• MySpace gives into pressure from Facebook to change!
  • Google to public: If you are freaky about privacy move to mars!
  • Limewire dead.
  • Playstation phone. Doomed to fail I say.
  • Color Nook looks good.
  • Where is the white iPhone?
  • MacBook Air making a ton of money.
  • Yahoo Mail gives into pressure from Google to change!
  • Samsung Galaxy is too big sez I.
  • Another spam King of Russia tracked down.
  • Firefox 4 delayed. Good!
  • Yahoo now fully Bingimated.
  • Apple rethinks the SIM card.

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  1. Someone Else says:

    Color Nook: I don’t know. At $249 do you get anything more than $130 B&W model? Is it worth 1/2 an iPad? Neither fish nor fowl. Also, in the videos on the net, it looks kind of slow and jerky for scrolling and zooming.

  2. deowll says:

    I got a kindle so I’m not even considering changing.

    Knowing apple you can’t remove the sim which is exactly what the phone company wants.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Funny, I keep saying that if the Nintendo 3DS had a slot for a SIMM card and 3G/4g capability it would be perfect.


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