They won control of the House, but not the Senate. There was a lot of rhetoric and hot air about they’ll do this or that to cut, cut, cut spending. It’s all about that new fangled concept called CHANGE. But what do you think they’ll really do or even be able to do? Given how many have ties to the businesses that got us into this mess, how much change is possible? Are we about to experience a new day in Washington, or just more of the same, different players?
Have we been fooled again?
Once the banks get done hainding the democrats thier severance packages republicans will get right to the peoples work…. by not restoring glass/steagall
Things won’t change in Washington until we start hanging some of those bastards. The people that “represent” us need to fear us or their greed takes over.
Businesses didn’t get us here but Govt. meddling in the business. Dodd, Frank,…? So I’d find Republicans on a proper path if they manage some de-regulation and block any new regulations, manage to block any form of bailouts for anyone (companies, banks, states,…) and block (or vote-in the ban on) any and every earmark. That is the start. If they do so (and they can as it is all in blocking, doable by one house of congress) 2012 will yield Republican Senate and President. Than the real work can be done (killing health care idiocy, killing all non-Constitutional agencies and Departments, freeing up States,…) and US can prosper on chance and personal excellence alone. Also known as “market forces” , also known as “evolutionary principle”.
What they should do: stick to being the “party of no” for a while, resisting tax increases and hold back funding for everything.
What they will do: bicker amongst themselves, get played from both sides by the democrats and spend 2 years trying to pass tax cuts for the rich until Obama is re-elected.
“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
They should do what they promised. I want to see (speaker) Boehner write up and submit the House budget that he claims he can do. The Republicans are saying that while our budget is already over, they can add trillions in debt (extend purposeful temporary Bush tax cuts), increase military spending, raise no taxes (or cut more taxes) and balance the budget.
I double dog dare you. Show me. I’m not THAT prideful. Show me how you keep Medicare, protect social security, increase military spending, add trillions in accounted for extension of temp tax cuts, AND balance the budget. (FYI cutting 100% of ALL discretionary spending like closing NASA entirely, wouldn’t cover a fraction of this).
I’m fascinated. I’m waiting. Show me.
#5 – yeah sure dusanimal; also known as boom and bust, also known as “law of the jungle”, also known as “banana republic”. We’re most of the way there now, might as well finish the job. Yay atavism! Don’t walk off a cliff – jump!
Repeal Obamacare or choke its funding. Keep the Bush tax cuts. Kill Cap & Trade or any other liberal agenda.
Those are good for starters.
Dave, Dave, obumhole’s slave… your boy is running away with poop running down his legs… to the tune of 200 million dollars per day… if we are lucky he won’t be back…we can hope for some more change.
Not sure what they should do but I know what they will do. They are going to spend the next year or so trying undo the healthcare bill even though they have nowhere enough votes to overturn the presidents veto.
I don’t think I have ever been more dillusioned with our political system.
@11 $200 million dollar a day trip you mean? That’s a “Fox News Fact”(tm). It’s totally made up. Not true. Fox News! We make up things, you decide! LOOK OUT! Here comes the secret FEMA camps! ROTFLMAO. MAN Republicans are STUPID!
The sheeple can finally go back to complaining about government inaction.
I guess the posts here just show that there are still plenty of suckers out there.
Anyone want to buy some swamp land? It will make a great investment.
So lets see what history tells us. The republicans had full control of the Government from 2000-2006 – House, Senate, & President.
So what did they do? Let see:
1. Took a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit by cutting taxes for the rich and increased Government expenditures including increasing Medicare benefits and going into 2 wars.
2. Continued to reduce regulations which resulted in the worst bubble & bust cycle in most of our lives and almost caused a world wide depression.
And now you think they are going to save the day by reducing government regulation even more and mystically not spending money that the people who financed them expect them to spend.
Keep dreaming
This election was about 1 thing 9.6% unemployment and neither party could have done anything in 2009 to have change it much. The democrats were in control so they get shit on.
Glass: that’s what Republicans are going to do for the next two years. Snipe at the edges, make up political scandals from fantasy, and out-maneuver the Dems on small-minded but noisy legislation.
“We’re going to do what the people want, for a change.” Yeah right. As if the GOP represents real Americans, ever did, or ever will. And Fox “News” will remain complicit in the resulting propaganda campaign against the Dems. Nothing new there.
Fortunately, Darryl Issa is saying the right things.
I suck at including links.
We will probably have gridlock, which is not a bad thing.
