Deana Schupp, a cable company worker from Florida, stared out over the huge crowd on Washington DC’s National Mall and had a sudden but welcome realisation. “When I see this crowd, I feel I am not alone. We are here for sanity and there are a lot of us,” she said. It was, she admitted, her first protest march.

She definitely had company. Tens of thousands of people gathered here in what must surely be the strangest-titled mass protest ever held in America’s capital: The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Hope.
The crowd was enormous – easily a quarter of a million people. As the masses listened to music and comedy routines broadcast from the tiny distant stage over giant screens all the way down the Mall, it was an impressive display of the power of comedy and celebrity. Whether it was a display of the power of American liberalism was much harder to say. Many observers saw the rally as a response to Fox News pundit Glenn Beck’s recent “Restoring Honour” rally, which occupied the same space several months ago. That event, which attracted between 250,000 and 500,000 people, was seen as symbolising the rising power of conservatism.

  1. Dallas says:

    Now there’s another rally I can support!! Anyone know if this rally snuffed out the teabagger rally in numbers?

    I would agree with Teabagger supporters that you can’t quite fit as many Teabaggers in the same place.

  2. tdkyo says:

    Wait, Beck had less than 100,000 while this rally had over 200,000. I mean, if you had some experience in aerial intelligence gathering (You know, counting those Cuban missiles), then I will give you a benefit of a doubt, but I smell some distorting truth…. I haven’t seen an aerial photo of the rally, and your post implying that you did see it??

    You are forgetting that Jon’s Rally was also a commitment against the political discourse in Washington AND the 24 hour cable news networks. I also agree that this rally isn’t a “counter-rally against Beck’s Rally”, although most press seems to spin it that way.

  3. Hyph3n says:

    So, Jon Stewart goes on a rant (largely) against the media and their sensationalizing of all stories. He even says that the “Tea Party is racist” meme is a media construct. And what are we talking about: whether it was larger than the Beck rally. You right. It didn’t change a thing.

  4. rudedog says:

    Now if we can get at least a 10th of them to actually vote in the upcoming elections it will mean a hell of a lot more…..

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    “Bread and Circuses” (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man (l’homme moyen sensuel).

    Sums up my feelings about both this rally and Beck’s.

  6. JMRouse says:

    Anyone who says that this event was pushing a Liberal agenda didn’t pay attention.

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    Although the events are dissimilar as you say, they both amount to the same thing, useless distractions of no significance or value.

    As for my feelings, they do not require your approval or analysis. So climb down off your high-horse and get over yourself.

  8. Someone Else says:

    215,000 showed up? I bet you could have got stoned just standing down wind.

    Jon Stewart should moderate the 2012 Presidential debates.

  9. tdkyo says:


    Sorry, but looking at an aerial photo comparison is not too helpful, because these rallies were in two different places (which possibly might give a bias either way).

    According to CBS News, Glenn had 87,000 while 215,000. (inb4 it’s from a mainstream media data) This is a minor point to all the circus discussion here, but come on, do you have an alternative estimate?

  10. derspankster says:

    Mine’s bigger.

  11. Someone Else says:


    I really don’t know or care how many Beck’s rally had – he’s incredibly boring. The people at his rally were boring. 200,000 people would have made it twice as boring and even more predictable.

    If it makes you feel better, there was exactly 212,354.25 people yesterday. My comment was about the “second hand smoke” yesterday, I can’t believe you missed the point.

    This sounded like fun. Mark Twain and Will Rogers would have approved.

  12. Somebody_Else says:

    A couple of things I’ve noticed in the cookie cutter AP reports about the rally:

    1. Why do they call it the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Hope in the article? It was called “the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.”

    Slipping in that “hope” makes it sound like a democratic pep rally…

    2. Why do they go out of their way to show pictures of democratic protesters as their main event photos when the rally was clearly about the 24/7 news media?

    Seems like they’re trying to twist the meaning of the event…

  13. chuck says:

    Democrat’s definition of sanity: refer to your opponent as a witch/nazi/fascist, then immediately make a plea for civility and bipartisanship.

    Republican’s definition of sanity: tax cuts for the rich.

  14. Floyd says:


    “Free bus rides, lunch, were given to boost attendance.”

    That was the Beck rally, wasn’t it?

    Comedy Central’s Stewart and Colbert did their rally on a financial shoestring, compared to Beck. Beck had big money behind him, apparently.

    Another major point for Stewart and Colbert: they were actually funny!

    I normally split my ticket, but this year I think the Demos are far more trustworthy then the Repubs.

  15. Someone Else says:


    The other factoid you overlooked is that this was Murdoch’s media empire vs. the Comedy Network. If you’re self styled “grass roots movement of the majority” is actually what you claim then you have little to fear from murderous puppets.

  16. Someone Else says:

    #61 I cannot believe that you’re taking this that seriously. Ozzy Osbourne? A huge amount of dope? Two comedians in costumes? No wonder they pulled in those numbers. Ozzy could do that on his own.

    Lighten up a little, for God’s sake. It’s called entertainment. Not an assault on your personal civil rights. If the Tea Party is actually looking for people to fear then look no farther than Karl Rove and John Boehner. They aren’t exactly your best friends, and you’re about to find that out come Wednesday morning.

  17. tdkyo says:

    Pardon, but you’ve just left out a huge population sector, college and grad school students.

    Similar to the folks at Beck’s Rally, we don’t usually go to rallies (we are quite an apathetic generation) or attend protests. Granted, we might not be as sizable body as the other body just like you have suggested (but that’s not our fault, great medicine and low birth rate).

