Note dead left eye.

Alexandra V. Tobias, 22, was arrested mafter the January death of 3-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson. She told investigators she became angry because the baby was crying while she was playing a computer game called FarmVille on the Facebook social-networking website.

  1. skeptic says:

    This isn’t nearly as bad as faking a laser attack on two innocent kittens!

  2. foobar says:

    She should have played WoW, then she never would have conceived.

  3. Tragic. Babies obviously need to be protected from their parents.

    Why hasn’t Pres. Obama lobbied to ban this destructive online game?

    Why does Pres. Obama hate 3 month old babies?

  4. Greg Allen says:

    >> Steve S said, on November 7th, 2010 at 9:02 am
    >> I am waiting for a lawsuit against the maker of Farmville and Facebook.

    I did a quick check — about half of child abuse deaths in America are from shaken baby syndrome.

    I think even a very creative lawyer would have a difficult time connecting it to Farmsville.

    I’ll also guess this isn’t the first time this woman (girl?) has abused this child.

  5. One of my colleague in office is addicted to this game..after being warned by my ceo, he has stopped playing in office…don’t know what would have happened if he was continuing to play …

  6. Farmville is interesting game .every one is addicted to that.But killing a daughter for the game is sin.


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