The Allied Pilots Association has announced that it will boycott full body scanners at airports, citing health risks.
The world’s largest association of pilots has gone to war following the suspension of an American pilot for refusing to be scanned, as well as fears that that scanners could emit twenty times more radiation than that of which was previously announced by authorities who introduced them. It now has called on its members to demand a “pat down” search rather than expose themselves to the increased radiation from scanners. The moves have been backed by privacy organisation Big Brother Watch, which warned that scanners were a danger.
Alex Deane, director of the civil liberties campaign group said: “Scanners are dangerous. There’s a reason that the nurse stands behind a screen when you get an x-ray at hospital. Radiation is potentially harmful, even in small doses, and the regularity with which frequent flyers are exposed to potentially cancer-causing radiation.
“If pilots aren’t going to be scanned, why should members of the public? This stance from a professional group, the world’s leading association of pilots, must shake the government out of its absurd position on scanners.
He also warns that in the UK alone you “cannot opt for a pat-down search instead of a scan” The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, which includes the European Commission, International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency and the World Health OrganiSation has written a report that states that Air passengers should be made aware of the health risks of airport body screenings.
It also says governments must explain any decision to expose the public to higher levels of cancer-causing radiation as well as noting that pregnant women and children should not be subject to scanning.
My prediction is they will exempt pilots from this, but not the rest of the herd.
What does “if you can’t trust the Pilot” mean? Pilots have hijacked airliners in the past.
Pilots are already “exposed” to 7-8 dental xrays worth of extra xrays on every flight they take lacking the atmosphere to shield them.
Who knows what cumulative effect of what watered-down regulations will be??
Seems the alternative of a pat down is more than reasonable–for the public too. I would take the xrays as my other exposure is minimal.
Get in your car instead, and drive. Let’s all go back to the wonderful 50’s.
The era of rock and roll, Highway 50, Real milkshakes, and real hamburgers delivered by girls on roller skates.
In his book, “Faster”, Tom Gleick pointed out that before there was a way to deliver a package overnight, the world existed just fine without the need for something to “absolutely, positively” be there overnight.
Can’t you all see it, people? The world is fucked up, and getting more fucked up every day.
Time to pull back from the insanity.
Withdraw, and arm yourselves, sheeple.
Faxon/Fact Off–how is arming yourself and barricading yourself in the back woods going to get your overnight mail delivered any faster?
You jest ain’t makin’ no sense boy!
Ha, ha. Stoopid backwoods white cracker.
Lets see…
Who remembers the history of the Xray machine?
Its use for everything from SHOE SIZE to PALM READING.. Exposing MILLIONS to xrays, and NO SHIELDING. And you wonder about radiation/cancer from PAST exposure.
Who HERE understands about SOUND…Low freq sound can penetrate the body and DAMAGE the internals.
Think of it this way..
WHICH moves MORE..your BASS or your twitter?
The trick is that BOTH, can cause damage..
Bobbo, by justifying the TSA security theater you are submitting to the terrorist’s will, in your mind they have won. Please rethink your ball situation and get back to us. The rest of us will pummel any effin terrorist to the floor of the aircraft if the need presents itself.
Bring the troops home! We have a little liberty and anti-American problem in Washington DC. area that needs attention. Voting isn’t getting the problem solved.
A pilot holds your life in their hands by default. I would think they have earned a certain degree of trust, wouldn’t you agree?
Oh, that’s right, I’m talking to bobbo, the only pilot I would NOT get on a plane with. He’d be busy arguing with the flight tower about the color of the sky.
When did this airline terrorism thing get to be so retarded-ass? We think we can fix the problem by either (1)- Subjecting passengers to dangerous and humiliating searches, or, (2) Using sophisticated, expensive weapons to kill “potential” terrorists from afar. These clearly don’t form the solution.
I live this quote from above:
“Can’t you all see it, people? The world is fucked up, and getting more fucked up every day.
