chinese activist who campaigned for compensation for victims of a 2008 contaminated baby milk scandal has been jailed for two-and-a-half years. Zhao Lianhai, whose child was among the 300,000 made ill by the milk, was convicted of inciting social disorder.

Mr Zhao founded a website to provide information for parents after it was found milk formula had been laced with the industrial chemical melamine to give it a high protein-content reading. At least six babies died.

“It is such a harsh sentence,” Mr Zhao’s lawyer Li Fangping told the Associated Press news agency.

He wasn’t an “activist” he was a dad. The Chinese have some explaining to do. The Chinese love children possibly more than any other culture (hence the population).

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    He wasn’t an “activist” he was a dad. /// As in, you can’t be both?

    The Chinese have some explaining to do. /// They are commie oppressors. Next issue.

    The Chinese love children possibly more than any other culture (hence the population). /// BS.

    0 for 3. The kind of post that guy from Brazil was perfect for.

  2. hatemeifyouwantidon'tcare says:

    Completely agree, no need to say more.

    Wow that is very rare indeed.

  3. Dallas says:

    One reason I will never go to China as a tourist or shop in their outlet store (Walmart). I don’t care how Great their wall is.

  4. Fred Ziffel says:

    Best not offend your future masters. And Dallas, I have similar reasons for no longer visiting the US. 😉

  5. mike y. says:

    I think you mean the chinese government. Not the chinese.

  6. Luc says:

    John, this happened in China. What did you expect, freedom of expression in China?

  7. Breetai says:

    Take a good look at what your creating at home America. Quit being hypocrites

  8. Breetai says:

    Sorry if that came across like a knee to the groin but it’s true, and very important to me.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    The Chinese government is full of Arrogant Shitheads. I have to work with these jerks all the time and since they don’t believe in God they fancy they ARE God.

    And then you have Chinese businessmen. Hardly any difference.

    Lastly, the regular guy on the street, who are in general very pleasant sheeple.

  10. Faxon says:

    Fucking alien weird-ass Chinks.
    Fuck them all.
    And get them the fuck out of California.

  11. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #4–Fred==there are so many reasons to hate the USA. Care to name just a few?

    #7–Bretail==yes the USA/No Country is perfect. What’s your beef beyond class “inequities” the residue of slavery in the USA? We are becoming “more equal” and “less racial” in this country whereas many other countries are breaking down along ethnic, religious, racial, and tribal lines. Its very important to you??? So important you are muted? Ha, ha.

    #10–Faxon/Facts Off==maybe Freetail thinks all Americans are like you? That would be important to all of us. BTW–“f*ck them all” is exactly why there are so many Chinese, and evidently why they love their kiddies.

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    Welcome to China. It’s not a normal day over there unless something like this happens.

  13. Cursor_ says:

    “The Chinese have some explaining to do. /// They are commie oppressors. Next issue.”


    Please come out of the 1950s propaganda.


  14. Dallas says:

    #7 FAIL. Calling for dismissal of the death penalty is all I saw in your video. Comparing inmates sentenced to the death penalty with the example posted is a dog and cat comparison.

    I would agree however, that the Cheney administration Gitmo concentration camp undermines the pro civil liberties stance that the US is helping to promote world-wide.

    #4 So what country are you from? France?

  15. Fred Ziffel says:

    Sure but didn’t use the word “hate”, these are just a few reasons why I won’t cross the border(in no particular order):

    1. Patriot Act
    2. Militarism & Empire building
    3. Hostile border crossing
    4. Body Scanners @ airports
    5. Federal reserve destroying economies worldwide, and now, QE2.
    6. Highly Politicized.
    7. Xenophobia
    8. Imprisoning Marc Emery
    9. General lunacy demonstrated by choice of presidents, early and strong support for Iraq invasion…
    10. Hypocrisy when it comes to judging other countries.

    Could go on, this is just off the top of my head. Mind you, my best virtual friends are Americans, as are many of the people I admire (Lew Rockwell, Ron Paul) just wouldn’t cross the border to visit them.

  16. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #13–Cursor==the ChiComs aren’t commie oppressors? Ok, then what kind of oppressors would you call them? If you need help–why not go visit the guy that got arrested as per the posted lead? What do you call that?

    #15–Fred==thanks. Good List. Nice to see a LIEberTARD with something specific to back up their complaints besides being taxed. Seems to me your list is really a general complaint against all governments?