With gridlock it prevents both parties from passing their extremist policies. Hopefully the courts will kill the Obama take over of healthcare before it kills us. I also hope the republicans starve the program of its funding, even it if means shutting down government to do it.
Seriously, I wouldn’t mind the entire government being shut down for the next two years if they can’t come to terms on a budget, at least thats one way to stop Obama’s run away spending.
As long as the republicans reign in spending, do everything they can to kill Obamacare, and be a roadblock for the presidents extremest policies, they will be a success in my book.
“Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office,” Mr. McConnell says. “But the fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won’t veto any of these things. We can hope the President will start listening to the electorate after Tuesday’s election. But we can’t plan on it.”
#13, the FEMA camps were the fantasies of liberals.
I don’t know what the Republicans will do, but I predict liberals will be saying these are the worst Republicans ever, not like those nice guys Buckley and Eisenhower and Goldwater and Dole. They’ll even include in the list Bush Sr, Nixon, Reagan, and Gingrich, despite the fact that they despised all of those guys when they were in office. That’s not enough, they’ll also say Bush the Younger was good.
The Washington Post has already started this project.
with 5 myths about George W Bush
MikeN…when I elect a senator that’s what I want from him too…never mind governing and legislating and all that old-fashioned crap. Screw that. I want him in there plotting to eliminate my enemies.
But heck, if we want them to serve the will of the people, here’s a look at what the people expect.
Many teabaggers lost this time around. It seems that Caribou Barbie is a pariah, more than she is a messiah.
As far as the Dems go, Blue dogs lost big time, and REAL LIBERALS held on to their seats, for the most part. I believe that the blue dogs lost, because they are faux conservatives,and why vote for a fake, when you can have the real thing.
Many of those who lost Dem seats were those moderates, who gave in to the Cons. Again, why go for the fake con, when you can have the real thing.
RepubliCONs should do exactly the same thing that they have been doing. It’s gotta get worse, before it gets better, and these Cons will MAKE DAMN SURE that it gets a lot worse, while they control the House, and still have filibuster power in the Senate. They actually control 2 houses, when you count their filibuster power.
So, the Cons should just go on conning the public, and hopefully, when things are REALLY bad, people will wake up and VOTE ALL OF THE BASS TURD CONS OUT!
Bob – “thats one way to stop Obama’s run away spending.”
You mean like reducing deficit spending 9% this year?
or do you mean the reckless Republican spending on war and tax cuts?
All of America is waiting for man-on-man bathroom sex to come back.
1. Took a budget surplus…
BS. We have not had a budget surplus in at least 100 years. A surplus would imply that the total Federal debt, not just the public debt, went down. Never happened. Clinton used surpluses from Social Security to spend on various programs and used some of it to reduce the public debt. However, at the end of every fiscal year of his Presidency, the amount of owed by the Federal government went up.
This election was about 1 thing 9.6% unemployment and neither party could have done anything in 2009 to have change it much.
The Federal government cannot do much to stimulate the economy but there is no end to what they can do to make it worse. Obama made it worse. The #1 reason that small businesses are not hiring is uncertainty about the government. Uncertainty about taxes. Uncertainty about how health care will affect them. Uncertain that this administration wasn’t going to do something else stupid. It is very likely that unemployment might drop simply due to a feeling that Obama won’t be able to pass anything else that will severely rock the boat.
Will anything change given the Republican victory? Maybe not and that would be refreshing. Let’s all not forget that in almost every election (certainly in CA) people were choosing against someone rather than for someone.
Thomas, you are mistaken:
And besides, if there was no surplus, wouldn’t that make Bush’s eagerness to spend it on tax rebates all the more irresponsible?
Uncle Dave asks the question:
But what do you think they’ll really do or even be able to do?
Even if the Republicans do nothing over the next two years, but slow down the suicide Obama policies, they will be a success!
In 2012, Obama will be a goner, along with many more Democrats.
They can’t repeal the new health care law while the democrats control the senate. Anyway, if you look at the polls voters were given on Tuesday, the economy was overwhelmingly the number one issue on voter’s minds and already all the Republicans are talking about is the health care law, just shows how much they’re listening to the voters.
#24 tcc3, so you boost the deficit from hundreds of billions to over a trillion dollars, then lower that to a trillion dollars the next year, and expect credit for lowering the deficit?
#13 Glass, the factcheck link only had the source from the White House saying, “No we didn’t.” That is not a better source than the one saying that Obama is spending 200 million a day.
Obama needs to just stay home and fix the economy instead of blaming Bush.
No I’m not:
(Btw, you will notice that he specifically addresses the mistakes made in the FactCheck article)