In the good ol’ days, like during WWII, when you ran out of fuel for your jeep on the battlefield, you just sucked it out of any other vehicle that was around. If they extend this ‘algaeline’ (can I get the trademark on this name?) to land vehicles, I have a feeling you’ll be stuck for a while.

The U.S. Navy has rolled out the first military vessel designed to run on eco-friendly fuel. And this “mean, green riverine machine” is only the start: Within five years, the Navy anticipates a 10-ship carrier strike group — a “Great Green Fleet” — that relies entirely on alternative energy.

On Friday, Navy brass showed off the ship — a 49 foot-long riverine command boat that attains speeds of 40-knots — during a demonstration at the Norfolk, Va. Naval Base. The ship burns a 50-50 blend of algae-based fuel and diesel, and “ran just fine” during the demo, according to Rear Adm. Philip Cullom, director of the Chief of Naval Operations Energy and Environmental Readiness Division.
The Navy’s got a head-start on other fuel-thirsty military departments, but they’re still figuring out how to make alternative fuels affordable. Last year, the Navy spent $424 per gallon to buy 20,055 gallons of algae-based biofuel — a world record price for fuel, the Marine Corps Times is reporting.

“Yes, these fuels are expensive,” Cullom says. “When you’re leading the way on something, it’s not gonna be $3 bucks a gallon.”

“a world record price for fuel” — Really? Fuel for nuclear subs is cheaper?

  1. Tippis says:

    Go Sweden!

    (Because that sure looks like a CB90 variant.)

  2. the haunted sheep says:

    how the hell did this liberal stupidity make it into the military? I guess money making opportunity? As always we should blame communist california, it always tracks back to them.

  3. ECA says:

    anyone want to enter the ALGAE business?
    I think we could compete VERY EASILY…

  4. GigG says:

    $424/gal. They really need to get that cost down.

  5. Sparky_One says:

    The New NewClear Navy

  6. tdkyo says:

    Clearly this is another great step to blend in with nature, i.e. camouflage.


  7. sargasso_c says:

    Navy News article on the Riverine Command Boat.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    They use regular diesel engines, Scania marine. They can run on anything, provided the filters and injector units can handle it. Including diesel, jet fuel, even biodiesel.

  9. When in a fire to the death, make sure you are eco-friendly.

  10. jcj7161 says:

    When we are up against the russians err Muslims…err germans….err venezuelians…err terrorists…man I cant keep track anymore…who is the enemy now? We will be ready!!!

  11. Floyd says:

    Strangely enough, I was at a seminar yesterday about alternative fuels, including algae based fuel. Apparently it’s not as blue-sky as you might think, and there are people looking into the engineering aspects and pilot plant work already. The info in Nick’s link is close to what was presented in the seminar.

  12. RTaylor says:

    This is a landing vehicle, not a ship. Some of those ships in the background are powered by gas turbines, or the same jet engines found in fighters. Run at flank speed on JP5 and test that fuel economy. Jets are low maintenance because of only one moving part. It takes a lot of power to push a Berkley class Destroyer though water. Don’t forget the diesels for several large generators.

  13. Tippis says:

    #13 “This is a landing vehicle, not a ship.”

    Well, technically, it’s a boat. Hell, the original designation (CB90) says it all: Combat Boat, and can be used for a number of purposes — landing vehicle being one of them, on top of fulfilling the old PBR role.

  14. ArianeB says:

    It has nothing to do with being “eco-friendly”, it has everything to do with very worrisome concerns for the ability of the armed forces to function during extended fuel shortages.

  15. Primemover2500 says:

    #13 RTaylor

    My test facility will be testing that fuel on a gas turbine generator set used on the DDG 51 class ships. The amount of this fuel on hand is not enough to perform a main propulsion gas turbine test (25 gal per min). This fuel is basically made to perform exactly like F76 diesel. That’s why it can be mixed 50/50.

  16. deowll says:

    Actually the nuclear fuel is a heck of lot cheaper. Sure it costs but you don’t have to refuel very often either.

  17. canuck says:

    When the bureaucrats increase their empires promoting this crap with politicos hoping to make brownie points with whomever and it actually is built, it’s sad. Why, because we’re witnessing a great nation in terminal decline.

  18. Counterweight says:

    # 3 ECA”anyone want to enter the ALGAE business?”

    Too late. Probly Al Gore has it locked up.

  19. You’ve got to be kidding
    What have these left wing nutjobs got us into now
    GM Volt cars more expensive than Cadillacs
    What would these people have us fuel these new vehicles with ? They hate coal and coal people, they won’t allow nuclear plants
    All of this in the middle of a recession
    I read today of a “fugitive from the EPA”
    they tracked her down to the Dominican Republic
    20 years for non trained asbestos removal staff
    then i look -pages and pages of the EPA’s most wanted and apprehended
    Get me out of here
    Nutcase city

  20. RSweeney says:

    But is it KARMA enhanced eco-fuel?

    The military is wasting money on this type of stuff all over the world.

  21. Cursor_ says:

    To all of you getting up in arms over this “green” stuff…

    Cars for the military? I tell you its a waste! These cars ain’t going nowhere!. That much money you can have horses pull your artillery just like we did in ’98 with Teddy Roosievelt and his Rough Riders! And they do it cheaper. And if things get bad you can eat the horses, can’t eat no cars!

    Horses have been on the battlefield since Jesus’ time! No need for those contraptions! Just money being wasted on something no one wants or needs!

    Yep pretty much.


  22. jman says:

    stupid greenies costing us a fortune

  23. smartalix says:

    The first VCR cost $5k retail. To decry the cost of developing technology, especially that supporting strategic infrastructure, is beyond stupid.

  24. Rob Leather says:

    Love the stupidity of the eco-army. What bullets are they firing these days? Are they made of fertiliser and contain a tiny seed to grow a tree from everybody they shoot?

    You’d imagine they’d be more concerned about what they are firing out the big gun on the front (DU) rather than what came out the tiny pipe at the back.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    When did conservatives become rabidly anti-innovation?

    OF COURSE experimental algae fuel is expensive but the potential of this fuel source is exciting and hopeful (except to conservatives who automatically hate it because it’s something new.).

  26. Greg Allen says:

    >> smartalix said, on November 4th, 2010 at 4:49 am
    >> The first VCR cost $5k retail. To decry the cost of developing technology, especially that supporting strategic infrastructure, is beyond stupid.

    The kneejerk anti-innovation stupidity of these conservatives will surely end Americans leadership status.

    Your example is a good one but there are many. The first pill of any new drug costs millions per tablet, for example.

    Since the conservatives are hell-bent on defunding schools and colleges while POURING TRILLIONS into the military, I suppose that the only place the government can do research.

  27. jobs says:

    The cost is now under $100 a gallon. The $424 was last years price. And I believe the supplier is Exxon.

  28. Gagging says:

    # 25 smartalix “To decry the cost of developing technology… is beyond stupid.”

    Yeah, well, alternative fuels are hardly cutting edge.

  29. ECA says:

    Love it..

    PULL all money out of the sytem,
    Keep taxes the same..
    Put it in pocket.

    Corps Rant about TO MUCH TAXES..
    Then charge the gov. for product and services, ABOVE PROFIT LEVEL..

    The Gov. PAID for corps to make and Storage goods, for YEARS..Products never made, and never Stored. Then the War hit..
    Could the US military have had STORED the products?? probably.


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