This Episode’s Executive Producer: Sir Charles Jordan
Associate Executive Producer: Sir Robert Alter
Art By: Nick the Rat and Paul T.

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  1. BuzzMega says:


    Buzz Kill.


    Name the most insane one.

  2. hatemeifyouwantidon'tcare says:

    Aren’t they all the same thing?

  3. deowll says:

    I like the alien picture best.

    I don’t think Obama is crazy. Just because you are running the American economy into the ground and bankrupting the nation does not mean you are crazy. On the other hand I don’t have a clue where he thinks the money is going to come from to pay the bills he’s running up much less the ones he still wants to run up.

    So far as I can tell his only option is something like 100% taxes on everybody only I don’t think that would cover it. You can always spend more than you earn.

  4. McCullough says:

    Buzz Kill and Crackpot in 2012!

      Campaign alone would be awesomely funny. And probably more credible.

  5. Grandpa says:

    #3 Of course you are right. But let’s not forget where most of the debt came from. Food for thought: What would happen if he “they” chose to close tax loopholes that send jobs overseas and actually do something that might create real jobs, not jobs created with debt money? Answer: The jobs would help pay down the debt with the taxes collected. That’s how Bill Clinton did it. And maybe that’s why even Democrats are upset with him. All that hope and promise turned into bullshit money to rich banker friends. Without real jobs to pay down the debt the 100% tax looks real…..unless he “they” tax the rich. And we all know that aint gonna happen.

  6. Not an idealogue, just a reasonable man says:

    #3 Deowll,

    Sir, putting all politics aside, if you really think that one president who has been in office for 2 years is “running the American economy into the ground and bankrupting the nation”, I would suggest you either go back to school, or kill yourself. What you are witnessing is the result of decades of greed and mismanagement by American and Other elites and neglect and stupidity by the American people who let it all happen. Things like this bankrupted, bloated piece of shit you call a nation don’t happen over night and until morons like you wake up and realize it isn’t about who’s in the white house today or tomorrow, but about the collective stupidity of the nation that allowed it to happen, it’s not going to change. FU!

  7. $$$ says:

    FYI: I clicked on the donate via check or bank transfer link from the No Agenda site today and it seems to be broken. Could be user error, but I don’t think so.

  8. ECA says:

    Give money to the rich, and it wont go far..
    Give money to the POOR, and the rich raise BASIC food prices.

  9. ECA says:

    You need an article about Institutions that Make names that DONT reflect their business.


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