While the Kentucky Senatorial debate on Monday night was markedly more cordial than usual, a fight that broke out before the event was anything but. A female MoveOn.org activist was stomped on by a supporter of Kentucky GOP candidate Rand Paul after she attempted to approach him before his final debate with Democrat Jack Conway…

The 24-year-old woman with the liberal group, identified as Lauren Valle by local media, tripped and fell after someone ripped a blond wig off her head. She is then seen on video being wrestled to a curb by one man. After she is placed face down, another man stomps on her shoulder and head with his foot…

Police said Valle was trying to get a photo with the Tea Party favorite holding a sign that said “employee of the month award.” The satirical prize was from Republicorp, a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is a cozy relationship between corporate America and the GOP…

“She was subsequently stopped and thrown to the ground by a group of individuals who were gathered there for the debate,” police information officer Sherelle Roberts said. “It was caught on video. You can see the woman being thrown to the ground, there was a gentleman who stepped on her head…”

The man who stomped on her has not yet been identified. Police said they are searching for him…

Paul’s campaign released a statement on the melee, calling it “incredibly unfortunate.”

It’s always “unfortunate” when attacks like this are recorded.

  1. UncDon says:

    If a cop stepped on someone and was recorded, it would be labeled an illegal recording. And that would be unfortunate, too.

  2. Rob Leather says:

    What do they mean they can’t identify him. Surely, they haven’t found him. Only his face is as plane as day when he looks up.

    As for it being “unfortunate” what a total arse that guy is. It’s not “unfortunate” it’s at the very least “regretable” and is more “unacceptable” than anything else.

  3. bobbo, which parallel universe am I in now says:

    Ha, ha. “You Know”—its always true: people who are nuts are never nuts about just one thing. No, they are normally nuts about whole categories of things. The old saying that nuts hang in bunches is also true, at least for people if not for plants.

    So, here we got Raun Paul, just one of the teabagging LIEberTARDS. Yes, all LIEberTARDS are nuts, and he is nuts about more than economic theory as he proves here with his notions of free speech/press being only for him. By him, I mean the nuts that hang around him. Staff.

    These teabaggers are all nuts. You should not be surprised by anything they do.

    Yea Verily.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Wow, I thought people where using hyperbole when they called the Tea Baggers brownshirts.

  5. nobodyspecial says:

    “stomped on by a supporter of Kentucky GOP candidate Rand Paul ”

    supposition your honor – there is no evidence the man in question was a supporter of Mr Paul, he could have been a lone gunman waiting to kill the candidate who was annoyed that his chance to do some good had been spoiled by the activities of the young lady.

  6. green says:

    Crazy muslims….

    America, fuck yeah

  7. newglenn says:

    “there was a gentleman who stepped on her head…”
    That’s one way to put.

  8. Dallas says:

    I hope the Teabagger that stomped on that woman’s head gets charged and arrested for battery and attempted murder.

  9. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    There is a brown shirt
    Out teabagging for Rand Paul
    Toxic Brew, it is.

  10. JimD says:

    Conservatives – one step away from FASCISM – or is that one stomp away ?

  11. Sparky_One says:

    Oral sex in the dictionary and the main stream press again uses the term tea-bagging. Mom, come look at the dirty word in the newspaper.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I don’t see any goons. Those look like patriotic americans to me. The little commie deserved it. When will those pinkos get it. This is a free country. Freedom of speech, freedom of christian religion, freedom to shoot guns, freedom to pursue bar-b-que meats and deep fat fry anything.

  13. some context please says:

    If some a-hole (supporter? agent provocateur?) slaps on a Rand Paul sticker and kicks a person, the entire movement is discredited? What about the man who steps in and tells the a-hole to stop?

    It’s really sad to see the masses swayed to and fro with sensationalist crap like this.

  14. Spetz says:

    In my opinion, it’s a set-up. However, I don’t know nothing about anything.

  15. bobbo, we all need a better context says:

    And why didn’t the guy who stepped in arrest the goon? Why hasn’t Paul denounced this action? What do you say when it becomes news how close this goon is to Rand Paul? What then?

    Of course, not all Muslim Terrorists are bad people. Thats just race baiting.

    Context: not just who you select and employ but also who is attracted to you.

    Suck it up.

  16. ubet426 says:

    The thing that amazes me is how much the far left & far right in common. Yet no one from either side can see that. Those of us here in the middle see the same actions from both sides using different reasoning. These same acts happen at Left leaning events too…

  17. sargasso_c says:

    I believe that dance is The Kentucky Two Step.

  18. nick the rat says:

    i like the crack you hear, and she goes still… awesome! wonder what happened to her. oh humans, we are fucked

  19. chris says:

    What about the other people that pushed the woman down, put her in an arm lock and shoved a knee into her back? That appears to be assault as well. The guy who stomps the woman appears to be drunk, but the whole lot should spend a night in the pokey.

  20. Improbus says:

    You can’t keep red necks from, well, being red necks.

  21. Chris Mac says:


  22. Conspiracy Nut says:


    Why was “she” wearing a disguise (wig) at a rally? Seems suspicious to me! Also, the guy who stomped on her clearly didn’t mean it. With those coke-bottled glasses and the amount of bourbon in him, he had no idea what he was doing. Clearly he was a plant sent by CIA agent Alex Jones.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    This is what Political discourse has come to in the age of the Tea Party, (well from the Tea Partiers anyway.)

    But, since the United States is a two party republic Tea Partiers are all Republicans.

    I predict a Democrat landslide, because no self respecting Republican wants to be associated with the kind of jackboot tactics reminiscent of Krystalnacht.

  24. Conspiracy Nut says:



    You invoke Godwin’s Law which means you are sympathetic to fascists! Clearly a plant by the Bilderberger Group!!!!

  25. highaman says:

    Welcome to 2010…. bigots will never die fast enough not to raise a new generation of bigots, therefore cancelling any improvement to the human condition whatsoever.

    “Violence is the last refuge of incompetence” -Asimov

    And then we say we don’t need no education

  26. faustus says:

    obviously no one on here remembers george wallace being shot by a person in a crowd just like this one. i don’t know what the dipshit in the wig was thinking anymore than the guy that was stepping on her head… but to call this anymore than what it is, which was an unknown person with unknown intensions lunging at a controversial candidate getting stopped, is pretty moronic… but so are most of the political posts on here by eidweirdo

  27. sargasso_c says:

    Ex-Iraq security contractors?

  28. AdvocatusDiablo says:

    Real nice Tit Grab at 0:38. Not obvious… she was already on the ground, why the grab.


  29. AdvocatusDiablo says:

    Sorry the Tit grab is at 0:20 on this video

  30. BertDawg says:

    Mental midget! Had it been someone his own size, he’d be the one on the ground.


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