I wonder what an analysis of Jimmy McMillan’s genes would show. BTW, Mr. “The Rent Is Too Damn High Party” now has his own action figure.
Liberals may owe their political outlook partly to their genetic make-up, according to new research from the University of California, San Diego, and Harvard University. Ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4. The study’s authors say this is the first research to identify a specific gene that predisposes people to certain political views.
Lead researcher James H. Fowler of UC San Diego and his colleagues hypothesized that people with the novelty-seeking gene variant would be more interested in learning about their friends’ points of view. As a consequence, people with this genetic predisposition who have a greater-than-average number of friends would be exposed to a wider variety of social norms and lifestyles, which might make them more liberal than average. They reported that “it is the crucial interaction of two factors – the genetic predisposition and the environmental condition of having many friends in adolescence – that is associated with being more liberal.” The research team also showed that this held true independent of ethnicity, culture, sex or age.
So what about the swing voters??????
What a bullcrap… first, what is ‘liberal’? Socially curious people…? Unbelievable that this even could be a starting point to a scientific dissertation. “The Science is In”… right?
US liberals are European mainstream, and European liberals are US communists… Libertarians are EU ‘freethinkers’ while EU conservatives are US liberals…
And they base science on this soup of confusion.
Good luck!
Alfred, find some sense. And turn off Glenn Beck. He’s uneducated, insane, and wrong about almost everything.
>Homo Sapiens is a SOCIAL CREATURE. We live in groups. We die alone when not in a group.
Yea, it always the conservatives insisting on privacy, rights to protest, etc.
#37–Say Pedro==you know a “bias” is something that can be overcome if you recognize it and think about it. Remember when you used to think?
Your post when put together with mine actually says: “a liberal bias is utopia.”
Put your donkey on. He likes apples. He makes more sense.
Pedro==remember when you used to think?
maybe we could just give every new baby a DNA test then tattoo them with either a red or blue patch on their foreheads
While I concur that Liberals have many more friends than conservative (really common knowledge by now), I’m not sold on the liberal/conservative gene thing. The comment about liberals living in cities and conservatives living in sterile suburbs is interesting, though.
For the record, I was both socially and fiscally conservative at one time. In fact admired William F Buckley. Not to be disrespectful to conservatives but over the years I discovered them to be hateful motherfuckers. Now I am socially liberal but remain fiscally conservative.
I protest!
Chico was often out fucking or gambling rather than being on set!
>Ask conFused for some. I bet they’ll work for you too.
That’s just not nice.
This is true … it’s the same gene that gives you common sense.
So it’s the lack of a gene that causes one to fall for authoritarians? I’m thinking that some conservatives lack the skeptic gene, too. Ass the parody gene as well.
Add, not ass. lol
It must be fun to f*ck with people. I really want to be a researcher when I grow up so that I can hypothesize a bunch of conjectures just to get people in a tizzy. It must be fun to be so easily played. Wait… I already (never mind)… nothing to hear here. Move along. Move along.
Likes2LOL, Those action figures are TOO AWESOME!!
So is this a dominant or recessive gene? Do your parents have to be liberals for you to get it?
If so, then liberals are doomed, since they are more likely to have abortions.
So do you have the gene if you are a Democrat running ads in support of the Tea Party candidates?
#52 Actually, liberals are more likely to use birth control