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[I really like it. . . . – ed.]
The guy in the video is doing it wrong. My advice:
Only pick out the well cooked items from the rotating conveyor-belt in front of you.
Forks have been available since at least Roman times – it’s ok to ask for one if not immediately available.
A swig of beer is better for cleansing the palette than chewing on a stick of ginger.
Relax and enjoy.
Should be titled How to Eat Edo-Style Sushi like a Snobby Hipster.
I occasionally partake of sushi, but I’m more of a fried fish and hushpuppy guy. I can’t pass up a Shriners fish fry.
#1 The particle “wa” is written with the character “ha.” それはすごいねえ。
So, you’re telling me putting it in my mouth was all wrong?
I’ll keep saying this until you get it right: I like my sushi well done.
I am more of the chopstick and dip type of guy myself :). Anyway I was under the impression that in japan touching food with your fingers was shunned on.
Rolls are for watching baseball.
Sushi is for the garbage disposal period.
#10: Tastes vary, but sushi is pretty good stuff. When I can afford it, I like sushi.
ANd for God’s sake, don’t order a California Roll. That’s not sushi. You might as well just order fish-n-chips.
I have eaten a ZILLION pieces of sushi in Japan, with Japanese so I was ready to criticize this video but I think he gets it right.
One small point though — I don’t remember the Japanese bring too worried about the respect of the sushi chef. That seems to be more of an American thing.
Sushi is best when eaten by someone else. Preferably not my date. Please tell me why raw fish is so damned much more expensive than cooked?
>> Yankinwaoz said, on November 7th, 2010 at 7:47 am
>> ANd for God’s sake, don’t order a California Roll. That’s not sushi. You might as well just order fish-n-chips.
It depends on your view of culture — is it static or is is dynamic?
If you define Japanese culture by the Meiji period or something, then, of course, California Roll isn’t real sushi.
But I see it differently — Japanese culture has gone global and California Roll is as authentically Japanese as is, let’s say, baseball and pop girl bands.
I’m going to stick with hotdogs.
>> Maricopa said, on November 7th, 2010 at 8:03 am
>> Sushi is best when eaten by someone else. Preferably not my date. Please tell me why raw fish is so damned much more expensive than cooked?
It’s pretty interesting (and absurdly indulgent and un-green) how they airlift a fish halfway around the world to the sushi restaurants in Japan.
Of course the sushi we eat isn’t given that same treatment but keeping a fish fresh from sea to restaurant is more expensive than fish sticks.
On Haight St, forty years ago, there was a Fish and Chips place that had hippies lining up for a block. Real huge pieces of deep fried Cod or Haddock. Huge servings of greasy chips, served in a large wax lined newspaper page. Doused with really good vinegar. $1.50.
Later on, I ate Sushi like a good little Liberal puke. Did the wasabi/soy mix thing, otherwise ate it right. No chopsticks. Got to the point where I had to eat a huge bag of popcorn before going to eat sushi, because I could not afford to eat enough of the crap.
I’ll take the English version of fish any day.
Americans can eat it any damn way they please. We settled that issue in August 1945.
Faxon, Lighthouse Fish and Chips?
Everything tastes better when you’re stoned. 😉
“I have eaten a ZILLION pieces of sushi….”
You must be a huge fan.
I’d never seen a lunch counter in a bait shop before.
Sushi was invented so that straight men could be desensitised to the taste and smell of vagina.
#20 That might be it. And, of course, we all were.
Risks of eating raw fish…
Anisakis and other parasites:
Human infection by Anisakis simplex (herring worm) and other nematodes, or roundworms, is caused by eating certain raw or undercooked fish. Ingestion of the worm can result in severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting within hours of ingestion and has been misdiagnosed as appendicitis or other stomach diseases. If the worms don’t get coughed up or vomited out, they can burrow into the walls of your intestines and cause a localized immune response. The worms eventually die and are removed by the immune system. In severe cases, physical removal of the worms by endoscopy or surgery is needed to reduce the pain. They can in rare, severe cases cause anaphylactic shock as well. Albendazole may be used to treat mild cases.
Vibrio species:
The bacterial species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been associated with consumption of raw or undercooked fish and shellfish, particularly oysters. Infection by these bacteria can cause symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, and chills. The infection is usually self limiting and typically does not require antibiotics.
Another Vibrio species, Vibrio vulnificus, has been found in oysters, clams, and crab. In healthy people, ingestion of this microbe can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, but in people with liver disease or weakened immune systems, the microbe can enter the bloodstream, causing the life-threatening condition of septicemia.
oops, that was from:
I buy my sushi at a grocery store, I eat it with a fork while sitting on my couch, I cleanse my palate with Yuengling and that prissy turd can kiss my butt.
The key to sushi is the place you get it. A good sushi place is crazy busy all day. My fav is like a subway brand counter but with 5-6 people making rolls.
The one I describe is also cheap.
High dollar sushi is only going to be good from a place that is obviously generous with the employees. If you want to sell fresh uncommon fish at market rate you are going to have huge wastage costs. Stuff that is already off a plane from south africa or asia needs to be used now. If the extra isn’t given away that day it is saved, and that can be bad for your stomach.
The Japanese are some of the healthiest people on the planet. This is probably due, in part, to the fact that they eat a lot of seaweed, which is a good source of iodine. (and, of course, the fish doesn’t hurt either.) So, go ahead and eat the rolls and feel good about it.
The purists should insist on eating only Fugu, lots and lots of Fugu.
>> Faxon said, on November 7th, 2010 at 8:24 am
>> I ate Sushi like a good little Liberal puke
It’s bizarre to me that anyone would associate sushi with politics.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck don’t keep their own personal sushi chefs on their Gulfstream 550s.