This Episode’s Executive Producer: Steven Pelsmaekers, Craig Peters of CKPCreative.com
Associate Executive Producer: Scott Schoenberger
Art By: Nick the Rat
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They still want Obama as a Scape goat..
“Oh, he only has a few years exp..”
“Oh, he dont know HOW washington works”
Neener Neener Neener Neener..
Rapid rail would be a wonder in the central USA..
Consider something STRANGE.
Where did we USED’ to have Processing plants?
NOW the corps CONSOLIDATE..your grocery store is 1 MEGA store 20 miles away. NOT 10-100 MINOR STORES.. MANY counties used to have a SLAUGHTER HOUSE for FRESH MEATS in the area…TRY and find one NOW.
COMMUTERS?? Only the RICH can afford to COMMUTE. are you going to COMMUTE to work at McD’s, 7-11, KMART??
SPREAD the work OUT. HIRE more people..
If you want a MEGA city, BUILD UP and make it affordable…QUIT charging a fortune for a WINDOW to see the horizon.
Can, everyone up in 1 BIG BUILDING, and make it EASY to blow things up. Put everyone into a building and we get MORE FARM LAND..
WHY, do we need more farm lands? SO WE CAN FORCE MORE nations to become SLAVES.. FOOD as a weapon..
TSA are not registered police force..
is like
REQUIRING you to have insurance for your car..
AS soon as you sign your license, YOU SIGN your rights away..
Its against the law for an PRIVATE Concern, to be required by the gov.
Forget about PEDO…They are ALL gay.
Which is against Christians/jewish/muslim…
That would scare MOST away from the planes, by itself.
Find/watch the news from india..
Public radio??
Find their wages..
I have a GED, A+ certification. I have worked some IT jobs. Ive made plenty on the side with my tech skills. Your right, I should at least have a high school diploma if I want to grope balls.
Since I dont want to grope balls, or kiss a teachers ass Ill stick with my GED.
High speed train system as is extremely efficient and popular in France (TGV), here in Germany (ICE), Japan (Shinkansen), South Korea (KTX) and recently in China. Of course it wont be practical to connect east coast to west-coast with it, but closer densely polluted areas will benefit greatly. The funny thing is everybody else is investing in and expanding their systems and you guys make fun of it as if it’s a ridiculous idea… i guess the joke is actually on you.
Do you know the geology in the USA?
Average distance between 2 Large city areas, is 600 miles…
Between MOST of these locations, is..
3000-6000 foot mountain range.
Low land Flood plain
FARM LANDS, which is 1/3 of USA export money.
AND, there have been NO major advancements/buildings, in this country that the GOV didnt pay for..
is a type of alcohol…
It shoudl register on most meters..NO PICKLES..
OK after a month of not listening to NoAgenda I decided to try again…
Not putting the show, john, adam or the listeners down but it seems so predictable…
Well, I’ll try again in another month or two…
yep..so is FOX/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/ABC/…
So is ECA.
Prove it.
at least I use more logic in my posts then many others.
Um, I think Alaska law says the write in name has to be correctly spelled. Doing it any other way should cause a court to knock them out.
I can understand why the law would say that though I personally think it should count if the intent was clear.
One beer a day can be detected in the liver but it isn’t likely to kill you. If four beers does the cause might be cancer. Several studies have connected moderate to heavy alcohol consumption with increased cancer rates. Oddly trace alcohol consumption may be good for you.
Consumption means you swallow. Listerine is supposed to be spit out.
Sooner or later some female is going to have a nitroglycerin boob job.
At the local Kroger store fresh turnips cost as much as chicken.
Promising is not giving. It looks like Bill C. is a con man. That saddens me of course I regard Gore as a con man.
These people have made a staggering amount of money in the last few years for reasons that look like peddling influence/graft or some such.
Got to agree about Haiti.
So you don’t think knocking out part of the supports and then setting a fire backed up by a jet load of jet fuel would melt enough of the frame to start the pancaking?
Once the pancaking started it was going to stop on the ground and the collapse started where the plane impacted. You don’t need anything else.
I have to ask about the last election..
30 million people in Cali, and only 10% voted on the subject of MJ??
Even National AVERAGE is 30%..
And esp on THIS SUBJECT…there should have been a MONSTER turn out.
Welcome to The ECA Blog.
#17 I remember reading that some guy said that the people of AL will vote for prohibition as long as they could stagger to the polls. Meaning cut of their liqueur supply and they would vote to repeal prohibition.
In CA there is no shortage of pot.
the only thing that would have STOPPED them would have been FREE POT..