Click pic for interactive election results for
every Senate, House, and governor race

If your state had early voting, did you already? Are you voting today? What issues are most important to you in deciding who to vote for? Can you hardly wait until this insane election season is over so the elected can get back to their normal job of screwing us while enriching themselves and their friends?

  1. Improbus says:

    Holy crap! I had completely forgotten it was election day. Now I have one more thing to do on the way home. Make that two, I will need beer after voting to rinse the bad taste out of my mouth.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    From the Onion:

    Election Day Voting Tip: The new electronic voting machines are complicated, but don’t worry. Octogenarians will be on hand to troubleshoot any technological problems you might have.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Voting today: I feel like we are handing over a little puppy to someone we know is going to abuse it.

  4. Fred Ziffel says:

    George Carlin had the right idea about voting.

  5. Awake says:

    Who cares about 2010, when 2012 will be Rapture time, and most leading Republicans (Sarah amongst them) will leave this earth, leaving the Antichrist Rahm Emmanuel to govern behind Obama’s back.
    Yeah really… I have a good source:

  6. Benjamin says:

    I voted. Now I have to wait for tonight to see if my vote did any good. I even voted for some write-in candidates.

    Here is what is going to happen. If the Republicans borrow and spend, then they are handing everything back to the Barack Obama in 2012. If the Republicans reign in spending, then they can do whatever they like in Congress.

    Obama will have to moderate to the right and include Republicans. If he couldn’t get his policies passed with control of both houses, he won’t get them passed with Republicans running Congress. A party of No will reign in spending and borrowing.

  7. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    Benji===”If the Republicans reign in spending, then they can do whatever they like in Congress.” //// Were you in this mental condition when you voted????

    You know, even better: “If the Democraps could turn campaign slogans into reality, then they could do whatever they like in Congress.”

    I mean, really!

  8. foobar says:

    Alfred said “Hopefully the new crop will get it right.”
    They are already bought and paid for if that’s what you mean.

    McCullough. Fucking eh? Right on buddy.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ben…I don’t diasgree, but Obama has tried reaching out to Republicans and ended up with his fingers chewed off. McConnell says their singular goal is to make him a one-term president. That’s a big statement…it means they don’t care about governing, but they do care about power.

    McConnell may be overstating, but then again given their actions so far maybe he isn’t. In either case the GOP is never going to go along with anything important if there’s any chance it makes Obama look good.

    So Obama can wallow all the way right…directly into the teabagger crazy pit even, and he still won’t get anything but an infection. Just watch…

  10. nobodyspecial says:

    Finally all the incumbents that have ruined the country over the last 234 years can be swept from office and replaced with honest, intelligent and far-sighted leaders that will lead us to a new promised land.

    Same time next year?

  11. Cursor_ says:

    There will be no change. There was not before and there is none for 2012.

    Until you all call for a new constitution to form a new republic you will not get change.

    All you will get is more of the same. Plutocrats that represent the rich and the companies the rich own.

    The middle and lower class are taxed without representation.


  12. zancudocom says:

    I live in Arizona and I voted several times for Jerry Joslyn ( the Green candidate for Senate becuase I agree with everything he says.


  13. Fred Ziffel says:

    No matter who you vote for you still get the government.

  14. foobar says:

    Chris Matthews getting tingled by Michele Bachmann. Her vagina makes you forget about her penis.

  15. foobar says:

    I have visions of the Tea Partiers running into the Congressional Chambers screaming LEEEEEROY JENKINS!

  16. Glass Half Full says:

    Wow…another Tea Party wingnut goes down in horrible flames. First Christine O’Donnell, now Sharron Angle lost to FREAKING Harry Reid. In a state with 12+% unemployment and someone as unpopular as Reid, and he STILL won. I assumed he was gonna lose this. So the Democrats hold on to the Senate, AND keep their majority leader.

    Truly a half assed win night for the Republicans. Unlike during Clinton OR Bush change years, Congress didn’t switch both houses. In both previous Presidents BOTH houses of Congress were lost at the same time (going Republican under Clinton, and then Democratic under Bush). The best they could do this time is ONE house…and Harry Reid is still standing. Truly looks GOOD for Obama in 2012!

