UPDATE: Based on the comments for this video I decided to change the post (both kittens died from their condition). If you want to look at the video that was originally posted, you can go here.

  1. Grandpa says:

    Is this supposed to be funny?

    It’s not.

  2. TThor says:

    Why the hell would anybody do this? And why would DU even post it?
    Disgusting and perverted!

  3. bokonist says:

    I feel so guilty for laughing at this. I’m sorry, but this is hilarious.

  4. DeeHexi says:

    Who can be so sick…this is not funny. Somebody needs to find out who posted this and shoot at them a$$holes…sick, just sick.

  5. Joe says:

    Are they poking them with a stick or something?

  6. Breetai says:

    Lulz! I didn’t think it was funny t’ll I read the responses. For some reason the fact that people go so far as to call this “sick” makes them completely insane… then the vid became hilarious.

  7. Charles Blakeney says:

    Both of these kittens have now died. They had a cat version of fainting goat syndrome.


  8. Badcam says:


    Perhaps Galvinwasgod, from whom you linked the original video, might not want this video posted here? If you expand his comment which begins with “charlie and spike are two kittens with myotonia congenita, otherwise known as ‘fainting goat’…” you’ll see this:

    ‘1/11 update:
    a duplicate video appeared on you tube, with gun shot sounds synced to Charlie’s falls. I though this was OK initially, but given that Charlie has subsequently died, I requested YT remove it, and they have done so. The RVC were not impressed by it at all.’

    Perhaps a quick memo to Galvinwasgod might be a good idea, just to be sure he’s OK with it being posted on Dvorak.org/blog

    Personally, I think it’s funny, if a little sick.

  9. Zybch says:

    Wow. They look almost exactly the same as my two cats from 8 years back.
    Poor things.

  10. PcMonster says:

    It is sad that the kittens had a debilitating disease and subsequently died from it.
    What is funny though is that people actually believe someone is really shooting them with a laser.

  11. RTaylor says:

    I don’t post to tell people how to run their site. I just delete it from my bookmarks and don’t come back.

  12. fargonaz says:

    [Ed. Comment removed for violation of posting guidelines]

  13. fargonaz says:

    I can’t support this blog anymore, sorry John.

    I’ll take my measly 5 p/mo and give to someone with better judgement.

  14. jman says:

    wow what a bunch of pussies. Crying over animated laser shots to cats that were falling over on their own. Next you’ll be calling for the banning of lasers right?
    no wonder this country is going down the shitter

  15. moondawg says:

    #10, FTW.

  16. Axl says:

    Disorder or not – someone that can find it amusing to see a creature suffer, be in pain, fear or confusion – is disturbing in the sense that maturity has not set in or the slightest sense of morality and ethics has not gotten traction. Is is an oddity, true – but it is not fun!

  17. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    There must be a good german word for “misplaced empathy.”

    Not for an instant did I think these kitties were being hurt. Then I wondered what was going on as the laser beam did appear to make the muscles spasm–it was not a laser beam timed to just before the kitties fell over from lack of balance. So, I started thinking medical condition which is proven out by the second clip.

    So – – – – is the empathy misplaced or well placed and what does it say about either position?

    How do you emote and what does it mean?

    Ha, ha. Cute kitties. Perhaps a lesson in empathy for our editor?? I think the safe video to start with a link to the second with an explanation as to what was to be shown.

    Yea, I know. Too much work, not enough empathy.

  18. Miss Kitty says:

    I feel so sick, that I burned up one of my 9 lives just to come back and protest it..now I’m done..

  19. human says:

    John, you should remove this blog entry entirely.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    The only ones complaining are cat lovers.

  21. jman says:

    they’re cats, they died anyway because of their health problems, NOT because of a video. Get over it. There are billions of cats on the planet, they’re not an endangered species in any way

  22. Tom says:

    Simply removing the video is not enough. The entire post and thread should be eliminated. But, since this is free speech, I’ll simply exercise mine and decline to contribute to the blog in the future.


  23. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    HEY PETA BRAINS: When you realize that no kitties were harmed in this photoshoped video, what is it you are actually worked up about?

    Its not cruelty to animals.

    Do you think the overwhelming reaction to this video is to create cat killing laser beams or to learn how to photoshop video’s.

    Just how misplaced can your ((so called empathy but it really is something else—what is that something else????)) be?

    Yes, what quality of mind remains upset when all the facts are known?


  24. The_Tick says:

    What kind of sick fucks are we dealing with here? Surely they must have had a bucket and a river to deal with these hairy wee menaces.

  25. chris says:

    It is indecent.

    How about a video of CGI food hovering above starving third world children, that would be hilarious!

    When someone’s stupid actions lead to problems it is funny. Actual suffering by innocent parties is not funny.

  26. Ken in Berkeley says:

    Maybe this is really non-lethal microwave weapon testing…

  27. Skeptic says:

    Tom, chris, etc., etc., where does it say that this video is funny? If anything, it’s educational. Anyone with kittens having the same symptoms now have more information. If you actually read the article, you’d find that the owners were decent and caring people.

    As for the first video, there are far worse things in this world than being clever with special effects. Nothing was harmed except your frail sensitivity. So why did you watch it in the first place?

  28. MPL1 says:

    Only sad thing about this video:

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    Unlike Eideard, Gasparrini can sense the error of the post and change direction.

    Very good!

  30. skunkman62 says:

    not funny. remove this blog entry.


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