Obviously, a black man in a low wage job, the sole support for his family, would also get this deal.

A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardise his job, it has been revealed.

Martin Joel Erzinger, 52, was set to face felony charges for running over a doctor who he hit from behind in his 2010 Mercedes Benz, and then speeding off.

But now he will simply face two misdemeanour traffic charges from the July 3 incident in Eagle, Colorado.

His victim, Dr Steven Milo, 34, is meanwhile facing ‘a lifetime of pain’ from his injuries.

But prosecutors claim the decision is theirs to make.

‘Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger’s profession, and that entered into it,’ he said.

  1. nunyac says:

    If “google maps/Highway 6, Eagle, CO” is about where the accident occurred, then the Doc was riding a bicycle on a state highway which usually have a speed limit of 55 mph. I wonder if the county prosecutor saw the criminal prosecution as potentially difficult and used the civil cause to side step it.

  2. shade says:

    This is more a case of media spin than the rich getting away with things, the class five felony he could have made a plea for would have dropped off his record if he satisfied certain conditions, since there was no alcohol or drugs involved the conditions would have been restitution and good behavior, the district attorney made the decision to go with two misdemeanors that would remain on his record, carry up to a year in prison and restitution to the victim.

  3. Mr. Show says:

    Too big to jail?

  4. Cursor_ says:

    So if you don’t have enough money to pay for restitution you should go to jail?

    That sure is handy.


  5. MikeN says:

    He learned from Congress, where they decided Timothy Geithner’s job as Treasury Secretary was too important to deal with his tax cheating.

  6. Benjamin says:

    You can also run into people with impunity if afterward you stop immediately and report the accident. Hit and run is the worse you can do. If you are not drunk and have insurance you probably won’t go to jail.

  7. David says:

    Hmm, he hit the doctor, stopped to call in a repair to his bumper, then claims he didn’t know he hit anyone?

  8. Camacho says:

    Bey Bobbo, if a wealthy banker wants to run over you, which brand or model would you prefer?


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