Airports are cashing in on the queues at their security gates by charging passengers to use fast-track priority lanes.

At least eight have introduced the system and are charging travellers up to £5 to beat the queues.

A whistleblower security guard at Luton Airport, which adopted the system last year, claimed there is a deliberate policy to let the queues grow to encourage people to pay for the express lane.

The claim was made as travelers were warned to expect more stringent checks in the wake of the cargo plane terror plot emanating from Yemen.

Earlier this week, Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary joined other airport industry leaders in condemning the current level of security screening.

He said: ‘What happens, particularly in the coverage of the Yemeni issues of recent days, is that we have another huge lurch by the securicrats into making travel an even more tedious ordeal for the travelling public.

‘In actual fact we already have ludicrously over-the-top and, sadly, totally ineffective security measures.’ However, Mr Evans said budget airlines have put such pressure on airports to cut landing fees that the owners have had little option but to introduce new passenger charges.

He added: ‘The reality is that this is revenue-raising.

Sounds like it’s time to take the train.

  1. Tippis says:

    …and the question remains: how long until someone takes a bomb to one of the security check queue? That’s a whole lot of people nicely bunched up in one location.

  2. Counterweight says:

    #1 – People have been asking your question ever since the TSA took over security and the lines started growing. Really surprises me no one has done it, yet.

    Or at least slipped an Uzi under their jacket. Ten seconds and a couple of clips later…

    A suicide mission, sure, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

  3. ® says:

    I’m old enough to remember when flying was fun.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    Even if it’s proven they weren’t trying to coerce people to use the express lane, what idiot terrorist WOULDN’T use the express lane? The very fact the express lane exists proves the airport doesn’t care about security at all and they just want to actually make some money off of all this.

  5. Yankinwaoz says:

    Ok people. Welcome to marketing 101.

    Step 1: Create a problem
    Step 2: Sell a solution.

    If you study almost any product or service that is not essential to life, this is how they are sold. Deconstuct a TV ad for dandruff shampoo or any cosmetic or lifestyle product and you will find that this is the exact story they tell in a 30 second ad.

  6. God says:

    You are by far, my most entertaining creation.

  7. MikeN says:

    #4, put some thought into it. There is still a security check, it’s just a shorter line to get to the security check.

  8. MikeN says:

    This is actually part of the global warming environmentalist agenda. They don’t ban air travel, they just make it more and more inconvenient, so people choose not to engage in air travel.

  9. bobbo, everyone should enjoy their own interests says:

    Ready==from your link and the review by Roger Ebert: “The movie is very hard to follow. I have seen it twice, and am still not sure exactly who all the characters are, or how they fit.” I’ve tried to watch Brazil 3-4 times and get bored. I “want to” like it, but just don’t.

    And so, the “description” of the movie and Gilliams genius far exceeds the actual movie. I’d rather watch just about anything else.

  10. Luc says:

    Aaah, finally all that TSA crap begins to make sense. I feel stupid for not predicting this.

  11. Sparky_One says:

    “We have to search up your thighs and between your legs until we meet resistance,”

    resistance comes in many forms and calibers

  12. Tippis says:

    # 10 bobbo

    “from your link and the review by Roger Ebert: “The movie is very hard to follow. I have seen it twice, and am still not sure exactly who all the characters are, or how they fit.” I’ve tried to watch Brazil 3-4 times and get bored. I “want to” like it, but just don’t.”

    My guess is that Ebert watched the cinematic release, which, indeed, made no sense since they replaced the original ending — that gave it some kind of sense and meaning — with a happy one that made it make even less sense than before.

  13. Cursor_ says:

    So what was it like seeing Lucky Lindy?


  14. sargasso_c says:

    A easier and cheaper way through is to wet your pants while waiting in the queue. Also works for getting out of business meetings, wedding receptions and getting your own seat on the bus. Just FYI.

  15. Fed up flyer says:

    SCAM, for ‘cattle cars’ in the sky.
    ‘revenue raising’ until the customers go somewhere else, or not go at all…

  16. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Remember TSA’s Registered Traveler program? The leading company in the program filed bankruptcy last year and was trying to find a buyer for fingerprints and iris scans for over 100,000 members.

    Question: What happened to the data?

  17. jealousmonk says:

    I like it for the use of “securicrat.” I expect Adam and John to call out Uncle Dave for being a shill for Hill & Knowlton. Trains Good, Planes Bad. Woo Hoo!

  18. foobar says:

    I’m sticking with my bicycle. I’ll get there faster.


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