I wonder what an analysis of Jimmy McMillan’s genes would show. BTW, Mr. “The Rent Is Too Damn High Party” now has his own action figure.

Liberals may owe their political outlook partly to their genetic make-up, according to new research from the University of California, San Diego, and Harvard University. Ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4. The study’s authors say this is the first research to identify a specific gene that predisposes people to certain political views.
Lead researcher James H. Fowler of UC San Diego and his colleagues hypothesized that people with the novelty-seeking gene variant would be more interested in learning about their friends’ points of view. As a consequence, people with this genetic predisposition who have a greater-than-average number of friends would be exposed to a wider variety of social norms and lifestyles, which might make them more liberal than average. They reported that “it is the crucial interaction of two factors – the genetic predisposition and the environmental condition of having many friends in adolescence – that is associated with being more liberal.” The research team also showed that this held true independent of ethnicity, culture, sex or age.

  1. Dallas says:

    In other words, liberals have many friends and conservatives have none. That explains many behaviors.

  2. richard says:

    #1 Dallas

    Well snakes do like to hang out in snake pits.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    So, which allele has the racist, asshat, fear-mongering tea bagger sequence?

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    “hypothesized that people with the novelty-seeking gene variant would be more interested in learning about their friends’ points of view.”

    Bullshit! I’ve never met a cult member of the (D)ipshit or (R)etard hat interested in what anyone else thinks. It’s “think what the cult tells you to think” or you don’t matter.

  5. deowll says:

    # 4 While I think one could say it in a more restrained way I’m seeing a lot of rampant tribalism and intolerance.

    I’m also seeing a lot of elitist thinking.

    Last and not least some people seem to see the universe through filters that harshly limit what gets through.

  6. brm says:

    It’s going to be awesome when people start aborting gay and liberal babies.

  7. dusanmal says:

    @#4 Spot on. What needed to be added is that Liberals want to think about themselves as “interested in learning about their friends’ points of view.” hence the study conclusion, which tells us only that researchers in question were Liberals.

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    So by inference, conservatives are more independent minded and self-sufficient?

  9. Floyd says:

    I know very little about Jimmy McMillan, but that’s a really unique mustache and beard he’s got.

    #7: In other words, you’re saying that liberals actually think about what other people believe about an issue, but conservatives are so rigid in their thinking that their opinion about anything is:
    “Don’t confuse me with the facts; my mind is made up!!”

    My dad was like that…but he thought he was a liberal.

  10. Sea Lawyer says:

    LoL, the rent is too damn high guy is hilarious. He should get elected so he can push through new rent control rules in NYC, because they have done so well in the past. Want to watch housing in a city crumble before your eyes… institute rent controls.

  11. Troublemaker says:

    Actually your level of stupidity helps to determine you Liberal/Conservative bias. If you actually believe there is any substantive difference between the two major parties, you’re a complete and utter moron.

    The whole “two party” system is a completely artificial construct, designed to distract the unwashed masses while their pockets are being picked clean by the criminals in Washington and their corporate cohorts.

    Wake up folks, it’s nothing but theater…

  12. tdkyo says:

    /implying that Liberal/Conservative is a legitimate political category

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    “Lead researcher James H. Fowler of UC San Diego and his colleagues hypothesized…”

    In other words, they made this shit up…

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    This makes a lot of sense. I have compassion for Dems because it’s really not their fault, it’s genetic!

    “A new Pew Research Center study provides evidence that Republican voters are smarter about current affairs, issues and news”


  15. Ah_Yea says:

    I thought this was pretty funny, in a sad sort of way.

    “Among the largest gaps comes over knowledge of who leads the U.S. Senate. About half (48%) of Republicans are able to identify Reid as the current majority leader, while only a third of Democrats can name their own party’s Senate leader.”

    Nuff’ said…

  16. chris says:

    The density of population where you live is going to make a huge difference in the number of people you know. I agree as far as attitudes to personal choice, you see all sorts regularly and gradually lose the urge to persecute them.

