Part One

Part Two

Part Three

A lot of interesting memes and accusations within this press conference. Daniel Ellsberg shows up in part one with some chilling information about Obama.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    “you literally cannot take a crap in your own home without being subject to Gov’t control in the form of regulated design of your toilet.”

    And I LIKE that. No wait… I LOVE it.

    I love the fact that someone, somewhere checks my water is pure, my time is correct, establishes roads and safety procedures on them, and does all that short of shit that either WE would have done by ourselves and would never had time to live life or rely on some megacorp that is only interested in cutting corners to maximise profit.

    Often those corners being cut remove safety concerns for the people working for them and the products and services they provide.

    Yeah I like having someone look out for me. They get lazy at times. Sloppy. But overall they do a better job than what you’d get in say Kenya.

    “I would rather live in squalor than to lose individual rights.”

    Please feel free to move to some nation that has that. I don’t know where you will go. Because even in nations with squalor the military, local law enforcement or nearby militias will come stomping in and take anything they want including your life and the lives of your family.

    But hey more power to ya. What you want is a fantasy world. Because even in the heady days of frontier life of 1790 where you are away from those city folk and big government people, you still had tribes nearby that due to mistreatment from Caucasians would kill you and your family without hesitation if they so chose.

    One of the hallmarks of a republic is a strong central government. That is of course accountable and is regulated by the people they represent.

    Current we don’t have the second and third parts being applied well. That is why we need a new government and constitution to ensure that we do have that. We simply cannot vote new people in when the system is broken.

    Like hiring a painter to paint your house and there are crumbling walls and holes in them. Fat lot of good that would do.


  2. Somebody says:

    Speaking as a member of the vile commenting public, I just want to say that by the time most of you finally figure out why Cheney wanted our US service men to be well-versed in torture techniques, you are going to be in some pretty deep shit.

    Hint: When they get back, law enforcement jobs will be about the only ones they can get.

    Hint: Watch the movie “Brazil”.

    I hope this is the last time I ever agree with Dallas, but yes, Cheney his accomplices and those whom he represents should be arrested, tried for treason and shot.

    Because the long and short of it is that there is a revolution happening right before your eyes. The GOVERNMENT is revolting! (Against the law and the people.)

  3. buch leser says:

    The released documents show the daily life of the conflict, as U.S. soldiers have experienced it. In addition, it appears from the thousands threat analysis, attack reports and arrest records but also reconstruct exactly how has unfolded, the Islamic brother struggle between Shiites and Sunnis, how society brutalized, such as abductions, executions and torture of detainees routine was. Even activists from neighboring Syria, Iran and Jordan mingled the documents revealed in this war. It is shown again and again. A war benefits no one. Only the people suffer.

  4. Mextli says:

    #35 “Cheney his accomplices and those whom he represents should be arrested, tried for treason and shot.”

    I think you can spare the expense of a sham trial since you have already determined guilt and punishment.

    This makes you feel better how?

  5. Mextli says:

    #22 Looking forward to it John.

  6. Mextli says:

    #24 mikem “I was a US Army Soldier …”

    That’s the second time you have said that. What’s your point? Millions have served in our armed forces.

    Including Army Pfc. Bradley E. Manning suspected of collaborating with WikiLeaks.

  7. madtruckman says:

    i will say this: trying to read the wikileaks stuff is about impossible. its worse than some twitter posts with all the redactions and odd use of punctuation and abbreviations. yeah, in time itll be figured out, but it is NOT an easy read. what does //= or /- or –/ mean? crazy stuff like that. and to quote W.C. Fields, if you cant dazzle them with brilliance, bury them in bull…

  8. mike m says:

    Mextel said
    24 mikem said “I was a US Army Soldier …
    ”That’s the second time you have said that. What’s your point? Millions have served in our armed forces.

    Actually serving in the military, and putting my ass on the line.. I and my fellow soldiers are the ones who would be subject to the consequences of not following the Geneva Convention and possibly being captured and tortured by the enemy.. Who can now say well they did it then why can’t we???

    Thats my frigging point you dumbass…!!!

  9. Somebody says:

    Mextli said:

    #35 “Cheney his accomplices and those whom he represents should be arrested, tried for treason and shot.”

    I think you can spare the expense of a sham trial since you have already determined guilt and punishment.

    This makes you feel better how?

    You err when you assume I meant a sham trial.

    But even if I did, think it though. I never lied to start a war for profit. So, if there were indeed a certain informality in the retribution, yes one would still be better. Are you happy now?

