Click pic for interactive election results for
every Senate, House, and governor race
If your state had early voting, did you already? Are you voting today? What issues are most important to you in deciding who to vote for? Can you hardly wait until this insane election season is over so the elected can get back to their normal job of screwing us while enriching themselves and their friends?
Ah Yea–I hadn’t heard those determining facts. You have the better argument. Thanks for the proving link.
Yes, progressive libs demonstrating their ability to form opinions based on the facts.
Were it more widely adopted, maybe the Pukes could have made even bigger gains?
Even with this recognition though you still “overstate” your case. Power is about having both houses, not just one. So the “gains” made by the Pukes have not been seen since 1938, but the actual POWER SHIFT does not match your strained crowing.
Words have meaning.
>And thank goodness NutMeg lost her $140+ million dollar bid for the California governorship. Now we can move back home and be assured a competent adult is running the state.
So this guy won’t run the state into bankruptcy like the last two guys? You won’t have to pay a large income tax rate? There won’t be high energy bills?
Or perhaps it is to escape those things that you are in Nevada in the first place?
Mickey–like so many dittohead Pukes, you want to compare Brown to “perfection” rather than to the only relevant comparison: Brown vs NutMeg. Nutmeg basically is a big UNKNOWN but entirely suspect for being a political hack SUPERRICH douchebag and poor excuse for a human being. Her campaign was devoid of substance and total hit pieces.
As a business CEO, she offered no solutions for Ca beyond bumper sticker slogans.
No wonder you like her.
Yes Meg is an unknown. Just as Schwarzenegger was, and he turned out to be a disaster who kept spending money. However, we know about Jerry Brown having been governor 30 years ago. It is not as likely for these guys to change their ways.
Then again he did run against Bill Clinton arguing for a flat 10% tax rate, so perhaps he will surprise us.
Nevertheless, I’d rather take a chance with a business executive to balance a budget.
Yes, the power shift wasn’t total. However the victory gains were similar to past blowouts. Democrats picked up 6 Senate seats in 2006, 5 in 2000, and Republicans 8 in 1994. This was the first time the House flipped without the Senate primarily because of the Democrats gain of 8 in 2008. Still Republicans won the vast majority of Senate races, despite being overall in slightly Democrat leaning states.
Now the question is what does Obama do? Does he consider that holding the Senate means he should just keep doing what he has been doing, and ignore Republicans? Or does he fold, triangulate, and deal?
I would prefer candidates speak honestly about their beliefs and let voters decide. None of that compassionate conservatism, which unfortunately turned out to be exactly what Bush was.
Obama has said he would rather be a one termer who gets things done. He passed health care and financial reform, rolled back welfare reform. Pretty significant changes.
The GOP isn’t interested in deals or compromise, unless compromise means “do it our way”.
Chinless Mitch McConnell said it best: Our primary job is making sure he’s a one-term president.
Apparently running the country falls to a lower priority for the GOP leadership.
Yes keep singing that tune, and Democrats will continue to win 30-35% of all Senate races, 40% of House races.
Thank you, bobbo.
Yes, power is about having both offices…
And having the cajones to take advantage of that power.
Oh, and on that note, expect the Republicans to get many, many things done.
The Repubs hold the House, and need 4 votes in the Senate.
So, the Repubs will target 4 Senators who are most vulnerable to vote their way if they want to keep their jobs in 2012.
The last time one party managed to flip only the House was when the President was Herbert Hoover…
Ah Yea–in your world, does the President of the USA have a veto? The fact that BushtheMalignantRetard never used it demonstrates he was a total tool of Cheney/Rove.
Obama is his own thoughtful man. No wonder you miss this totally in your drive to be your master’s slave.
To bad, you had a run there of 3-4 ideas in a row with some validity.
We’ll come back to this thread on November 3rd 2011 and ask all of you what changes were really made.
I mean fair is fair seeing how all of the conservatives believed the liberals could turn around the Bush years in one year as well.
So we’ll see how it all goes.
Uncle Dave, archive the thread so we can easily visit it again.
Your powers of critical thinking are gone, Gone, GONE!
According to your line of thought, it’s OK for Congress to pass a bill just to have the Pres Veto again and again.
