Republicans may be abandoning Christine O’Donnell’s U.S. Senate campaign. But she still has friends in high places — really high places.
In fact, the Delaware Tea Party favorite is crediting divine intervention for the successes that her campaign has had.
“The day that we saw a spike in the polls was a day that some people had a prayer meeting for me, that morning for this campaign,” she tells the Christian Broadcasting Network…
“I believe that prayer plays a direct role in this campaign,” she said. “I always ask people: ‘Please pray for the campaign. Please pray for our staff. Please pray, specifically, that the eyes of the voters be opened…’”
“God is the reason that I’m running. If I didn’t believe that there were a cause greater than myself worth fighting for, if I didn’t believe that it takes a complete dying of self to make things right in this eleciton cycle, I would not be running,” she says…
Barring any more acts of God, her Senate candidacy will face its final judgment before the Delaware electorate on Nov. 2.
Just one issue, Ms O’Donnell: God only gets to vote once, just like the rest of us.
Depends which god, I imagine Brahma would get 4 votes.
Depending on whether she is protestant or catholic there might be some debate about Jesus getting a separate vote.
Why don’t you just leave the poor girl alone?
The former witch is no dummy as she’s clearly after the religo-sheeple vote.
The question is, will she turn alienate your basic Joe Teabagger?
Any New Yorkers out there voting for Jimmy McMillan and the “Rent is too Damned High Party”???
If I were there, he’d get my vote. Simply on the basis of not being anywhere near the ahole that the other guys are.
God may be the reason you are running…has it occurred to anyone that God’s intent is a to give us a cautionary tale?
A plague of republicans and democrats on both your houses?
I think I preferred the frogs and boils option.
I had no problem with her playing with witch craft or her other loony crap.
Now she brings her bogus so called god into it.
I’m done.
Yes, she represents her base well.
Another direct result of Regan emptying the psychiatric hospitals in California and the rest of the Union following suit. That move is filling up our jails, and now filled, it is filling up our Congress.
People in 2400 are going to look at us like we look at the Salem Witch Trials – what lunacy this?
Silly Hoomans.
“God is the reason that I’m running. If I didn’t believe that there were a cause greater than myself worth fighting for, if I didn’t believe that it takes a complete dying of self to make things right in this eleciton cycle, I would not be running,”
I wonder if God is the reason why she is sharing a residence with a male christian rock singer?
Well I guess if that god is Baal. I hear that he is the god of most politicians.
“If I didn’t believe that there were a cause greater than myself worth fighting for, if I didn’t believe that it takes a complete dying of self to make things right in this eleciton cycle, I would not be running,” she says…”
Does someone have a Messiah complex?
#6 Maybe God wants to show he has a sense of humor?
#10 What is a “Christian rock singer”? What is Christian rock music? The very concept gives me a headache.
#10 Christian rock is regular old rock n roll music but with the message of christ’s love and god’s power in the lyrics. They also have christian reggae, metal, ska, punk, pop and electronic dance music. Though I don’t think they have industrial yet. I’ll have to look at that. Of course they’ve had country, gospel, classical and choral for years.
Not in DE so no skin off my nose if they put her in for six years.
She will be marginalised if she remains Tea Party faithful by the established plutocrats. Or she will switch to normal avarice practices like all the rest and fit in until the people of DE take her out of office for not being the Elizabeth Montgomery they thought she would be.
The drunk, thoughtless, poorly education public has put in worse than her. And into bigger offices. People like Cheney, Gore, Reagan and Wilson come to mind immediately.
Wrapped in a Flag, “With the Cross of Jesus going on before” – Patriotism and Religion – THE LAST REFUGE OF SCOUNDRELS – MALE OF FEMALE !!!
Those of you who don’t live in the Delaware Valley area were spared her “I am you” campaign ads. Of course, this is what most campaign ads are trying to get across, but usually with a semblance of subtlety. I notice that they were withdrawn pretty quickly, probably due to the projectile vomiting they induced.
John Birch is alive and well.
#11 Cap’n Cruncheroo – Although it has gotten better, Christian Rock began as simple soft rock melodies with terribly arranged lyrics that were hobbled into songs with heavy religious content. This genre was created by the larger religious influences such as Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical to increase their youth base which in turn would insure the organization’s future.
For some strange reason the genre has actually gained viability and some respectablility among the laic. Their are Christian Rock groups out now that not only write and perform well crafted songs but they are not affiliated with any particular religious group (other than Christianity). And like most rock groups, some have fallen to the use of sex and drugs.
I urge Christians and other people of faith to not vote for a declared witch.
Will you pass the red face test when the lord asks you WHY you voted for a witch? Think about the consequences.
All we have to remember is
god = money
From David Brooks:
For example, Democrats and their media enablers have paid lavish attention to Christine O’Donnell and Carl Paladino, even though these two Republican candidates have almost no chance of winning. That’s because it feels so delicious to feel superior to opponents you consider to be feeble-minded wackos.
On the other hand, Democrats and their enablers have paid no attention to Republicans like Rob Portman, Dan Coats, John Boozman and Roy Blunt, who are likely to actually get elected. It doesn’t feel good when your opponents are experienced people who simply have different points of view. The existence of these impressive opponents introduces tension into the chi of your self-esteem.
Lying Mike==how impressive is it when anybody regardless of credentials, but especially those with impressive credentials ((I wonder what your definition of that is?==no, don’t tell me.)) votes the party line, and the party is the Repukes?
“You Know” its actually “UnAmerican” and a violation of the Constitution for Congress Creeps to vote against their own values in order to support party activity.
Constitution requires Country BEFORE party. They are all corrupt anti-American greed scum. Yet Mike, you keep voting them in.
Yea Verily.
She is not a witch. Witches haven’t existed since the 1700’s. They have all died out.
Now there are neo pagan twits whom call themselves witches, But haven’t the foggiest clue of what it means.
Just like the twits that call themselves druids. When they have not done ONE human sacrifice and dumped it into a peat bog nor ate dung for dinner.
Modern people are so far removed from old religious practices they would think a quick man was an athlete.
What christians should worry about is their inability to keep the only two commandments given to them.
Not 613, not 10, just two. They can’t even keep TWO.
Oh God, help us all…wait…urgh…