While the Kentucky Senatorial debate on Monday night was markedly more cordial than usual, a fight that broke out before the event was anything but. A female MoveOn.org activist was stomped on by a supporter of Kentucky GOP candidate Rand Paul after she attempted to approach him before his final debate with Democrat Jack Conway…

The 24-year-old woman with the liberal group, identified as Lauren Valle by local media, tripped and fell after someone ripped a blond wig off her head. She is then seen on video being wrestled to a curb by one man. After she is placed face down, another man stomps on her shoulder and head with his foot…

Police said Valle was trying to get a photo with the Tea Party favorite holding a sign that said “employee of the month award.” The satirical prize was from Republicorp, a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is a cozy relationship between corporate America and the GOP…

“She was subsequently stopped and thrown to the ground by a group of individuals who were gathered there for the debate,” police information officer Sherelle Roberts said. “It was caught on video. You can see the woman being thrown to the ground, there was a gentleman who stepped on her head…”

The man who stomped on her has not yet been identified. Police said they are searching for him…

Paul’s campaign released a statement on the melee, calling it “incredibly unfortunate.”

It’s always “unfortunate” when attacks like this are recorded.

  1. This individual (of indeterminate gender; heretofore referred to as “It”) wasn’t a Kentucky voter. “It” slithered in from Pennsylvania, disguised in a blonde Marilyn Monroe wig while deceitfully posing as Rand Paul supporter. The express objective of “It” was to disrupt a peaceful political rally and deny actual Kentucky voters their Constitutional rights of speech and assembly. This hideous and forlorn creature was unmasked and removed from the premises by a gathering of justifiably outraged citizens. Despite the hyperbolic title of this thread, “It” refused any medical treatment and was shortly thereafter crowing to the liberal media and basking in the inevitable 15 minutes of liberal blogosphere fame (available on YouTube.)

    All in all, a non-story typical of the frantic liberal media in the closing days of this historic election.

  2. cgp says:

    Go read Steinbeck. The thugs now will act exactly like the thugs then.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> ubet426 said, on October 26th, 2010 at 8:58 am
    >> The thing that amazes me is how much the far left & far right in common.

    There is a major difference:

    The far left is a tiny lunatic fringe, but
    The far right lunatics are the REPUBLICAN BASE.

    But, yes, they are both nuts.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    If she had just worshiped Aqua Buddah as commanded, none of this would have happened.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Animal Mother said,
    >> “It” slithered in from Pennsylvania,

    OK, you convinced me. She deserved to be stomped. She was probably one of those damned Amish.

    (Seriously! Isn’t it pathetic how these right wingers will defend ANYTHING and EVERYTHING their own kind do?)

  6. AdvocatusDiablo says:

    @#31 Paul (Rand)’s campaign released a statement on the melee, calling it “incredibly unfortunate.”

    “Violence of any kind has no place in our civil discourse and we urge supporters on all sides to be civil to one another as tensions rise heading toward this very important election”

    SHE has a right to be there to and to protest in the manner she intended. She wanted to get a picture with Paul.

    I know not to feed the trolls, what am I doing?

  7. Mextli says:

    Well at least she’s not down here anymore.

    Monday, May 24, 2010
    Activists Face Felony Charges – Sgt. Lesley Hill Peters


  8. LDA says:

    Find him and arrest him.

  9. spsffan says:

    #21 for the win!

  10. Faxon says:

    Gee. Why does this one make me feel good?
    Hee hee hee.


  11. chris says:

    How hard can it be to find the guy when he is in Rand Paul’s campaign ads?


  12. ethanol says:

    @faustus #26,
    Amazing how people forget and lose sight…

  13. TThor says:

    Rotten apples everywhere! This is not helping Rand Paul. Maybe the idiot realizes this now? After Bill Clinton has been there to help Paul’s opponent – it should outweighs the negative impact of this very unfortunate incident.

  14. Dallas says:

    Have they located the fugitive Teabagger for attempted murder of a defenseless woman on the ground? Even in Kentucky you’re not suppose to kick a woman in the head unless it’s your wife.

    Want to see this teabaggers face on America’s Most Wanted on election eve.

  15. Jeanne says:

    I believe that the stomper has been identified.