Time to pull back from the insanity.
Withdraw, and arm yourselves, sheeple.”
I thought these scanners used millimeter waves, not x-rays…
#8, what’s the difference?
Maybe I can google that myself.
I want to know who makes these machines. The answer will tell us who (among many) have the influence to cram something like this down America’s throat.
If we were serious about airline security, the TSA employees would be Federal employees. As it stands now, the job is important enough to give the TSA unlimited power over us and our possessions but not quite important enough to treat them as valued employees. But maybe stealing from luggage is a “fringe benefit” to accompany their minimum wage.
And while we are at it, who is profiting from the TSA? Someone is making a killing here.
#5–pirate==how am I justifying TSA theater by saying what they don’t want to do is the way to go? On the “Non Sequiter” post below I say TSA is a joke and all that is needed is a locked cockpit door. I see 99% of the Homeland Security Response as FUD/pandering/ineffectual and not doing what needs to be done==profiling and linked computer systems. Whatever.
#6–McCullough==you take the world too simply. Terrorists masquerading as pilots for example. Two class system where Pilots/Stewardesses/Maintenance all get exceptions?–or a simple rule that is easy to enforce? “All personnel past this point…..”
I’ve never heard a tower give the sky color. Ha, ha. Thinking about it, I’ve never argued with Tower or even ground control. Instructive what happens when everyone takes responsibility.
Boobo – yes I am aware your opinion spans a plethora of contradictions generally speaking, but I was using what you said in this thread, “Seems the alternative of a pat down is more than reasonable–for the public too. I would take the xrays as my other exposure is minimal.” (post #1) as the reason why I think you have no balls.
I am awaiting TSA confirmation from your last walk-thru body scan for the evidence.
Pirate==you’ve been too long at sea. I’m balancing the perceived need for security with individual freedom as much as possible. So, have a screening process (Yes, pro TSA) but allow for manual more time consuming pat down (which is anti-TSA)for those who want that option.
For myself, I fear not for my balls as my total cumulative exposure is well within limits so I prefer not being fondled by TSA types ((another hit against loving the TSA as you have bifurcated the world).
What? You can only juggle one ball at a time and right now its in your right hand???
Ha, ha. Balancing conflicting goals. Too hard for some.
Everyone should reject these things as they either do not work nor reduce the risk something will get snuck on board.
Everyone should reject physical searches unless given reasonable suspicion someone has something to hide.
These provisions don’t even come into force when you go on a private flight which creates a special class and is therefore illegal (to my totally non-legal mind).
Remember the real reason behind all these non-effective measures: be afraid. It’s time someone stood up for their proper human rights.
Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for security deserve neither.
You are part of the problem bobbo, lack of balls aside.
Lets see..
DEPRESSED pilot wishes to DIE and BLOW UP PLANE..
WHY, USE anything..
POINT the plane AT THE GROUND, and DIE..
Do they REALLY think that the PILOT is going to use a bomb? He dont have to.
I think it would be better to be IN CONTACT with the pilot and decide if he is depressed.
To the poster who wondered who was benefiting from these machines financially: Michael Chertoff, ex-Homeland Dept head and King of the Undead, is heavily invested in the company that makes these machines -probably other Homeland Security/TSA/government types are as well. Nothing in the country is as secure as their wallets.
Pirate–following the sirens’ call? Here’s another aphorism for you: Those who would sacrifice a little time thinking, post like unthinking hypocrites.
The real world and its real choices, a challenge for too many.
Silly Hoomans.
I am a pilot for a major airline that flies out of JFK, IAD, and BOS among other airports frequently.
A couple of observations for the occasional flier.
Pilots and flight crews are security screened (more on that in a moment). Baggage handlers, cleaners, mechanics etc. aren’t. They swipe a n access card and are in the secure area Yet they have unlimited access to airliners to leave behind anything in any place. The TSA answer- Its too inconvenient to search them. !!!!!!!
