Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. Is the government lying about inflation?

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  1. Publius says:

    Official unemployment number is widely regarded to be a lie.

    Official inflation number is widely regarded to be a lie too.

    Reasons given for invading and occupying Iraq are widely regarded to be a lie.

    In summary the federal government has become widely regarded as a liar to the public on important “facts”.

    Just the other day I was telling my wife about this strange time we live in. I wonder if our society are in cusp of some kind of big change. Was it always like this?

  2. CaraNpaima says:

    It’s just the “thirdworldlization” of America on the way. Starting with Dumbya, many posts such as Irak’s stock market run by a just graduated know-nothing appointed by political reasons, the unbelievable chutzpah of Cheney et al of appointing his former company with multimillion, no-bid contracts, torture condoned, political prisoners locked up with no hope of a fair trial, shanty-towns sprouting all over, wiretaps, an increasingly arrogant and unaccountable police force, increasing wage inequality, false government statistics, an elite of family political dinasties (Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys…Quayles) perpetuating their power and privilege… Should I go on?

  3. @propensity says:

    With wages unfairly low in China, protectionism by USA is not the answer. Cmon JCD, you think more global than to believe that protectionist, isolationist dogma.

    Raising wages in China is the answer. It will take time… and China does not work to the same time-scale as the West. But it’s happening! There are not 10m bicycles in Beijing any more… they drive cars!

    China and USA need each other! Cheep goods from China allow USA to buy and use to generate wealth. China is not to blame for the mess the West is in.

    “Nothing to fear but fear itself”

    USA is a big market, not the only market, and protectionism sucks big time.

    Matt UK/Australia

  4. auroranorth says:

    We must remember the martyrs of November 9th

  5. ethanol says:

    @Alfred #3,

    You might be on to something. There problem is, which conspiracy theory is the right one?

    Also, this intentional obfuscation to placate the average citizen is deeply concerning…

  6. ArianeB says:

    The only way to understand this economy is that we have two economies. There is the investor, banker, millionaire economy where only 5% of the population plays. This economy worries about inflation, even though the vast majority of what is bought and sold are “contracts” for the buying and selling of more “contracts” like a giant house of cards that may ultimately have little value.

    Meanwhile, there is the real economy that the lower 95% of us live in which is actually deflating in every sector except food and energy. This economy is the economy that ultimately give the “contracts” value, and it is not improving.

    Most of the volume on the markets are investment banks buying and selling to other investment banks. They exist in isolation from the real world. Eventually someone is going to do the math and see that the stock market is seriously overvalued.

    So we have the GOP going into Congress promising to improve the economy. What they mean is they want to improve the investor, banker, millionaire economy, and have no interest in improving the real economy.

  7. Joe says:

    I hear a lot of news parroting in this recording but no real insight.

  8. ECA says:

    yes, the USA is devaluing the USA dollar to pay back China..
    WE have always done this after each war.

  9. deowll says:

    I found it informative. It is clear that the government is spreading disinformation about inflation, and employment.

    The true gold is being certain you can provide food, clothing and shelter for your family over the next few years and that may mean being able to grow it…If you lack land you may need to make friends with someone who does who will let you grow enough to live off.

    Having access to any meaningful level of heath care may turn out to be a fantasy.

  10. B. Dog says:

    I find the whole inflation thing troubling. I believe someone may be betting heavily on the complete collapse of the value of the Dollar.

  11. ECA says:

    Think about using FOOD as a weapon.
    The USA supplies 30% of the world food.
    we install Chemicals/additives/STUFF into the food in this country and charge a fortune for it.

    Haiti COMPLAINED about it.
    The USA walking in and under cutting ALL food prices for business STILL running in the country.

    I dont THINK those food exports are PAID FOR by the other countries, in the amounts WE PAY for food HERE. I get a REAL funny feeling we SUBSIDIZE IT..(you and I pay for it)


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