UPDATE: Based on the comments for this video I decided to change the post (both kittens died from their condition). If you want to look at the video that was originally posted, you can go here.

  1. Honest Man says:

    John’s blog is about washed up anyhow. He rants about things that never come true, then moves on to something else so you don’t remember his mistakes.

  2. chris says:

    #27 Come off it. They were using actual suffering as the basis for humor. That’s dirty.

    I considered my response, because “take it easy” really is the best policy most of the time. On this site recently I argued against someone who objected to a stunt video because it was evocative to them of people jumping from the twin towers. I can’t imagine having the direct experience to make that connection, horrible. That some would find that connection still doesn’t taint the act itself. The stunt was technically impressive, even if the movie it was destined for is probably going to suck.

    This video isn’t a representation. The illness that takes you, or your worst enemy, is not going to be funny. How would you feel about a “well-intentioned” youtube short of scenes from your imminent demise?

    Speech can be protected, but totally scummy. This is an example.

  3. BadCam says:

    Good on you Gasparrini.

    For those that are complaining that this video should have stayed on, I’m sure Gasparrini removed it, not because of people complaining about it being cruel, which it clearly wasn’t (although some idiots out there would get the idea in their heads that they should go out and “laser” animals), but because he was just respecting the owner of the video’s wishes.

    Gasparrini should be commended.

    It was still funny shit though. Besides guys, you never know. Perhaps it’ll come back if the owner gives their consent. They might be over their period of morning by now.

  4. Grandpa says:

    #20 Not true. I don’t “own” cats or dogs but I do find it disturbing. Knowing that people do find it funny is disturbing also. I think this action has crossed the line for most normal type people. I don’t think removing it is a good thing. Sometimes we need to see what the other side is doing.

  5. moondawg says:

    #32 said: “This video isn’t a representation. The illness that takes you, or your worst enemy, is not going to be funny. How would you feel about a “well-intentioned” youtube short of scenes from your imminent demise?”

    Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I would be extremely amused by someone photoshopping lasers into a video of me. If I were dying, I’d be happy for the distraction.

  6. Tom says:

    There are 2 things in this world that people love….lasers and cats!

  7. Pedro's pet goat says:

    Conservatives still don’t know funny.

  8. Anonymous says:

    wow your blog sucks so hard simply by your readers responses. And why would a site that has uncensored proudly presented at the top of the page censor itself? That is pretty terrible, i want you to know that i think you are a bad person and I don’t think much of you. Go ahead and ban me and delete this, but it wont matter. Because i will never knowingly visit this site again, as i have for the first time today looking for this video. Good day sir, I hope you find the balls to stand by your actions of posting the video that you thought was funny. And if you feel bad that the kittens died, well so have many entertainers and it hasn’t made them any less funny.

  9. tdkyo says:

    This is a polite request to remove this entry.

  10. Skippy says:

    Sad that the cats died, but a funny video. Lighten up, people. Laughing at death is as old as I am (which is old).

  11. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    I guess its worth repeating myself with slightly different words: I liked the first video.


    Under what rock do you pro-kittycat misplaced empathy brain dead moronically calcified one issue dog turds rot?

    No ability to widen your persepective/intake of the world?

    Here might be another potential outrage: laser beams causing babies to drop glasses of milk. Would the application of video editing skills be more obvious then?

    What makes the kittycat video INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT, is how did they get the cats to fall over?

    All you outraged idiots prove is your lack of insight into anything other than your own first unexamined knee jerk reaction.

    Stand up and get the sand out of your vagines!

    Cultural Fascists.

  12. cgp says:

    I vote for removal of Gasparrini from posters whatever. This article is completely unacceptable for obvious reasons.

  13. cgp says:

    AND No I am not going to lighten up on cruelty and disrespect to animals. We eat them, pet them, shoot them yet always we have respect.

  14. Dee says:

    #10…why do people believe that that was true? Have you seen the video were a girl throws puppies in a river? That is why. There are many sick people out there who torture and kill animals just for the hell of it. And while they do it they take a video and post it somewhere.

  15. madtruckman says:

    The thing that disappoints me the most is that the top of this blog says DVORAK uncensored, yet he has others posting for him. I enjoy JCD’s takes on things, and i wish he contributed more to HIS blog. But i know that this ‘blog’ (however you want to define that) is merely a money making venture for JCD, which i have no problem with. It would be nice, however, if we get some of the real wingbat posts from Eidard and Perkel or one’s like this one that JCD would give us at least a ‘Im JCD, and i approved this message’ at the top of the posts…

  16. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    #44–Dee==cruel mindless torture of animals does exist so you think kitties were hit with laser beams?

    Ha, ha. Make reality your friend.

  17. Likes2LOL says:

    C’mon, the lasers were only set to “stun” or else their fur would have smoked. I bet they died of some medical problem or something…

  18. cgp says:

    These jackasses don’t even have a clue as to what normal people find disgusting about this video.

    Some y-generators have their moral compass spinning out of control.


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