Click pic for interactive election results for
every Senate, House, and governor race
If your state had early voting, did you already? Are you voting today? What issues are most important to you in deciding who to vote for? Can you hardly wait until this insane election season is over so the elected can get back to their normal job of screwing us while enriching themselves and their friends?
Anybody know, have a link, as to what the deal is with Harry Reid? He’s just a boring old man more interested in wielding power than whats good for America: just like all of them.
Why are the voters evenly split EVEN WHEN his opposition is the loonbat?
I’ve only seen one explanation: “I turned against Harry Reid when he said the war was lost in Iraq.” Seems the even older critic had a son fighting in Iraq and his father wanted him to stay there until he got killed. Republicans are like that.
But why would 50% of the electorate be “against” a run of the mill politician who was in a power position to swing money to Nevada?
I’m sure there is more than the “Patriotism means dying in a stupid wasteful War” vote in Nevada. Did he piss off gambling interests? Not a repeat user of prostitution services?
Whats the beef?
You know the republicans need to be very careful after today, and remember that this election was not about how great they have been, but how very bad the democrats have been.
The worse things that the republicans can think is that this is some kind of mandate on their social policy. What has happened is that the democrats have screwed the pooch pretty drastically. I wrote earlier in the year that the whole health care takeover, was like giving the republicans the house, and that has come to pass.
So now the republicans have a choice. If they try to enact their social policies the voters will erase their gains, and send them packing in 2 years.
The republicans say they have learned from their big government, borrow and spend ways 2 years ago. Well now they have a chance to prove it.
Bobbo, it’s not that hard to understand.
Just look two years ago. There was this inexperienced junior senator from Chicago promising Hope and Change.
People naively bought into the promise without looking into the reality. And then we all got an administration which makes the Keystone Kops look good.
The incompetence, corruption, deceit, arrogance, and outright lies of this administration has repulsed and disgusted a huge section of the voting populace. Those voters who brought Obama and his minions into power now want him OUT!
This includes Harry Reid, the Obama admin poster boy.
These same voters who swallowed Hope and Change without thinking (gut reaction) now are now voting ABB (Anyone But Barak).
Currently abroad. Voted via absentee ballot. Paid 5 Euros to ship the ballot from Deutschland ….
You people have too little to choose from. It’s either for a spineless hooker or a hate-monging hypocrite.
Aww, Elections..
How to screw the public with their OK.
Think about something stupid.
The electorate.
Each state gets a vote per the populace in that state. The density of population resides in the hands of Major metro areas. THOSE are the areas you wish to Do the most, and make a good name for yourself. NOT even your own state has as much power(unless you are from 1).
The LEAST dense states are farming community.
Now something changed over the years. The electorate USED to split according to the votes in the states. That has changed. The person to get 51% get ALL THE VOTES. Which really unbalances the Electorate.
Since they like it this way, and to RE-balance the system. Why not just give each state 1 electorate vote. That would give a farmer as much vote as a city fellow.
Finally, we can go back to what the Founding Fathers wanted (reminded by the ‘Party Like It’s 1778″ poster Sarah Palin was holding on TV).
Er, tricky point Ms. Palin…you can’t vote, or run or national office. The Founding Fathers didn’t think much of “masculine” women like you who wear pants and want to be in mens jobs like politics. Say while you’re touring the nation on your book tour and doing stump speeches for candidates in the lower 48, who’s taking care of your children? Who’s cooking for them and tucking them in? Your husband? I don’t think Jefferson or Madison would approve of your “lifestyle choice” Ms. Palin.
In 1778 you’d be in the kitchen making lunch and your husband would be running for office. Remember, our Founding Fathers knew BETTER than we do. Also that 24/7 military industrial complex you love, sorry, has to go. The Founding Fathers didn’t want a full time standing Army, since historically the Army (folks with guns) didn’t to ultimately eye the government too much and eventually stop taking orders and take over the country.
What? What do you say Ms. Palin? Times change? Women CAN vote and even run corporations NOW? Times change? We NEED a military that’s full time 24/7 because the world is different than it was in 1778? You mean women can even show their ankles in public? MY GOD! You hippy modern liberal “relativist”…look at you just going along with “the times” and turning your back on the Founding Fathers who knew best. I’m ashamed of you.
Brian Baird, a six-term Democrat from Washington state, candid about his party.
Good read. It seriously outlines much that went wrong with the Dems any why they are going to get their asses kicked today.
wow and our choices are, vote for criminal party A or criminal party B, or a handful if insane nobodies … ah the land of the free…
Reid is a victim of the group that demonized him. They successfully created a narrative where he (and Pelosi) is the source of everything the GOP and Fox PAC dislikes. And so, since 2008 the right-wing media have pushed that narrative, over and over, to the point where a regular-guy senator with nothing important to his credit has become the poster child for what’s “wrong” with America.