    Sure, we might not be “working” for America now, but we will when our time comes (and it will be much tougher because a certain older generation loved to screw it up).

    Also, remember that Jon’s Rally had a diverse crowd in terms of age group (i.e. lots of older generations did show up), and not every college and grad students (who are not rich for a good expendable income to travel – except for an iPhone and the god forsaken monthly fees) could show up.

    We are getting quite cranky frankly, because the candidates that we voted back in 2008 didn’t seemed to deliver us our message (for the record, I wasn’t on board with the “Change” campaign to begin with, although Palin did determine my vote the other way) and the minority Party made the entire political progress evermore slow and disgusting.

    So, don’t forget we are here! And we are quite big!

  18. Derek says:

    If you have faith on one party, one politician, or one personality, then you are the problem. If you vote for anyone based on ANYTHING other than past voting record, then you are an idiot who shouldn’t vote.

    If the liberal’s dick riding of Obama has shown, politicians, regardless of party affiliation, will say or do anything to get elected. Do not believe ANYTHING they or their supporters say. All politicians lie.

    If you cant take the time to research who you are voting for, then you really shouldn’t vote.

    Every single person who voted for someone because:

    Party affiliation
    of peer pressure
    you wanted to be cool
    the media told me to
    I was raised this way
    of race
    of gender
    a media personality said to
    they are well spoken
    of any other reason than thier past voting record

    , then you are the reason why this country is in such disarray and you should never vote again until you can get of your lazy ass and do 30 min of research.

  19. Grandpa says:

    I didn’t vote against Obama, I voted for Social Security….

  20. Cursor_ says:

    Beck’s rally wasn’t political at all, it was a call for reformation of the American character. A call to return to the principles of earlier years, to duty and honor.

    Which American character?

    The one that beat blacks and called them n*ggers?
    The one that imprisoned natural born Japanese and German citizens in work camps?
    The one that butchered “indians”?
    The one that sent brother against brother in a civil war?
    The one that thought slavery was constitutional and a god given right?

    Which one? Which American character?


  21. bobbo, Pedro's donkey came and shiat! says:

    #66–Derek==loudly proclaimed but can you quickly think of 3 reasons why you are wrong, or maybe more pointedly, irrelevant?

    By way of analysis, after you spend your 30 minutes of research, on what basis do you decide to vote?

  22. SimonSezz says:

    Don’t you guys think replying on this blog is kind of pathetic? I mean it’s just the same twenty guys, half of them liberal, half of them conservative, both sides trying to convince the other that they’re side is the right side. I just think it’s good to take a step back and look at this little circus we have running here.

    It would be nice if things on here got less political and it was just weird news and tech news again.

  23. Howard Beal says:

    Alfred #58
    “its obvious Beck’s rally had more people than Jon”

    not so the folks doing scientific crowd estimates had the Beak rally at 87,000 and the Stewart rally at 215,000

    Go Team Sanity
    and while we are at it
    Go Team Science

  24. Someone Else says:

    OK, everybody dog pile SimonSezz.

  25. FEAR ME ! says:

    Well it helps to hear the other side and know why they are thinking the way they are. Often its just bias media and skewed statistical manipulation.

    The occasional openminded person here might have there mind changed and even the hardcore naysayers were given a chance to reconsider there ideas. Or at least beef-up their arguments for the real wold.(I suspect some of them don’t get out much)

  26. Howard Beal says:

    Alfred I’m talking about crowed estimates for the two rallies I have no idea what you are talking about
    Comedy Central drew 2.5 times more people than Fox

    Tea Party
    blame Obama
    ??? I think you were responding to someone else on a different blog and miss pasted

    I have managed to vote in every national election since 1978 and I only regret 1 of those votes, Anderson in 1980 hindsight shows me it was a wasted vote.

    Thanks for the reminder to vote I’mm be there but I wont be voting Tea.

  27. Someone Else says:

    #73 Team Hillary Clinton is Facebook group. Um yeah, you’ve convinced me of the genius of it.

  28. Benjamin says:

    I love this. All the liberals going to Washington, DC three days before the election and coming back too tired to vote on Tuesday.

  29. chris says:

    Oh, Damn how did I miss this thread?

    I actually went to this. The crowd was great. There was a bus/pirate ship/dragon/dj booth that was a unique experience. The rally had a pitiful sound system, so it wasn’t really worth staying to fight the crowds on the metro.

    I would say the crowds were well in excess of the Glenn Beck\Tea Party rally. I know because I was also downtown that day. Dismiss it, but I would bet a tenner I have more direct experience than you.

    So without good sound, the crowd outside of a 2 block radius was left to itself. I must say that the signs were outstanding.

    Some of my favorites:

    1. +>%
    2. The only thing we have to FEAR are FEAR-MONGERS themselves
    3. Intentionally Blank
    4. God Hates Figs

    I was very struck how the local news featured the TEA party rally and merely mentioned the Jon Stewart rally.

    As to Steven Colbert, I don’t enjoy his style. Jon Stewart is, to the quick, no BS, rational and idealistic in a nearly extinct way.

    I would vote for him over everyone in the last 30 years of politics except Bill Clinton. The most important thing, in reduction, is making stuff work.

    I think the GOP is wrong in economic, trade, national, and security policy. Not the Dems plank, or lack there of, is wonderful.

    If things are going to progress I think we need leaders who are fed up with BS and not bought outright.

    Let’s draft Jon Stewart for President! He can’t be any worse!

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey Dvorak, why don’t you just rename this the Alfred Persson Blog of Insanity?


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