This Episode’s Executive Producer: Scott Schoenberger
Associate Executive Producers: Craig Lennox, Allan Bose
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s beyond believe more people are not donating to this show.


  2. The_Tick says:

    It’s not shameful, it’s how ayn rand would have wanted it. After all, why would one support a show that is not of the highest quality when one could support a show, a different show of better quality and better value?

    You might even write a book about it,,, call it “Douchebags Shrugged”.

  3. Heinrich Moltke says:

    There’s going to be week-to-week variation in the donation amount. Somebody, a mathematician-producer, should subject the donation data to statistical analysis —

  4. Ah_No says:

    Dear Ah_Yea,

    first, the word you were looking for was belief, not believe.

    Second, I’m not sure what world you live in, but in the one I live in, this show is not worth my money. Dvorak has lost his edge, he allows himself to be bullied and brow-beaten by Adam Curry (because he like the money) and Adam is his boss, and most of the stuff Curry brings to the show, I already know about. I don’t respect Adams intellect or his analysis, and I absolutely hate when he presents biased and slanted information, purposely withholding the opposing view, all wile trying to say he’s objectively looking at things. bah! The show’s ok for free, beyond that, it ain’t worth nothing.

  5. nicktherat says:

    Ah_no it was apparently worth your time to comment about how much you like/hate it 😛 what do you think of the album art though? 😀

  6. Personality says:

    No blog updates today. Everyone has the day off…

  7. Ah_No says:


    Yes in answer to your question and in addition to my earlier post, I’ll add that anything of value in terms of information, education or entertainment that this show contains, is contributed by people other than the two hosts. The people who create the songs, the artwork, write in about interesting happening etc. etc., they do all the work and collect none of the money. IT’S A SCAM!

  8. nicktherat says:

    @ah_no drats! ;P

  9. Charmingbob says:

    I’m sure Adam and John are playing up the lack of donations. Adam mentioned on Howard Stern that the show has made “hundred of thousands” in donations. On Adam Carolla’s podcast Adam Curry said something like “last year the show made over four hundred thousand from donations, and this year we expect to double it”. I doubt very much Adam and John are “holding on by their finger nails”.

  10. SomeDudeInPA says:

    The math is not hard, a couple weeks ago they said they had more than 100 knights. That alone is $100,000. I do like the show but it is not what it could be and once was.
    Adam has pretty much gone off the deep end for me. I still like John C. but he does seem to be letting himself be lead by Adam.

    One more thing, if Adam does do this daily show, I hope it is not in the No Agenda feed. I have a feeling I will be skipping those.

  11. deowll says:

    #10 Adam went around the bend decades ago.
    That’s part of his charm. He’s actually saner now than he’s been in a long time.

    John on the other hand has mellowed a bit. I’m not sure they can fake an argument without having an argument.

    50,000 a year for guys used to making the kind of money they normally make isn’t much money and they do invest a lot of time in the show.

  12. interglacial says:

    #9 Charmingbob,
    Wow! $400k a year is good money where I come from. And there was me thinking Adam was close to having to sell his private airplane, or John maybe forced to mortgage his wine sellar or something.
    I was half suspecting things weren’t too tight last week when Adam recounted at length his dining out on truffles at an expensive restaurant, immediately before the donations section of the show.
    Oh well. Thanks for letting me know.

  13. diane says:

    people always exaggerate how much they are making… and, the economy sucks for everyone, across the board.
    John doesn’t “work” for Adam anymore. This isn’t a newsflash, check it out…Adam left Mevio.
    The art and other things are great, and without the show they wouldn’t be. It’s not all about if you like Adam or if you like John, it’s really about THE SHOW which is an ensemble.

  14. ECA says:


    Noise abatement??

    You, ALONE, should know the diff of the wilderness and CITY SOUNDS..

    Take a sound meter outside and RATE the noise levels in most cities.. ITS CONSTANT.

    I live in a town of 2400, and you can TELL when night comes..(unless they use the Drying fans at the mill)..

  15. ECA says:

    lets see…
    A GROUP/CORP/COMPANY/concern that is willing to give a LARGE amount of MONEY BACKING..

    He said it..if you didnt notice.



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