The 51-year-old, nicknamed Jetman, has jumped out of a hot-air balloon at 7,900 feet and performed two aerial loops wearing a new version of his flying invention. Rossy performed the stunt during an 18-minute flight to test a new and more aerodynamic model of his jet-pack, before making a parachute landing. In comments posted on Rossy’s website, the adventurer said, “It was fantastic. The flight went well, despite a little problem when starting my engines. I was able to do my two loopings and I am very happy”.

  1. bobbo, everyone should enjoy their own interests says:

    but to me the slower quieter safer cheaper experience of an ultralight is superior?

    If I was a Joe Daddy Warbucks I would have a custom 2-person dirigible. Quiet, floating along. Even better than my chaise lounge 3/4th up the mountainside.

    Yea, Verily.

  2. bobbo, everyone should enjoy their own interests says:

    Well, speaking of “cool,” here is a two minute time lapse mostly of the milky way transiting the sky. Be sure to go full screen.

  3. soundwash says:

    HEY….screw the winged d00d.. How bout some Hi-Res shots of Comet Hartely 2?


  4. Grandpa says:

    This looks like a good stunt for old man Bush to do.

  5. superfan77 says:

    Don’t mind these others brain-dead people, they have no clue of what it takes to build a device that you can strap to your back and be able to do a maneuver like that. Nor have the courage to do it. Congratulations.

  6. John G. Magee says:

    I need one of these to get to work on time.

  7. m.c. in l.v. says:

    That’s not flying. That’s falling with style.

    Now he just needs a Buzz Lightyear costume.

  8. Courageous says:

    Courageous is flying a McD F-4. It doesn’t look like it should fly, and it knows it (saw one crash killing two).

  9. Buzz Mega says:

    The term, “aerial loop” refers to a trapeze stunt. When applied to flying objects, it describes a forward up and over loop. A loop the loop.

    This whole press release has sought to redefine the term in a way that makes this barrel roll (rather pedestrian) into the much, much more stunt-adroit sounding loop by calling it an “aerial loop.”

    Google it. It’s semantic manipulation via Internet. A bigger stunt than the flying stunt by Captain Spin.

  10. JimD says:

    Just what we need – DUI ALKIES WITH JET PACKS !!! The ATTACK FROM ABOVE !!!

  11. Awake says:

    Reminds me of those old films that you see once in a while of people strapping rockets to their back in an attempt to fly. Typically their ass catches fire.

    I would like to see the guy take off from a running start. Otherwise it just some guy with a flying suit and a couple of RC airplane jets strapped to his back.


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