The Transportation Security Administration won’t let passengers check or carry on any bags with toner and ink cartridges that weigh more than 16 ounces, the TSA said Monday.

“This ban will also apply to certain inbound international air cargo shipments as well,” TSA Secretary Janet Napolitano said in a statement.

“Further, all cargo identified as high risk will go through additional and enhanced screening. These measures also impact inbound international mail packages, which must be screened individually and certified to have come from an established postal shipper,” she said.

Does anyone but me think that the “terrorists” are making us look like old ladies. Oh wait, Janet N. is an old lady. Never mind.

  1. Totally Afraid of Everything says:

    Everything shipped by airfreight could be a bomb…

    Now when I get a package at the door… I really think, as I open it up,
    “Please don’t blow up”…

    I guess they have already won.

    That’s not normal is it?

  2. Skippy says:

    I should smuggle some explosives inside an annoying, crying child, then maybe they’d ban loud kids on my flights.

  3. When are these clowns going to realize that in a free society it never ends
    How can we let these people (?) overseas continue to intimidate us
    Can these small time minds imagine what the costs to our society and economy are ? and how they add up
    Go bother someone else

  4. Bob says:

    #3 lol, think of it as taking one for the team. You would be in jail but the rest of us would be free from the annoyance. While you are at it could you do the same to a few lard asses that take up two seats but only pay for one. Thanks.

  5. Nobodyspecial says:

    It’s a good job that a bomb could never be hidden in a laptop computer or a mobile phone – otherwise businessmen would never be able to fly and airlines would go bust.

    Better keep checking the breast milk and nail clippers

  6. The Watcher says:

    Disregarding carry on and air freight in non-passenger aircraft, luggage storage bins are available that are essentially bomb-proof. They’re not cheap, and suck up some cargo space (and add some weight), but it becomes a non-problem. Since they’re ripping us off for carrying luggage anyway (carry on or checked), adding a buck or two to pay for the bins seems sensible.

    Carry on luggage is already checked…. Pure freight aircraft, other than the crew, are expendable….

    But they’ll do something goofy like banning toner cartridge instead…. What about a carton of cigarettes?

    (They won’t ban laptops until somebody puts a fair sized bomb inside one that still works normally. If nobody’s already done that….)


  7. GF says:

    This is like watching a Keystone Kop film. I half expect to see Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin rise from the dead and show up at a Homeland Security briefing.

  8. Bhelverson says:

    “Does anyone but me think that the “terrorists” are making us look like old ladies.”

    Nope. Old ladies have class and dignity and would NEVER allow a complete stranger to touch them or rifle through their undies.

    Instead, the “terrorists” are making us look like a bunch of Goddamned Pussies.

  9. Arne Jensen says:

    The US is the laughingstock of the rest of the world.

    Stupid idiots.

    Next time, I would ship some explosives in a whine-bottle – or a MacBook! “No More Imports for You”!

    Ha-ha-ha -ha-ha

  10. rabidmonkey says:

    I agree with “Totally Afraid of Everything” when he said:

    “Everything shipped by airfreight could be a bomb…”

    Why do they have to ban toner cartridges outright if security measures caught the problem anyways? Banning every single device in which a bomb was caught within is being reactive rather than proactive. We will always be 1 step behind the terrorists if we play-along like this. What terrorist is going to continue using toner cartridges as a vehicle now with this ban in place? They will simply think of something new to place it in and move on. Then we will ban whatever new item that was. We are playing a game of “whack-a-mole” and acting like scared little fools at this point.
    It’s a charade to make us feel ‘safer.’

  11. greggyx says:

    um has anyone missed this? who the hell takes toner cartridges or a printer onto an aircraft???
    A stationery rep?
    Can you not send an email to get printed?Or get it printed at your destination?

    If the ban wasn’t put in place would you be scathing if one had got onboard and blown up?


  12. rabidmonkey says:

    I didn’t proofread enough. I left out the word “ban” in my first question.

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  13. rabidmonkey says:

    They should just ban EVERYTHING. Air-travel, taxi’s, trains, rent-a-cars, ski’s, shoes, hot-air balloons, etc. We would be much safer if we never went anywhere at all. We should all rot away in our homes hunched in front of our computers posting comments on various blogs as we complained about the state of the nation…. . . . OH (-:

  14. Cursor_ says:

    Always look on the bright side people…

    The terrorists use printer supplies for bombs. The government bans them. Forces offices to finally go completely paperless. Less trees get killed and we have more breathable air and forests to reduce carbon… hey stop wait a friggin minute!

    This is Gore’s work isn’t it? Damn you Al Gore!


  15. Rob Leather says:

    Yeah, because clearly they are going to keep using the same plan over and over.

    What a bunch of morons the TSA are…. is that the correct collective term?

  16. foobar says:

    Yup, this will intimidate the hell out of them. They won’t fuck with the US now.

  17. dmstrat says:

    I figured out the real acronym for TSA – Train Station Advocates

  18. Counterweight says:

    Sorry. You can’t carry that toner on board. Now take off your shoes and let me grab your nuts.

    Meanwhile in the back room:
    Mr TSA Officer: See I told you I was bigger than average.
    Ms TSA Officer: I’m not sure. Let me see that last one again.
    Mr TSA: You want I should print that out for you?
    Ms TSA: Yeah. Can you zoom in first?

  19. MikeN says:

    Why would anyone take toner aboard a plane? Wouldn’t the turbulence ruin it?

  20. chuck says:

    Dear Al-Qaeda:

    Please, please, please attempt to smuggle explosives inside or using the following objects:

    1. Fat guys.
    2. Women’s underwear.
    3. TSA guard.
    4. Full-body-scanner.
    5. Bobbo.

  21. bobbo, I will not compute in the cloud nor on proprietary equipment says:

    Everyone does recognize we would be “better off” to let the terroists blow up a major skyscraper every 10 years than what we are doing to protect against it? Its spending $10 to protect a one dollar asset. As to the lives–that is what being in a war is all about.

    Silly Hoomans==very bad at risk assessment and response.

  22. ECA says:

    For those that understand it..

    WHO needs a bomb..
    2 small enough to cause a reaction, that could Burn a Whole threw the plane, or ignite aluminum.
    Enough to cause damage to the planes…THATS all you need to cause a panic..
    2 dry chemicals, using friction to ignite, is enough to cause problems..

    IF these Bozo’s ever take a High school Chem class from MY TIME…they woulnt be flying.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    ECA: a magnesium shavings fire, which is stupid-simple.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Here’s the problem — the terrorists can hide explosives into just about anything and everything.

    Are we going to ban everything?

    No, the front line in national security is identifying and stopping radicals BEFORE they attack.

  25. ECA says:

    DEFINE radicals..
    Which is the problem.

    Pay your ticket online, SHOW UP, and they deny you access. And you cant get your ticket price back.

  26. TWfromWI says:

    I can’t believe the conspiracy theorists missed this. It’s not about bombs. It’s the printer manufacturers trying to shut down the 3rd party consumables suppliers.

  27. ECA says:

    Could be..

    Who remembers a corp TRYING to make 3rd party Ink/refills??
    AINT heard nothing in 2-3 years now.

  28. Publius says:

    I don’t want terrorism at all, but if it must happen again, LET’S HOPE IT’S A BRA DEVICE.

    Stewardesses, please demonstrate the removal procedures!

  29. Mr Fog says:

    # 28 Publius – LET’S HOPE IT’S A BRA DEVICE.

    Interesting point. Why are we still allowed to wear underwear on planes?

  30. andersix says:

    Uh. When was the last time you purchased toner carts from Yemen or Somalia? Hello, HP? 😉


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