    Where I disagree is that a wider social circle would lead one to a more positive view of humanity.

    Most people are too dumb, annoying, or bad to put huge amounts of trust into.

    p.s. I thought that pic was Samuel L. Jackson when I first saw it.

  17. RSweeney says:

    I LOVED him on “Mom and Dad Save the World”.

    And Teri Garr.
    And that idiot Lovitz.
    Funny stuff.

  18. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Actually, the genetic roots of our behavior/intellect/personalities is much deeper and broader than that: IN FACT, being “liberal” is about the same as being “HUMAN.”

    Homo Sapiens is a SOCIAL CREATURE. We live in groups. We die alone when not in a group. More adaptive/advanced hominids recognize and get pleasure from doing that which benefits the group because they know/sense/feel/act on their genetic code that also benefits themselves.

    Its the lizard part of the brain stem that motivates the LIEberTARDS and REPUKES. If it weren’t for the social safety net giving them shelter, their attitude would breed out in a few 1000 years.

    Silly fools keep hacking at their own throats, but the liberal impluse of the majority keeps them from the consequences of their own stated goals.

    Like imbecile children these TARDS and Pukes.

    Silly Hoomans.

  19. Michael Jackson says:

    If only he had 1 white glove!
    He’d get my vote.

  20. Cursor_ says:


    And many people seem to see their world in very naive terms. Which is sweet as all hell when you are 6, but very harmful over the age of 25.


    Were you aware that you have a higher chance of being gay than blonde with blue eyes?


    No it means that conservatives have a smaller, closer cadre of friends. Also they are not open very often to adding to that pool unless someone stands out enough to warrant entry.

    Hence closed, small communities like you get in rural conservative farm areas. Whereas huge cities are the homes of more liberal minded because there is a vast source of interdependent minded people like themselves.

    It would make sense. So long as you set aside the ideological backstabbing that is clouding the judgment of the citizens of this Republic.


  21. Likes2LOL says:

    The Rent Is Too Damn High action figure is missing gloves, but the Sarah Palin School Girl and Workout suit figures are bound to be collector’s items:


  22. Emily Latella says:

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about your jeans determining if you are liberal or conservative.

    I thought everyone knew that conservatives were partial to high water straight legs and liberals favored frayed bell bottoms.

    I can’t believe someone wasted good money doing a study on this! Why I …. What? Oh! Those genes! Never Mind.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #22 Emily – I know what you mean. These are the same folks that did a study on the influence of Sax and Violins on T.V.

  24. tomdennis says:

    Liberals have a mind of their own ( wild hair, white socks, peachy shirts, red ties, blue suits) and conservatives follow prepared guide lines and if they do not they are leaning toward becoming somewhat moderate which is a little more liberal.
    Someone wasted good money fighting Obama when they could have hired me to sweep up around the office.

  25. goldbug says:

    Lovely, researchers reinforcing the false left-right dichotomy. What about the majority of people who are socially liberal and fiscally conservative?

  26. stopher2475 says:

    # 14 Conservative blog shows poll that says conservatives are smarter. Film at 11.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Maybe this gene also prevents “liberals” from automatically succumbing to authority, particularly false authority…


  28. Airsick says:

    Of course! Its genetic inferiority that makes them the way they are and genetic superiority that makes us the way we are!

  29. Somebody says:

    If you are a social parasite, or hope to be one, you will be a liberal.

    Even if you don’t start out liberal, if you are living off the taxpayers, cognitive dissonance will move you in the direction of liberalism.

    If there is a genetic link to parasitism, then there is a genetic link to liberalism.

  30. Somebody says:

    Of course, I don’t mean true or classical liberals, but the bums that have appropriated the word “liberal” for themselves these days.

    Who are, in fact, authoritarians. Albeit of a particularly crass and venal variety. Neither pious nor aristocratic.


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