• I explain Wi-Fi Direct.
  • Sony Walkman goes out of production. It’s over.
  • Android market tops 100,000 apps. Most are crap.
  • Samsung tablet is too expensive.
  • Windows 8 BS hype begins.
  • Guess how many Wii remotes have been sold?
  • Kids want Apple products.
  • E-books outselling print books 2 to 1.
  • New Ubuntu coming out. It talks to fancy chips.
  • Computerworld rehashes old idea.
  • Bees are smarter than computers.

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  1. dusanmal says:

    Win 8 MS biggest risk? – Finally they understand that no amount of market possession can save them from another Vista…

    JCD may have misunderstood Ubuntu story. Unity is iPadi-ified desktop environment that NEEDS 3D hardware acceleration to run at all. Worse, Ubuntu designers decided to make it default desktop environment (vs. long term standard Gnome). Fashion trumped usability, they got infected by S.Jobs virus.

  2. #1 thanks for the clarification..I will look into it. You may be right about the Steve Jobs error.

  3. Someone Else says:

    Sprint Galaxy Tab: $399.99 (taxes not included) with a with a two-year service agreement. There are two rate plans: 2GB data plan with unlimited messaging for $29.99 per month or a 5GB data plan with unlimited messaging for $59.99 per month.


  4. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Microsoft 8 could be two years away according to Microsoft’s Dutch web site.

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’m always really intrigued by iPad-like devices for use in my truck. I never replaced my analog TV in my truck so I think how easy it would be to watch streaming shows on one of the devices instead of getting out the big laptop and hooking up my 3G card.

    Then I look at the tiered data plans (on top of a $400-500 upfront price) and figure I’ll make do. I cannot see ANOTHER data plan on top of my phone and 3G card, and will not give up $60 a month for UNLIMITED 3G, just to pay extra to have a hotspot with a data cap. Even a Wifi-only tablet seems too expensive at $200.

  6. Speter says:

    Ooohhh how wonderful.. its finally happening.

    The E-Books are more popular than real books.


    Now that we got rid of those pesky paper information holders, the next step to destroying all knowledge, is to use haarp to fry all electronic devices (or wait for the sun to do it) ensuring that we have no knowledge left and have to go beg the government for bag of truth.

    in the old days they would just burn books or sink a city, now they just make you reliant on the net and ebooks(and audio books so you forget how to read) then shazaam they remove all earthly wisdom and you are left as intended.


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