Note dead left eye.

Alexandra V. Tobias, 22, was arrested mafter the January death of 3-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson. She told investigators she became angry because the baby was crying while she was playing a computer game called FarmVille on the Facebook social-networking website.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    3-months old, I would say it’s more a case of Postpartum depression and has nothing to do with Farmville.

  2. Mikey Twit says:

    Once again, lazy journalism at it’s best! Either it was as BigBoyBC said, PPD, or just a crappy person who has no business having kids. If it wasn’t Farmville occupying her time, it would have been something else. This reporter has a future at FOX News!

  3. Kahless says:

    What part of this is lazy journalism? The reporter simply reported the fact that in her plea deal, the mother said she got angry that the baby was crying while she was playing FarmVille. Just the facts, as far as I can see. Now, the Dvorak title may have over reached a bit.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s Florida, deal with it.

  5. Dallas says:

    This is why straight people should not be allowed to raise kids

  6. Mikey Twit says:


    Point taken. I agree. It just took me back to the suicide that blamed Judas Priest, and the whole Columbine/Marilyn Manson feeding frenzy most of the media went into.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    This isn’t “wacky news.”

    It’s tragic.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    As for the dead eye — is is quite possible that this woman was an abused child, too. That’s the way it usually goes.

  9. bobbo, everyone should enjoy their own interests says:

    Maybe SHE should be shaken to death as well. For all the same reasons evident in the case at point. Seems to me there are two separate issues here: shaking the baby the first time, then shaking the baby the second time. Seems to me mental health services are most appropriate for the first instance, and criminal for the second?

    Just another case of mentally aberrant people needed health care/social services that aren’t available defaulting to the criminal justice system.

    System. An evil word for sure.

  10. bobbo, everyone should enjoy their own interests says:

    For some reason, the notion of “dead eye” caught my attention. No such thing as a dead eye, it is “droopy eye lid.”

    Rather interesting that the condition should be attended–especially with the kiddies.

  11. deowll says:

    Not enough data for an informed opinion.

  12. sargasso_c says:

    I look at a photograph of a young person who will suffer a lifetime of regret, pain and humiliation.

  13. Klaatu says:

    As punishment she should have all her Farmville XP taken away.

    Naw, just kidding, she should be killed.

  14. ± says:

    #13 —- ditto

    Volvo buying, hand wringing, tree huggers, need not respond.

  15. Publius says:

    Those who would kill her for killing her baby should be killed.

  16. gamer says:

    Personally I would have locked in a small room and force her to play farmvill all day long while piping in the sounds of a screaming baby and wiping her stats every 24 hours.

  17. soundwash says:

    yet another BS story to be added to a bunch of other BS stories to attempt to push through
    future legislation to regulate or dicate what will be considered “healthy” and “unhealthy” activities on and off the net…now that uncle sam will soon be paying for your “well being”
    by proxy.

    move along..nothing to see here.


  18. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Personally, I think that kid had it coming. Ought to be a message to *all* screaming babies.

  19. Special Ed says:

    I like the couple that bought a double stroller for their baby boy. They told him he had a brother but he wouldn’t listen.

  20. RTaylor says:

    Dangerously mentally disturbed people are out there. Even if identified early, there’s no where to put them. Eventually someone is injured or killed and they enter the criminal justice system. This isn’t wacky news, but a tragedy, and a sad statement if our society.

  21. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Eh. I’d do her.

  22. Dallas says:

    #18 Pedrito, she likely has many of your traits – a lazy eye and a frown. I know you don’t play Farmville because you live it.
    When you kill your thirsty donkey for rejecting your advances, you too should be killed.

  23. MichaelH says:

    # 22 Heinrich, feel free not to use a condom. I wouldn’t.

  24. Steve S says:

    Very sad. I am waiting for a lawsuit against the maker of Farmville and Facebook. The lawyer will argue that they should have known that she was playing Farmville too many hours a day. Even if she had not killed her baby, she may not have been able to care properly for her newborn or been able to meet her real-life obligations. They should have known………
    One thing for sure, in the US, whenever there is pain suffering and grief, a lawyer will pop up to make money on the suffering of others.

  25. Mextli says:

    #5 “This is why straight people should not be allowed to raise kids”

    I thought it was the reason bent (Gaaaaay) people are not allowed to marry in Texas.

  26. ± says:

    “Those who would kill her for killing her baby should be killed.”

    #15 — I think people who think people who think she should be killed, should be killed.

  27. N74JW says:

    She is obviously too immature to be a parent, but she is an adult nonetheless. Being a legal adult for close to four years, it is not hard to prove that she knows right from wrong and that it is wrong to kill another person. Give her the needle… Where was Dad during all of this?

  28. Micromike says:

    The “dead eye” is a common result of drug abuse and or brain damage. When caused by drugs it gets better if the person gets off drugs. There was a history of domestic abuse indicating a propensity for violence. Another unfit mother, there are many of them who don’t kill their kids, just ruin them.

    My imagination says she sold meth, and her body, to support her Internet and Facebook habits.

  29. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Fellas, this is my mom you’re talking about. Ease up.

  30. Special Ed says:

    #29 – What if they never had a mother and just had two daddies?

    Like this:


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