    Oh, and the Gov of California is a Democrat again.

  17. Glass Half Full says:

    @47 ROTFLMAO

  18. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, Reid nearly lost 12 years ago to the other Senator. He called one Senator hot, another his pet.
    Said some stuff about Obama along the lines of he is articulate and clean.

  19. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Ah_Yea #19: “And here is another, even more obvious reason Reid is toast.”

    I guess you’d better get your crystal(meth) ball checked, it’s obviously on the fritz.

    Proudly cast my vote for Reid and against that ignorant lying racist teabagger Angle. I hope she uses her “2nd Amendment solution” on herself now.

    And thank goodness NutMeg lost her $140+ million dollar bid for the California governorship. Now we can move back home and be assured a competent adult is running the state.

  20. nolimit662 says:

    I guess america has a shorter memory than I thought. It was Bush and the republicans that put us in this depression in ’07. Now that it’s swinging back in their favor due to the voter’s short sighted memories, we are really in trouble. Sadly, people thought 2 years of Obama could magically reverse the damage of 8 years of Bush. Tragic.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Yes, m.c., my crystal(meth) was clouded!

    Over all, though, I’m happy with the results. The crazy Democratic excesses and the “fringe” elements on the right have been put in check.

    Now we shall see if the more moderate elements on both sides can actually work for the benefit of the country. (Hope and Change we can believe in!!)

    As for Glass Half Full (of meth):
    Today was a substantial defeat for Obama and his allies.

    Just 2 years ago he swept the elections with unprecedented popularity, and now Obama and crazy libs created this unprecedented collapse for the Dems, restored the Repubs to power, and made the Tea Party the political force it is today.

    And you are saying this is a victory?

    What kind of screwed up, idiotic logic is that?

    Yea, Dems, good job.

  22. gquaglia says:

    Wake up call for Obama.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Yea: Now we shall see if the more moderate elements on both sides can actually work for the benefit of the country. (Hope and Change we can believe in!!)

    I wish that were true, but the number of republicans who swept in on the tea party’s “give no ground” approach doesn’t bode well for a proper working government. Today’s GOP House will not allow anyone to step out of line. If a single (R) rep fails to vote as directed by Rush or Boner, that rep is in big trouble. There might be a couple mavericks, but they won’t last long.

    Plenty of Dems want to work on bipartisan legislation, but there have been no R’s with a sincere wish to do the same. Their spoken claim to seek bipartisan cooperation is fantasy…they won’t vote for anything that isn’t strictly in their conservative teabagger wheelhouse. Ever. And that, my friends, is what jams up the federal government.

  24. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    Would you ever hire a plumber who thought “Big Plumbing” was not the answer and you should shit in the woods?

    Would you ever hire a doctor who thought “Big Medicine” was not the answer and you should eat nettles and take a colonic purge?

    Would you ever vote for a politician who thought “Big Government” was not the answer and you should survive best you can on your own?

    And so many of you do.

    Silly Hoomans.

  25. Mextli says:

    #58 “Plenty of Dems want to work on bipartisan legislation”

    Little humor to get you through the night huh?

    A “Dems” definition of bipartisanship is vote for all Democratic bills and shut up.

  26. Mextli says:

    @57 “Just a wake up call. Obama has shown a disturbing clinging to the status quo in his performance in opposition to his stirring speeches.”

    In other words he need to be even more of an hard headed asshole.

    To borrow from the “Dem” lexicon, TARD.

  27. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    #60 + #61 + Every Other Post–Nextlie==yes, exactly==Obamas biggest fault in performance is his failure to be a hard headed asshole. Silly to have watched a malignant retard like BushtheMalignantRetard perform in office for 8 years like he did and not learn the real politik value of being hard headed and beyond reasoning.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, thanks for the first complement, and…

    Wake up and smell the coffee!

    “Historically, the Republican gains mark the biggest midterm election seat swap since 1938 when Democrats lost 71 House seats. It has already eclipsed the 1994 Republican tidal wave in which the GOP netted 52 seats.”

    As usual, my comments were right on, and yours were blather and off target.

  29. MikeN says:

    Democrats won 30% of the Senate races.


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