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Who was overseeing the government while it racked up $13 Trillion dollars in debt?
Enron was a drop in the bucket compared to this, as was the Gulf oil spill. The home mortgage crisis was a direct result of government “oversight” in the home mortgage lending industry.
I don’t the logic behind this strip. Probably me…?
#1 Most of the debt damage was done by Republicans. The big national debt explosions were under Reagan, and Bush II. Nixon was a major player by taking the US off gold during Vietnam. Since he is clever we have to book that cost as an externality.
#1 said “The home mortgage crisis was a direct result of government “oversight” in the home mortgage lending industry.”
There was oversight of mortgage brokers?
There was oversight of “no documentation” loans?
There was oversight of the bundling of home loans by Wall Street banks?
There was oversight of the credit rating agencies?
There was oversight of Freddie and Fannie?
There was oversight of AIG’s unit selling insurance against the CDOs?
Really? I mean get serious.
Hey Obumhole lover… get it straight.. YOU LOST. YOU are the fringe. Nobody agrees with your useless whining. Put an extra layer on your tinfoil hat and SHUFFLE OFF. All of America is now the flyover state. Get used to being pitied, loser.
Of course what we have already spent on Freddie and Fanny is just the down payment. They have about doubled the bill since the last buy out because the people providing over sight didn’t learn jack.
In fact we had government oversight during every one of the failures in oversight named. The problem was the people in charge weren’t doing their jobs. Did any of them get fired?
The Health care reform bill is the worst and most toxic sort of ponzi scheme and that got passed with flying colors.
I think the biggest lie I’ve ever heard may have been when Nancy P. said that she had worked hard to reduce the deficit. If she believed what she said she has dementia.
Just the gas bill on the passenger airliner she had set up for her private use flying to and from CA every week was something like $600,000.
And you seriously expect sane people to put their trust in people like that?
Who watches the Watchmen…?
#5: Let’s see… The dems still control the senate, the majority of the Tea Party folks lost, as Latino and other minority registration grows they overwhelmingly become dems… Yep, you won !
Oh, I’m an independent by the way.
“Who was overseeing the government while it racked up $13 Trillion dollars in debt?”
Bush… 9.5 Trillion
Obama… 1.2 Trillion
#2 I’m with you… Seems to me to be written by a) big government is good type guy
b) someone with a brush broader than Texas and a looming deadline.
It’s funny because it’s so true!
Millions of pages of Federal Regs and no mention at all of banking, energy production or natural resource extraction!
What were they thinking leaving those sectors in perfect anarchy?!!!
Har! Har!
But, of course, all of those guys had tons of government oversight. It just wasn’t efficient and effective. “Government” and “efficient and effective” never go in the same sentence. What the Tea Party asks is if government is always failing who or what can we use that will be effective. Surely not MORE government.
Oh, and I now know why Barack Obama fits in so nicely in Washington D.C. He’s really Jimmy Carter in a disguise.
And no one asks why the banks are still getting bailed out. Well… I guess Dylan Ratigan is but he’s a lying douchebag As soon as another real contender against the banksters shows he’ll beat the shit out of them with a bunch of did you beat your wife questions like he did the Tea Party in the early days and then claim later he was for what they stood for.
Its been said already but I’ll slightly rephrase for emphasis: lots of confusion between “Big Government” (ie–I suppose mostly related to % of GDP or the tax rate) verses “Effective Government” (ie–having criminals going to jail until voluntary compliance becomes the industry standard instead of just the opposite).
So, will we ever improve if Republicans can sell an anti-big government campaign to its base when re-regulating Big Finance (ie–criminal corps who have to be bailed out when they fail because failure to do so creates an even bigger harm), suspending oil drilling in the Gulf to assess the situation, or taxing oil to encourage development of alt energy.
No body is “for” taxes. For some reason, too many people equate TAXES with Big Government with Unnecessary Regulation. The terms get used interchangeably in a miasma of bumper sticker driven idiot voters such as those posting here in like vein.
Cutting their own throats with smug self righteousness: Silly Hoomans!
How to make people think, “It wasnt as bad as we thought”? MAKE it WORSE, and then let them survive it.
The LAWS of the people have been MADE..
The only laws needed NOW are those for Corps..
