• MSFT Phone 7 on sale today. Hooray. The Zune phone arrives.
  • Toshiba showing off nice thin SSD drives.
  • Google giving away free in-flight Wi-Fi over the holidays.
  • Steve Ballmer unloading MSFT stock. Is he going to quit?
  • Sandy Bridge will be selling by the ton next year sez Intel.
  • HTC doing an app store.
  • SyFy network snubs Google.
  • Windows 1.0 anniversary.
  • Nokia retakes Symbian.
  • Queen Elizabeth on Facebook.

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  1. The Pirate says:

    MSFT Phone 7 on sale today.
    Golf clap.

    Toshiba showing off nice thin SSD drives.
    Thin is in. To bad it is only in for electronic components.

    Google giving away free in-flight Wi-Fi over the holidays.
    Golf clap.

    Steve Ballmer unloading MSFT stock. Is he going to quit?
    No. He is simply practicing self serving fiscal responsibility.

    Sandy Bridge will be selling by the ton next year sez Intel.
    Uh-huh. WTF else would they sez?

    HTC doing an app stoore.

    SyFy network snubs Google.
    MSM fail – again.

    Windows 1.0 anniversary.

    Nokia retake Symbian.
    Nokia mounts Sybian. – fixed that for ya.

    Queen Elizabeth on Facebook.
    Just don’t poke her ass.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    This loyal subject welcomes Her Majesty’s most gracious patronage of Facebook and sincerely hopes that madam finds time in her busy schedule to consider Dvorak Uncensored.

  3. foobar says:

    “Roger the Corgi humped Charles’ leg again. We smirked quietly to ourselves while Camilla soothed his addled nerves.” – QE2

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    WTF is “Zune”?

  5. Gildersleeve says:

    Ballmer’s putting in new floors I bet. Or maybe new windows (nyuk nyuk). Anyway profit taking is what you’re supposed to do every now and then.

  6. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Windows doesn’t become popular until 1990 with Windows 3.0.


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