This Episode’s Executive Producers: Ron Lange, Nolan Waugh, David Wright

Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. Floyd says:

    “The Spy who Loved Me…”

    First song I thought of.

  2. Dillman says:

    From Russia With The Love Bone

  3. Personality says:

    Holy airbrushed photos Batman.

  4. nicktherat says:

    fucking mta just raised tolls 18% . they are trying soooo hard to push the lower/ middle class out of manhattan. and you know how everyone reacts? we don’t do shit. time to take a lesson from the french and set some buses, trains and briges on fire… take back what is OURS! 😀

  5. jobs says:

    #4 You had me till the setting things on fire. Why burn what we own then we have to buy them again. How about voting for someone different for once.

  6. nicktherat says:

    @jobs – voting does nothing… if it did, i dont think no agenda would be on as long as it has been 😛 ok, lets guillotine some of these mta guys instead 😛


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