Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. Will a new Congress change anything??

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  1. Glass Half Full says:

    Impact? None. Congress is split. The % in each house is nearly 50% (Senate 51-48, House 200-233).

    What’s gonna change? Seriously? I’ve lived through Nixon to Obama. Congress has been controlled by the Democrats, then Republicans, then Democrats, now (partly) Republican. Now Republican President EVER left office with government smaller in employees or spending than when he started. Republicans spend EVERY bit as much as Democrats…just on different programs, but the overall is the same. Reagan spent like a drunken monkey (to defeat the Soviets). Bush spent like a drunken monkey (to defeat evil doers). It’s always SOMETHING. It will always be something else to defeat, fight, whatever.


  2. The Pirate says:

    The Song Remains the Same.
    No Choice.
    No Change.
    That is all.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    Hey, the Rattler! One of my favorite coasters.

    Regarding the election, last time we seemed to do pretty well under a Democrat president and a Republican congress. Problems creep up when one party gets too much power.

  4. Guyver says:

    1, Glass Half Full,

    Impact? None. Congress is split.

    That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is the trend. House Democrats lost 59 seats (including Barack’s former seat):

    Unless something changes in a big way for Obama, I don’t see him getting re-elected. Blaming the previous administration for his lack of leadership or failures as a “leader” is getting old.

  5. ArianeB says:

    Far more bigger impact on the market than the election will be today’s trillion dollar “quantitative easing” by the FED.

    The Federal Reserve is inventing a trillion dollars and buying federal bonds with it. This will devalue the dollar, which will increase inflation and prop up the stock market.

    So if the stock market goes up today, it will not be because of the election.

  6. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    Obama vs Palin.

    Ha, ha.

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #7 Bobbo – Dare to dream. That would be the most entertaining line-up i could think of. Palin would get decimated in all the debates but it would be the best damn debates ever. I would have to tune in.

  8. Rock On Dudes! says:

    Change it had to come
    We knew it all along
    We were liberated from the fall that’s all
    But the world looks just the same
    And history ain’t changed
    ‘Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

    I’ll move myself and my family aside
    If we happen to be left half alive
    I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
    For I know that the hypnotized never lie

    There’s nothing in the street
    Looks any different to me
    And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
    And the parting on the left
    Is now the parting on the right
    And the beards have all grown longer overnight

    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

    Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
    We don’t get fooled again


    – From the words of the prophet Pete Townsend –

  9. foobar says:

    The Republicans picked off a lot of low hanging testicles. Good thing they paid the Tea Party to fly cover for them.

  10. Dallas says:

    In the news….

    The sheeple have voted and Fox News gets a new bimbo that likes cock.

    Delaware sings “ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead”

    Nazi GOP Candidate Rich Lott surrenders.

  11. freddybobs68k says:


    I read this today – it was hard work, and I can’t say I get it all.

    In it, it claims…

    ” Contrary to popular opinion, Quantitative Easing is actually a
    deflationary event because it takes an interest bearing instrument out
    of the private sect…or’s hands and replaces it with a non-interest
    bearing deposit.”

  12. moss says:

    Change anything? Not in my investing.

    The only worthwhile firms have a global outlook that supports economics “local” to their employees and consumers.

    All of which means nothing to either run-of-the-mill politicians or libertarian teabaggers

  13. chuck says:

    A conversation between 2 voters after Calif. Prop. 19 failed:

    V1: Dude, it’s such a bummer that Prop. 19 failed.

    V2: Yeh, I really shoulda voted. But I got stoned.

    V1: Yeh, me too. Did Dave vote?

    V2: Dave’s not here, man!

    V2: he he he he.

  14. jbenson2 says:

    #1 Glass Half Full said:
    Impact? None. Congress is split. The % in each house is nearly 50% (Senate 51-48, House 200-233).