    I can’t imagine a president much worse than Ron Paul. Easy to admire certain personality traits IN A VACUUM but not exercising any power. Repeal equal rights legislation because businesses should be able to discriminate if they want to==let the market rule. Yes, you LIEberTARDS are a group of TARDS unto your own.

  17. chuck says:

    #16 – they aren’t “commie” oppressors any more. They’re just regular oppressors.

    Call them fascists, nazis, republicans, democrats, whatever.

  18. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well, just because they are winning a trade war against the rest of the world and the USA by allowing elements of individual greed into their state controlled single party asset allocated political system, makes them commies in my book.

    What? Am I being too conservative?

  19. Urotsukidoji says:

    I have family members who just returned from a 2 week visit to Beijing. They loved the place.

    P.S. All governments are fucked up in one way or another.

  20. Bobbo the Bully says:

    Check out my small penis.

  21. sargasso_c says:

    One child per family. Think about that.

  22. Fred Ziffel says:

    bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist said –
    You blew me away with your impeccable logic and well rounded argument. Here’s your cookie.

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    “can’t imagine a president much worse than Ron Paul.”

    I can. BHO

  24. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #22–Fred==I was gonna respond to each “complaint” but really it would be just an exercise find what countries were better/worse/about the same for each item. Just a meaningless exercise.

    How to sum it all up?

    To be fair: every country has pro’s and con’s about it. They both should be made better as resources/imagination/leadership/lack of corruption allows.

    I agree Canada has a lot going for it including the USA just South of it providing cover for most objectionable activities. Too cold up there for me.

    Ah Yea: good point.

  25. deowll says:

    Does the government of China actually care about the Chinese children? Some but not all that much.

  26. ® says:

    Smugly you put down China, like it couldn’t happen in the USA. Search “food slander laws” (or food disparagement) which makes such activity unlawful in 13 states. China has around 4 times as many people as the US. It has a mainly centralized totalitarian government that is embracing capitalism. The US has a [formerly?] democratic republic government that is embracing plutocracy. We’re heavily in debt to China (in part so we can buy bombs without taxing rich people).

    More about food slander (if you don’t want to read up on Oprah’s lawsuit) is all over the web. One sample:
    “Food Slander Laws

    It is now illegal to publicly criticize corporate food products under so-called “food disparagement” laws in 13 states. The milk and meat associations are poised to sue anyone who criticizes their products in Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan (passed just last week), Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas.

    They used these laws to sue Oprah Winfrey when she told the audience that she would not be purchasing any meat because of mad cow disease. After a 3 month battle in court, Oprah won. But she had to PROVE that she that she had made the statement based on a scientific reason. Without scientific reasons, she would have been found guilty of food slander.

    These laws have put a chill on small media companies and citizens who are worried about the high cost of defending themselves in a lawsuit. Books publications are also being dropped because authors can be sued.

    Some authors cannot find publishers willing to accept books that discuss the dangers of pesticides.

    Alec Baldwin, the actor, said he that several television channels (Discovery Channel) could not create a documentary about “The History of Food” because it would discuss pesticides, herbicides and some disputed practices used to raise beef. They didn’t want to deal with the lawsuits.

    These laws also make it illegal to hand out leaflets or to dump rBGH milk in public (called milk-dumping parties).”

  27. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #26–not to put too fine a point on it I think everyone would agree the food disparagement laws are a disgrace to the free speech rights of any free person. They should be struck down by the first judge hearing such a case–even on his own motion.

    But the situation posted above is about THE STATE JAILING PEOPLE for their free speech activities. Very different than losing money in a civil suit. Oprah won her lawsuit and found Dr Phil in the process. She may even have countersued and won, but don’t quote me.

    Quality of Life surveys/evaluations are interesting. USA used to be on top, now we are around 15th on the list and headed downward. Still about 185 more countries below the USA.

    Probably still true the USA is about the best if you are young, educated, and want a job. Not so good outside of those parameters.

  28. Publius says:

    Yes he was an “activist” and that’s the right thing to be as a dad whose son was poisoned by lack of regulation.

  29. MikeN says:

    Then the guy decided not to protest after hearing two words “Our Land”.

  30. mriegger says:


    I had never heard of “Food Slander Laws” before. Thats nuts, thanks for sharing that info. From what I can see, it doesn’t appear to exist in Canada.

    JCD should talk about it on NA or DH.


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