How far do you think that’s gonna go? Every time Obama vetoes a joint resolution, he gives the Dem’s another black eye. How many MORE black eyes Obama give the Dems take before they outright revolt?
It’s simple. At least for some…
what I think is funny, is WHOM blocked the vote in cali on prop 19.
reading THIS article is humorous..as Iv seen numbers at
Referendum failed
No 3,826,487 53.8%
Yes 3,297,590 46.2%
Total votes 7,124,077 100.00%
This is NOT a big difference. but WHERE did 5% of this come from.
“It was being defeated by a wide margin late Tuesday night when none other than Gil Kerlikowske, the White House’s drug policy director, weighed in.
E-mailed by a spokesman, Kerlikowske’s two-sentence statement on Proposition 19 said: “Today, Californians recognized that legalizing marijuana will not make our citizens healthier, solve California’s budget crisis, or reduce drug related violence in Mexico. The Obama Administration has been clear in its opposition to marijuana legalization because research shows that marijuana use is associated with voluntary treatment admissions for addiction, fatal drugged driving accidents, mental illness, and emergency room admissions.””
And I have to ask, WTF?
Who wanted this prop killed?
I wish to ASK an important question…Why cant we SUE groups/persons that LIE about information/propaganda on TV?? WHY DONT WE SUE.
One comedian (ok, Jimmy Kimmel) said this could actually work against the Republicans, in the House. Because now, they’ll actually have to do some work. Rather than simply vote “NO” about ever bill the Democrats present. Are they gonna vote “NO” for their own bills? What a farce.
They’ll need to spend more time canvasing their “majority” votes, to see who can vote which way, as to not offend each politician’s constituents back home. Accept for anything that really effects major corp. interests. In which all of them (Democrats and Republicans) vote to pass it, or reject it. Like NAFTA and the Iraq war.
All these maps indicate how well the media propaganda worked in the US. Getting the public to believe the fiction that politicians are actually on a “side” and adhere to certain party principles. But when it comes to big lobbyist bucks. They’ll vote however they’re paid to vote. And apologize for, and/or lie about it, later. “We don’t actually read these bills”. No, they read the dinner check that got picked up.
Every two years, billions of dollars go into the Tv and print advertising business, for promoting and defaming various candidates. It’s a huge money making deal, that wouldn’t exist (or barely would) if not for the media campaigning. It may indeed be the only thing keeping most of the industry in the black, with the internet having killed most of their non-campaigning business.
Can we do as CHINA has??
#68 MikeN – “So this guy won’t run the state into bankruptcy like the last two guys? You won’t have to pay a large income tax rate? There won’t be high energy bills?
Or perhaps it is to escape those things that you are in Nevada in the first place?”
I have no idea whether Brown will run the state into bankruptcy or not. Does anyone really? Yes, we’ll have to probably pay larger income tax rates (as compared to no state income taxes here in Nevada) but we’ll also be making significantly more money and the infrastructure won’t be crumbling around us like here in Vegas. I know our energy bills will be much, much lower since we won’t be suffering through triple digit heat during the long summers.
Didn’t quite understand the gist of your last sentence. Anywho, we’ll be glad to leave this hellhole and return to beautiful SoCal in the very near future. Can’t wait!
Don’t forget how California performed the last time Brown was Govenor.
California’s energy bills are substantially higher than the rest of the country.
My last sentence was referring to the fact that there are lots of people who are leaving California because the costs are so high.
#88 MikeN – Yes, Cali’s energy bills might be substantially higher but I never had to live in a house with dual air conditioners running for 4-5 months like we do in Vegas. I never even used the A/C in my truck in SoCal and only had to have it repaired when we moved out here. Two people in a small modest SoCal house won’t incur the $200+ a month in electric bills like we pay in Vegas every summer.
We left SoCal because we thought we’d get a bargain on a house out here and that costs would be significantly lower on other things. Turns out not to be the case. Our “bargain” house is so far upside down that we’re contemplating doing a short sell on it or just let BofA have it back. The benefits of living in SoCal far outweigh any minor cost savings living in Vegas. Businesses might find the business & political climate more welcoming but for us, it’s time to leave.