    Putting aside the drubbing individual democrats took last night;

    Putting aside the loss of Pelosi as the 2nd in line for the Presidency;

    Putting aside the loss of democrat chairmanships:

    the biggest victory is the Republicans ultimate control of the changes involved in redrawing Congressional districts. 

    Some Democratic incumbents will have to run against each other in order to survive in 2012.

    Some Blue states will loose representatives.

    Some Red states will gain representatives.

    The redistricting will be especially important in battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina

    The dumbocrats response? Ooops.

  15. jbenson2 says:

    A few other benefits of yesterday’s election

    The GOP is likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents. [sweet!]

    The long overdue Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) ethics trial will finally kick off.

    And not forget one of the real moonbats, Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), will also undergo her own ethics trial.

    “It’s like we’re kicking ourselves in the stomach when we’re already down,” one House Democratic staffer griped.

    silly dumbocrats!

  16. Mr Anderson says:

    Some of the puppets have new faces,
    but their strings are still tied to the same big businesses.

  17. Dallas says:

    Nancy is being replaced with by another Nancy – Nancy Boehner.

    Waaaaa. I’m so happy to have government healthcare. Waaaaa.

  18. ECA says:

    oBAMA HAS AN out, if he TAKES IT…
    ALL OF IT..
    Which will piss off ToNS of people.

    and WE paid for it.

    as I have said to others..many times..
    Just because a pres, wants something only means he has to DEBATE it with 300 IDIOTS.
    Even if he FORCES something to PASS. Watch those 300 idiots PICK it to pieces, part by part. They will add them to the END of other bills, that are 1000+ pages long..

  19. ECA says:

    Health care and insurance corps..?
    They are going to RAISE prices, EQUALLY, so as not to show 1 forcing up prices.
    Raise it BEFORE the bill takes full affect.

    Its called a BALLOON..and a few are going to POP.

    Computer corps are looking for a way out of using CD/DVD/BR…they can be HACKED easily.. Direct market sources are getting BIG, like STEAM.
    Under this idea/plan..HIGH speed access is the MAIN demand. ALL programs will be ONLINE release. They can be tracked every time they are used.. PAIN to hack. And if you have other progs from SAME company, they FIND each other(hacked or not) and tell on you(HACKED COPY).

    Adobie is Pushing their numbers.. they have had 7 updates in last month. They are PART and PARCEL of most ONLINE VIDEO..and adding security is what is happening. the consumer ISNT getting anything out of it.

  20. angry says:

    I blame Prescott Bush!

  21. ECA says:

    WOW..back in the PAST HIT..

  22. Glenn E. says:

    I haven’t listened to Unplugged #88, but I can pretty much guarantee you guys missed the point entirely. All this controversy about Sarah Palin running for an office she’s not in the least bit qualified to hold, and California Prop.19, etc, is all been orchestrated to counter the public’s apathy with the election process. By just giving them something to vote for, or against, that they’ll care about, far more than what either major party use to invent just before election time. They’ve caused the voter registration to vastly increase. And that’s all they REALLY care about. Because it helps keep the whole sham alive and going. So all that talk of “reforms” with party financing, etc. Will again be put on hold, or forgotten. Because they managed to boost the voting records up high enough, that we won’t be crying foul when our leaders get elected by only a tiny percentage of the population. And states that rely on voter registration to draft jurors, can breathe freer. My state gave up on registered voters, a few years back, and now picks its jurors from the State’s driver license database. Just one of many reasons the voter registrations were failing to prop up the bureaucracy.

    So if you Californians really think Prop 19 was really about legalizing Marijuana, guess again. They suckered you into registering, to vote for an issue that was a total ruse. And Palin will never win, or be allowed to do anything meaningful, even if she did win. It just about scaring the crap out of enough citizen, to get them to registered. Thus tacitly accepting the election system as it is. Without any reform. Election theater, where everything’s a fake. And only the box office receipts, counts. So the same old play can keep on playing.


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