A teen’s spirit week stunt has landed him in hot water.

Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School Senior Dan Depaolis, dressed in medieval garb, rode a horse into the school’s parking lot as part of spirit week. What he, and his parents, thought was a good-natured stunt, the school deemed dangerous. Depaolis was suspended from school for two days.

The vice principal allegedly suspended the 17-year-old even after the boy’s father explained that the horse was brought in on a trailer and that no one was in danger.

The father tells FOX25 the school compared the stunt to bringing a “loaded firearm” to school and that he and his wife were shocked to hear about the suspension, saying that the 1100-pound horse, named Pierre, would never hurt a fly.

  1. nobodyspecial says:

    Obviously the horse didn’t take it’s shoes off before going through security.

  2. nobodyspecial says:

    Show-and-tell must be fun in Boston.

    little 5year old gets up in front of the class

    > OMG she’s got a bunny rabbit – hit the floor

    helicopters overhead, special forces ninjas abseiling down ropes through the windows.

    > Argghhh.., Its nose twitched, call for backup, take off and nuke the school from orbit it’s the only way to be sure!

  3. Somebody_Else says:

    You want to know why we have problems with bullies, suicides, and school shootings?

    Because schools are run by brain-dead zero tolerance douchebags like this vice principal who don’t actually give a shit about students.

  4. Robart says:

    #2 You laugh but don’t underestimate how dangerous rabbits are:

  5. The Pirate says:

    I see vehicles in that school parking lot. Vehicles have gasoline and parts that make that gasoline explode. Suspend all faculty and students who drive for endangering the children. Insert head in ass, bill the union for innovative thinking.

    Douchebag email.
    foxm@hwschools.net – Principle Matthew Fox
    menegonib@hwschools.net – Assoc. Principle Bryan Menegoni

  6. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’ve seen many high schools in Minnesota allow students to drive/ride snowmobiles to school during winter months. Wonder how that would go over with this school?

  7. moi says:

    Shows how far we have drifted away from any sort of rural underpinnings.

    School administration anymore, is so afraid of liability for anything.

    The days of when I used to bring my shotgun into the school, for trap/skeet class after school are long gone. (FYI: we all had to give the shotguns to the science teacher, who taught the after school activity, he locked them up in his supply room.)

  8. spsffan says:

    And you wonder why, even if I wanted some, I refuse to have children!

  9. Steve S says:

    The Pussyfication of America continues. I blame the brain-dead school administration and the mother-fucking asshole lawyers who put the fear of liability into them for this.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    If you see the “Fox” logo on a story, it’s probably crap — either a complete lie or a spun half truth.

  11. overtemp says:

    Those who can, do.

    Those who can’t, teach.

    Those who can’t even teach, get administrative credentials.

  12. LotsaLuck says:

    # 10 Greg Allen said, on November 1st, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    “If you see the “Fox” logo on a story, it’s probably crap — either a complete lie or a spun half truth.”

    Well, Greg Allen, I’m sure it killed you not being able to defame Bush or the R’s or conservatives regarding this totally non-political story! So bad mouthing Fox will just have to do!

    Oh, and let’s also slam that other bastion of extreme right-wing journalism, the Boston Herald.

  13. UncDon says:

    “The district does not comment on idiotic decisions made by hotheaded employees on the spur of any given moment. We’ll watch how this blows out of proportion and then decide how to reverse the suspension after the fact.”

  14. deowll says:

    I suppose the horse might step on someone and it is always better to ask but sending the kid home for two days suggests dementia.

  15. bill says:

    Obviously they have seen a horse close up..
    My horse would intimidate the heck out of you but would only nuzzle you to death looking for that apple or carrot!

    Suspension? You’re fired!

  16. Holdfast says:

    Is the reason for this dislike of horses that they are not fueled by products of the oil industry?

    That makes them anti – big business therefore a socuialist danger that we must protect our children from in the same way that Mcarthy did during the good old days.

    You realise that these horse things can make more horses with no help from steel mills, mines and other good old megacorporations? This has to be stopped now!

  17. dfc says:

    This country is doomed!
    I give the USA about another 75-100 years before there is either a revolution in the streets…or it dissolves.

  18. bonehead says:

    One of the most blatant cases of equiphobia I have ever seen!

  19. Mr, Ed says:

    Whoa, Wilbur!

  20. DeeHexi says:

    WTF is wrong with these people???
    It seems to me that Americans are paranoid as hell…thanks to the media…

  21. RTaylor says:

    How many of you have been around horses? Many of man lies in a grave due to a horse kick. Some horses are high strung. If a crowd of kids rushed in, it could spook the animal. Being Bostonians I doubt these kids knew it wasn’t a great idea to crowd a horses hind quarters. I think if they had coordinated this with the schools administration so they could have kept the parking lot free of people and cars it would have been fine. Did I not spy a broad sword in a scabbard? They should have cleared it with principal before the show.

  22. the haunted sheep says:

    admittedly it’s boston and as everybody knows the communists are prone to nanny state over-reaction but this crazy even for them. It’s gotten to the point where anybody shows any initiative or any creativity and they are shot down. just que up and you will be told how to celebrate, there are times and ways to do this. do not deviate!

  23. lynn says:

    This is actually funny because not two weeks ago, the Philadelphia Inquirer had a lengthy feature about a teenager who rides his horse to school (in Phila. suburbs) every day, a Percheron, no les (very large horsie). The only complaint is the odor. Come to think of it, I guess horse odor could knock you out.

  24. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    the obvious lesson is never ride your horse to school unless you are carrying a loaded firearm. That way if the kids all swarm around your ride and start to spook it, you can get them to back off….

  25. Nobodyspecial says:

    History could have been so different.
    Paul Revere riding from Boston to warn of the British – after conducting a risk assesment and obtaining a horse riding and revolutionary warning permit from the authorities.

  26. Somebody says:

    “I give the USA about another 75-100 years before….”

    Ah, so you’re an optimist.

  27. Will says:

    wtf is spirit week?

  28. nobodyspecial says:

    @wtf is spirit week?
    I assume it immediately follows beer week


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