  16. MikeN says:

    Hope they catch the guy. And by the way, why is this the only article that gets posted, and not the one of the real Ron Paul supporting women who gets her injured foot reopened when they stomped on her?

  17. MikeN says:

    Talk about bad timing for my posts.
    Totally off topic, although election related, but Bobbo, or anyone else, care to explain to me how Sandra Day OConnor is still casting votes as a federal judge? She was part of a ruling that threw out Arizona’s law on requiring proof of citizenship to vote.

  18. MikeN says:

    Hey, where’d the other post go? Did I imagine it?

  19. angry says:

    Lauren Valle taking a page out of the Saul Alinsky book of muckraking. Such bravery to take one for the team by pissing off a few crazies.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  20. m.c. in l.v. says:

    The teabagger at work was in a tizzy because this lady came to the rally “armed” with a wig (his description). When I asked him about his fellow teabaggers showing up to rallies with assault rifles slung over their shoulders he waved that off as their god-given right (his words). I laughed at him and walked away. Some people will just continue to be too stupid for their own good.

  21. bobbo, seems playing the victim is de rigeur in fascist movements says:

    “Kentucky Stomper: I Stomped Because Of Back Pain” at http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/10/kentucky-stomper-i-stomped-because-of-back-pain.php

    Although the link at #45 is more informative==and the guy is not just some volunteer. He is not just a volunteer but rather a close supporter. Paul’s initial response is totally lame as well. Nuts are evil in their isolated little dream worlds. Beware.

    Mike==even if a judge writes an entire decision and somehow the “issuing” or filing date comes after they leave the bench–the decision has to be reconsidered with those actually on the bench taking “credit” for it.

    I assume you have something wrong in your appreciation of whatever you saw. Most likely: an earlier decision of hers when she was on the bench? Just guessing. Should be “fun” for you to figure out how it happened and to provide a link? I’ll check back for your thoughts.

  22. Dallas says:

    I’ll be watching the woman beating Teabagger court case closely.

    Assault and battery may keep him for getting a job outside his gun shop – unless he gets a blond wig and fake id of his own.

  23. smartalix says:

    The teabaggers – rights for nobody else but people they identify with.

  24. McCullough says:

    Yep, there are goons on both sides, what a shock!. Give it a rest.

  25. bobbo, at Nascar, they call me Bubbabob says:

    Goon Defined: a : a man hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents

    Crazy Man off the Street: a person by his own volition or interest who assaults other people.

    Still no evidence of Democrap Goons.

  26. McCullough says:

    Whatever, I’m taking the phone off the hook until this is over.

  27. bobbo, a rabid follower of political/world/washington politics says:

    If you ever get clinically depressed, the first thing a counselor will do is cut you off from tv news. Seems infotainment can bum people out. I have to admit: It gets me down sometimes to. Thankfully, my manic highs are very close to my depressed lows. Almost the same? Ha, ha.

    Don’t sweat the small stuff……etc.

  28. McCullough says:

    #57. It’s not depression…it’s apathy.

  29. ananair says:

    For those of you young teabaggers and others, this is reminiscent of the good ole 30’s
    Mussolini’s goons, familiarly known as FASCISTS, would round up those who dared oppose the dictator and force them to “imbibe” castor oil, the name CASTROL which is a popular brand of car oil was derived from it. It “lubricated” the intestines very well. The goons wore black shirts
    Adolf Schicklegruber (better known as HITLER)’s NAZIS, would collect books,(like Christian bibles, the Marx Leninist Kommunist Manifesto) burn them and raid the stores of any Jew they could find then stomp them, like the stomping which occurred recently.
    One of Hitler’s chief aides was his propagandist named HERR DOKTOR GOEBBELS, many satirized him as GOBBLING GOEBBELS.
    Today we have HERR DOKTOR RAND PAUL in the same role as Hitler except one of his overobese goons was dressed in a striped black and white shirt. It took two or three to overpower one slight woman who WAS MERELY HER CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH protected by the First Amendment
    DOKTOR PAUL isn’t one of your main talking points the Constitution of the United States?

  30. McCullough says:

    I love CASTROL GTX….It’s the only oil I put in my motorcycle.

    And yes, I agree that Rand Paul is the reincarnation of HITLER. So, he must be murdered, the sooner the better. Perhaps you would like the job. After all….who wouldn’t kill Hitler when or if they had the chance?


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