If a pilot has evil on his mind, unless this machine can read minds, what are you going to take out of his/her bag to make the plane safer? Keep in mind the cockpit door is Kevlar reinforced and there is an axe in there as standard equipment.
Pilots all undergo a 10 year FBI background check before entering the cockpit. The Israeli airline security model is generally accepted as the best. Are their pilots subjected to search?
TSA security should be concerned with WHO I am, not WHAT is in my bag. I have the biggest weapon in my control- 170,000 pounds of kinetic energy and aviation fuel!
I frequently ask TSA agents who is more concerned about security, them or me? They get the answer wrong every time.
I’m with Ben Franklin – “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
I would add, I’d much prefer reigning in the military/industrial complex so we wouldn’t have to worry about our safety so much.
And while I support the pilots in this, it’s still a choice between getting your genitals nuked vs groped, unacceptable.
#9, the difference between millimeter waves and x-rays is that millimeter wave radiation has about a millionth the energy of x-rays. It’s in the radio frequency band. Much safer than x-rays. Oh wait, I forgot that wireless routers and cell phones transmit with wavelengths even longer than millimeter and they cause electromagnetic hypersensitivity and brain tumors.
Imagine the job of the poor body scanner monitor: For every hot body you stand to ogle, you’re exposed to hundreds of unattractive travelers you would NOT want to see without their clothing, and it’s your job to look closely! No thank you, that’s right down there with being a proctologist…
Boobo – Ejaculating words to simply ejaculate doesn’t help your case. Frankly hearing your words are like a falling tree in a forest, I thought I may have heard something but probably not.
The real world exists, the choices you make in kowtowing to the TSA whittle away at my freedoms as well as yours, please stop the rape and grow a pair.
None of the TSA BS prevents anything. It is one big feel good jobs program with fairly limited return on the dollar. Big Sis is a traitor to her oath as a public servant, and servant she is, someone should remind her of it.
I assure you an old fashion metal detector is all that is needed. Any terrorist attempt at FL300 will result in said terrorist(s) face planting the floor post haste. The era of blind compliance is so very much over.
The era of blind compliance **on an actual aircraft** is so very much over.
Fixed that for myself.
Pirate–you are staring to sound like a LIEberTARD==everything you want is a “freedom” issue and everything you don’t want is a “slavery” issue.
There is NO right, NO liberty interest in flying without inspection on airplanes. Silly to be so self absorbed in such issues: makes you unqualified to opine on Constitutional Issues when your approach is so ego driven. Let us all know the next time you are going to fly anywhere. I for one would like to watch you stand up for your liberty rights. Ha, ha. What a dolt.
Sadly, you aren’t alone.
Sticks and stones brother. Weak sauce.
Pirate–weak sauce as you will, covering the beef still.
There is plenty of substance you ignore. I can only assume that since you make no argument, you have none to give.
I’m sure you won’t learn from this but instead will make the very same argument again on the next occasion.
You should play yourself on these exchanges, not the hapless soul you may ensnare.
How are you to ever become a better person?
Thats all you got? Name calling? k.
Each time I fly, it is about $1000 of my fucking money.
If, at any time in the future, I feel mishandled by the “process”, including the airline personnel, I will stop spending my money on them.
Flying is physically painful alone, something I don’t like to do. Add more pain, mental, physical, whatever, and I’m done. You bastards are on notice.
If the danger is what everyone would have us think it is, then why are planes still flying?
If there was a danger that Twinkies would explode randomly, shooting cake and filling in all directions at 150 mph, they’d be off the market in two shakes.
But the terrorists are apparently, at every moment, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, trying to board planes in every airport in the USA, and the “process” is stemming the flood of these evildoers. And the crack work of people on duty is keeping these bad people in check. And I’m paying for this protection.
You are the pilot, YOU DONT need a @#$@$@# BOMB, an airplane IS A BOMB..
?? YOU asked for it, ya got it.. they dont care.