Guess that T-Mobile didn’t get the memo about ‘Trains good, planes bad’.

  1. The Pirate says:

    Well I can get on board with the ‘Life’s For Sharing’ message. I tend to imagine that my idea of sharing isn’t the same as the corporation behind this feel good piece of falseness.

  2. Troublemaker says:

    Tedious… couldn’t watch more than 20-30 seconds of this BS.

  3. Maricopa says:

    TSA says ok to this crap but I still have to take my slippers off!

  4. admfubar says:

    so is t-moble a sponsor of the site now?

  5. TThor says:

    Try that stunt in any US airport and the TSA will f…g shoot you!

    So much for ‘pursuit of happiness’

  6. trirnoth says:

    For three minutes it was nice to imagine a world where people sang. Happiness.
    Thankfully the comments on this blog brought me back down to harsh reality.
    People are really dicks over just about anything. Feel good commercials included.

  7. Riker17 says:

    I would assume (am I an ass for doing so?) that permission was granted for this performance by the operators of the airport.
    I agree with #5 that the TSA would not allow something as pleasant and harmonious as this show of good feelings.

  8. hhopper says:

    I thought it was excellent. You can’t please everyone.

  9. Counterweight says:

    Ahhh, remember the days when the airport was fun and exciting?

  10. Gasparrini says:

    Remember when you could go to an airport with you binoculars and watch planes takeoff and land?

  11. nyc2malibu says:

    what a bunch of cranky geeks & old farts that was best spot i seen in long long time …!

  12. e? says:

    I lol’d. And felt good.


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