Every one of the TV ads running locally invokes “Pelosi” or Reid and whatever evil they’re pissed about at the moment, typically the ‘liberal agenda’, ‘failed stimulus’, sending jobs to China, etc. It’s mostly projection, but the folks who watch Fox PAC don’t care, they believe what they choose to believe, damn the facts or that pesky reality thing.
Ah Yea–I agree if you are stupid enough to think Obama screwed the pooch ((rather than it was the preceding Bush/Clinton that did it and Obama got left holding the bag)) that would be a reason to vote against Obama BUT that national issue has little actual impact in State Senatorial issues. Its Pelosi that has been set up as the stand in for Obama not Reid.
So, I think the question is unanswered. I understand a protest vote against incumbents as I often advocated until the Teabaggers showed how incompetent a person that might bring to office==incompetent but more importantly just as corrupt as the rest of the gang, but as America spirals towards the drain, I would think a self interested electorate would still want as much of the sinking ship as possible even while it floundered?
What did Harry Reid DO to lose the apathy of the general electorate?
Let see how the instant gratification sheeple will vote today.
In Delaware, I hope the sheeple know they are not voting for Samantha Stevens from Bewitched.
#10–Olo==that sounds about right. Then with far left progressive commie bastards like myself wanting to punish the Dem’s for being spineless, the sheeple are about evenly split.
Gee, if I was in Nevada, I might even overcome my antipathy and vote for Reid.
Fox PAC (formerly the improbably-named Fox News) has that demonization thing nailed. Once they pick a target, that target is immediately hated by all their loyal followers. It’s to the point now where they just say “PELOSI” and their zombies start drooling like Pavlov’s dog.
Don’t underestimate the role of the right-wing propaganda machine in all of insanity we face today.
Olo–quite right. Speaking of cognitive dissonance, I wonder if the good folks of Ah Yea’s education/training/experience/outlook have any at all (cog dis that is) recognizing that if you took away the criminally insane teabagging component of their party, his way of thinking would only represent about 20% of the electorate? That 20% who righteously believe Federal spending is out of control and think that yelling “tax cuts” at every issue somehow addresses that issue?
Silly people, each with the same vote as anyone else. So many crazies, you lump them together thru appeals to god, guns, and gays and you got yourself a minority party.
Silly Hoomans.
I voted for Democrats with a few exceptions. There are some Republicans that seem to be honest in this state and I voted for them, but most are in corporation pockets.
The Republican gubernatorial candidate seems to be corrupt already (won’t even talk to Republican newspapers or local radio stations) and she hasn’t even been elected yet.
A great pic c/o Adam Curry that sums it up:
And here is another, even more obvious reason Reid is toast.
Arizona’s true unemployment rate is 18.5%. Nearly 1 in 5.
So while “we’ve already lost the war” Reid is pushing Obamacare, a huge portion of his voting constituency is sliding into poverty.
I voted early in ND.
Who’s bright idea was it to have national elections every 2 years? Politicians seem to be in perpetual campaign mode.
Bush may have spent more time on vacation than being president, but Obama seems to spend more time campaigning that doing anything else – including sleeping.
#15 – C’mon Bobbo, if you take out the criminally insane component out of both parties, you’d be left with about 5% of the entire electorate.
Hmm. Maybe not such a bad idea.
Kind of pathetic to watch bobbo, Dallas, and Olo Baggins doing this circle jerk.
Their repetitive never-ending whine is to blame the Republicans, even though the Democrats have controlled Congress and the purse strings for the last 4 years.
#21, chuck, Speaking of Obama in this election cycle – when he is jetting around doing all this campaigning for Democratic candidates, to who’s account is all that Presidential travel being expensed? In fact, the same issue comes up every election cycle, with the answer more often than not being that taxpayers get stuck with the bulk of it. Corrupt political system indeed.
Find your fucking polling location.
House: Republicans by 31 seats
Senate: Democrats by 4 seats
Geez this blog has certainly died since I was here last (circa 2008) Everyone must of ran out of Bush bashing comments when Yobama and Dems got into power. But hey.. after the Republicans win back the House, I’m sure business will pick back up dudes.
benson…the Repubes in congress get no credit for the prior decade+? Or president for 8 of the last 9.6?
#25. foobar- What a great fucking site….I laughed till I fucking cried. At least I now know where to fucking vote.
Kind of pathetic to watch JB, Ah Yea, and Alfie doing this circle jerk.
Their repetitive never-ending whine is to blame the Democrats, even though the Republicans have controlled Congress and the purse strings for the previous 6 years and filibustered against their own positions for the last 4 years.
See JB==easy to be brain dead. Which one of you idiots blames the progressives for everything? Hard to keep you morons apart–although I haven’t seen any reason to.
Ha, ha. Silly Repukes can only define themselves by what they are against: everyone and everything.
Stoopid Hoomans.
From today’s democratic talking points
Vote democrat and vote often