Control and regulate them, and PROTECT THE PEOPLE.
There is a Difference between PROFIT and CONSUMER BASED economy.
Lord knows, we Pissed off Many corps by putting in the Pollution regulations from the 60-70’s..
WE were killing Ourselves and the employees that WORKED in many companies.
First – the cartoon is called “Non Sequitur” which is Latin for ‘does not follow’ – basically a non sequitur is a statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it. So, the cartoon’s punchline is quite accurate. The artist obvioulsy was trying to get us to realize that big government has proven inaffective and we should strive for getting more from less government.
By the way – the BP oil spill was hardly a disaster – except for BP.
2008 Government Oversight (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Bill Clinton’s Community Reinvestment Act) Drag The USA Into A Deep Recession
Love the teabagger hat on the right.
#22 Get your head out of your ass about a presidential trip and focus on the big issues.
Even if true (it isn’t), that expenditure is 95% being paid anyway to the military – a government jobs program. Why aren’t you supporting our troops?
We have government oversight?
deowll: the gas bill on the passenger airliner she had set up for her private use
Waitaminute…who set up that plane, and why? And who was crying the other day because he now gets his own private plane?
The level of disconnect between reality and political bullshit is just amazing. We’ve become a country of idiots, forgetting that while we each have respectable opinions, we don’t get to chose our own reality and facts. Thanks, Fox News, for helping with this.
History shows us that Republican policies simply don’t work.
We have, simultaneously, too much government and too little government.
Dallas wants to restrict our freedom of speech when it comes to discussing Obama’s boondoggle of a farce trip to India.
Dallas wrote:
#22 Get your head out of your ass about a presidential trip and focus on the big issues.
In other words, Dallas does not want us to say anything that will embarrass his messiah. Just get back to his B.D.S. obsession.
Here is a little gem that popped up when Obama met with CEO’s from India companies.
MR. KANSAGRA: Thank you. Welcome, Mr. President, to India. As a fellow Kenyan, I’m very proud to see that you have made —
THE PRESIDENT: Made something of myself. (Laughter.)
MR. KANSAGRA: — India as the focus of your drive for exports out of the U.S.
So, now we are finding out the real reason the “Kenyan” is spending the outrageous amount of our money in India. Move more USA jobs to India.
The first experiments in conservative de-regulation was Savings and Loans under Reagan.
Of course, the S*Ls failed and we tax payers picked up the tab while conservative insiders got filthy rich.
This was the model for conservative economic policy ever sense.
Somehow only Enron managed to get away with it? Or perhaps they were more desperate because their gambling schemes didn’t pay off, as well as their push for a carbon trading market?
Also, Enron didn’t go bankrupt because of any fleecing of customers. They went bankrupt because of their bets on oil prices, instead of just being a neutral broker.
Barney Frank’s letter to Pres Bush I think shows it was Democratic failure to allow the government to oversee Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae that was the problem.
I’d complain about the third as overstating things, but unfortunately the definition of decimate is not what people think it is, so you end up correct by accident.
#13 “You guys shipped all the good paying jobs overseas…..”
According to Obama your fears are outdated and unwarranted. So now can we drop the ‘all our jobs went overseas and destroyed our economy’ argument?
Govt Oversight? You kidding? You have a govt of saints? Like anyone else, those in govt are going to line their pockets, they don’t give a crap about doing the right thing. And besides, the credit mess was created BY the Fed, a chartered private cartel of banksters. You want to clean up problem, make sure that those who create the mess have to pay the price, and govt wont’ do that for you, they’ll sell you out to the owners.
The “lack of government oversight” was the result of big government.
Imagine you’re running a small business. You hire 1 accountant to do the books. And you double-check the books yourself to make sure he’s not cheating you.
Now imagine a larger business. You can’t afford to have a dozen full-time accountants so you hire an accounting firm, and occasionally have another accounting firm do an audit. Since you’ve got professionals working for you, you don’t bother checking the books yourself anymore.
Big government is like an enormous corporation. In fact, it is a big corporation. The individuals we’ve elected to be the “government oversight” have decided the job is too big and complicated and handed it over to “the professionals”. And the professionals are robbing us blind.
The only benefit that smaller government gives us is that there is less to steal.