Mr Obama will arrive in India on Saturday for the first leg of an Asian tour.

But as well as the usual security measures that come with welcoming a a visiting dignitary, Indian authorities have decided to go one step further, by removing all natural threats to the president as well. All coconuts around the city’s Gandhi museum, one of Mr Obama’s stops in the city, are being taken down.

Mani Bhavan, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his freedom struggle against the British, is among five places the US president is visiting in Mumbai. “We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building. Why take a chance?” Mani Bhavan’s executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC. Last week American security officers inspected Mani Bhavan and its surroundings along with other places the president is likely to visit.

Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts. Mr Obama, still smarting from heavy losses in the midterm elections, will visit India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and China on the 10-day tour.

What are the odds? Actually this is pretty routine for resorts in “killer” coconut palm infested areas.

  1. Glass Half Full says:

    I’m sure this is just as true as the last (fake) Obama story on Dvorak (internet fake rumor about trip costing $200 million a day).

    I’m done. was always the non-technical blog, but it’s just turned into a “lets repeat Fox News made up stories” blog. Boring. Mostly untrue just repeated rumors. I’m done trying to counter all these fake stories. Screw you guys. I’m never coming back, deleting this joke site from my links.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m sure those coconuts are in league with Al-Qaeda!

    Glass Half Full – Don’t let a coconut hit you on your way out!!

  3. ManusFerrea says:

    Wish they’d do the same in Congress… take out all the dried up old coco”nuts” that is…

  4. PMitchell says:

    Maybe if one hit him it might knock some sense into him

  5. J says:

    I wonder what Jesse Jackson is charging India for this service.

    Isn’t he Obama’s nut extractor?

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Glass…head over to the site and read the comments about the Indonesia trip. Clear proof that half of our country is completely stupid.

  7. McCullough says:

    #1. and #6.

    First…this didn’t come from Fox anything. So get that straight.


    Second…IT actually IS routine for resort areas to pull coconuts from palm trees where people will walk. It is a liability issue.

    You’re dismissed.

  8. Mr Anderson says:

    to the tune of:

    I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts

  9. raster says:

    on your 2nd point: and it IS a stupid story, and it IS a waste of time.

    As to the boring and incessant ‘fox’ spin: read stock comment #4, and TRY to top that in banality.

  10. Professor Erwin Cory says:

    Well.. Then stay off Gilligan’s Island

  11. foobar says:

    They did the same thing when Bush led the first foreign visit of his Presidency to Gilligan’s Island.

  12. Sparky_One says:

    reminds me of a Dodger home game I attended right after returning to the states from SE Asia and yelling “incoming” when the first foul ball came our way.

  13. MikeN says:

    Actually, what they are removing is Indians opposed to the Obama agenda. The term coconut is reserved for such people who are brown on the outside and white on the inside.

  14. Publius says:

    Dvorak, you are a patsy of news engineering by state run media. You uncritically repeated their news product for free.

    How does it feel to be just like our professional media who dropped the policy of checking sources, leaving themselves open for manipulation, then actually getting manipulated into passing along bunk into the American echo chamber of state propaganda?

  15. Faxon says:

    Pelosi and several other Dangerous Coconuts have already been removed.

  16. Counterweight says:

    Day one: $200,000,010

  17. noname says:

    Hard hat anyone?

    # 7 McCullough, Hum; strange, I guess this place never heard of Canopy Netting, artfully done?

  18. I says:

    Yep, just use a hard hat. It’s an awful lot cheaper and quicker solution.

  19. soundwash says:

    —along with his 34 ship armada…i’d say Mr. O has some rather interesting intel that some pissed off people after his lying butt, to go all these extremes.

    (they are prolly making sure no coconuts are not bombs incognito..)

  20. RSweeney says:

    One is reminded of Henny Penny and Chicken Little.

    No telling what Obama might think or do if a coconut clonked him on the head out of a clear blue sky.

  21. noname says:

    # 22 RSweeney I know what I doing, I am still laughing at Republicans masturbating at their continual inaccurate info-porn for the republisheep to masturbate to.

    Dumb people are so funny!!

  22. Mr Anderson says:

    These coconuts are not the weapons of mass destruction that Bush was looking for…

  23. smOka says:

    This story originated with the BBC. Fox just repeated it. How dare they.
    Instructions for losers and haters:
    1…Borrow a computer
    2…go to
    3…In the little white box type “Obama+Coconuts”
    4…Start sending hate mail to BBC
    5…Return your mom’s computer
    6…get a life
    7…Please go away

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Wow, conservatives are so petty about Obama.

    Serious people don’t care if coconuts have been removed from trees in India.

    This is all perfectly reasonable, anyway. When I lived in India, I’d see a coconut fall from a tree, now and again, and I’d think, “I’m glad that didn’t hit me.”

    If I was holding an event under coconut trees — VIP OR NOT — I’d probably pay a guy to knock down the loose ones since even one falling coconut would probably injure someone. It would probably cost you about five bucks to prevent someone from being hurt.

    Of course, conservatives would pocket the five bucks, let someone get hurt, and say, “No one could have foreseen that! Don’t blame me!”

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred Persson said, on November 5th, 2010 at 3:24 am
    >> #22 It will not do the Messiah be knocked unconscious by a coconut falling from the heavens.

    Have you guys noticed that it is ONLY the conservatives who call or think of Obama as “the Messiah”?

    This conservative view of Obama is both creepy and dumb. Are conservatives being “dreepy” or

  26. Counterweight says:

    # 17 Alfred – “Big Butt Michele”

    You know, I’m no fan of Obama nor of Michelle. But to attack based on a physical feature? How about we stop calling you Alfie and start calling you Pencil Dick?

  27. foobar says:

    Counterweight. Yep, Alfred tossed a pathetic douche-casting turd. He feels inadequate around “negros”.

  28. foobar says:

    #34 No. I’m saying you’re inadequate. You’re the reason America is circling the drain.

  29. foobar says:

    Alfred, you’re still full of BS. You support racists, therefore you condone racism. I’m sure you love your country, you just hate most of the people who live in it.


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