  10. Cursor_ says:

    “All progressives scare me, Castro, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Chavez, Obama, are progressives.

    Progressives believe they are doing the right thing redistributing wealth = social justice.”

    Mat 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go [and] sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come [and] follow me.

    Luk 14:12 Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor [thy] rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee.

    Luk 14:13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:

    Luk 14:14 And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

    Jesus = God

    God = Progressive



  11. ECA says:


    “If wealth were static, then how is it billions today live better than everyone did in the Middle Ages, when the population was much less.”

    Start counting your first billion people, and NOT COUNT CHINA/JAPAN..
    Also, Prove to me you CANT live better, without the controls we have TODAY. Live on your own land, and few CARED. Go hunting/fish/cut wood/grow crops and be self sufficient. WE dont teach this any more..HOW to take care of YOURSELF.. And the GOV didnt care, as long as you were THERE when they had a fight/war.

    “So wealth is not static, progressives don’t acknowledge the facts on the ground.

    When their redistribution schemes destroy wealth creation, everyone descends into poverty…even Kim Jong ILL isn’t exactly living in luxury.”

    So, how do you CREATE WEALTH without creating jobs, WORK, employment WITHOUT wealth distribution?

    AND KJI, believes JUST as you do…the PEOPLE WORK for nothing, GET NOTHING, and he gets it ALL..and his cronies.

  12. Somebody says:

    Cursor_ said

    “All progressives scare me, Castro, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Chavez, Obama, are progressives.

    Progressives believe they are doing the right thing redistributing wealth = social justice.”

    Mat 19:21 Jesus said unto him, … go [and] sell that thou hast, and give to the poor …

    Jesus = God

    God = Progressive


    Not so fast, Cursor, there is one little detail that progressives always seem to overlook.

    “that thou hast”.

    He didn’t say to rob and pillage generally and to give to the poor. He said “that thou hast”.

    The difference is significant.

    Non-progressives can see it.

  13. dexton7 says:

    If Big Government Actually Worked:

    * The massive government regulation that was already in place would have prevented the housing crisis that led to the latest recession that affects America — instead of creating it by demanding that housing loans be given to poor risks. And banks would not get away with fraudulent criminal practices.

    * Members of Congress would actually read and understand the bills they sign into law instead of saying things like,

    “What good is reading the (health care) bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill? — John Conyers (D-MI)”

    * Our southern and northern borders would be completely secure, the fence on the southern border would be done, and there wouldn’t be enough illegals in the United States to even merit a debate about amnesty. Legal immigration would be widely available and easily achievable.

    * Social Security would be fully funded and every dime you contribute would be invested, ready to be withdrawn when the government needs to pay your benefits.

    * Prominent supporters of big government like Tim Geithner, Charles Rangel, Tom Daschle, and Al Franken wouldn’t have been caught cheating on the taxes required to pay for the huge government programs they advocate.

    * Instead of trying to figure out what to do about our massive debt, Americans would be debating whether we want to cut taxes or save all the extra tax dollars we raise in a rainy day surplus fund.

    * Having to deal with a government bureaucrat would produce a feeling of cheerful confidence that things are about to start looking up instead of a sense of dread that your afternoon is about to be wasted without getting your problem solved.

    * Private schools wouldn’t exist because they simply couldn’t match the quality education provided by our public schools.

    * After spending 10 trillion dollars plus fighting the war on poverty, the government would have already won and American society would consist almost entirely of the middle class and the rich.

    * The Mass Media would report on important stories and honestly try get to the truth of the matter – instead of being controlled propaganda whores for the government… Maverick journalist organizations like Wikileaks would not have to risk their lives to be the ones exposing the truth.

  14. MikeN says:

    >Who can now say well they did it then why can’t we???

    And they wouldn’t do it but for the US’ actions in Guantanamo? Which are in accord with the Geneva Conventions? Geneva Conv are not a universal declaration of human rights, but rather a deal between countries. You follow this code, so will we. The US is not in violation.

  15. Somebody says:

    Now that I think about it, the only way that God is like a progressive is that He thinks He knows everything.

    But God gave man free will. Something a progressive would never do.

    Think about it. All those moments in a day when you have to make a choice and God is there with His perfect knowledge of what is best. Yet he does not force you to do it His way. No progressive would EVER let you make up your own mind if he didn’t have to.

    So really, God is the perfect Libertarian.

  16. morramm says:

    America hasn’t been able to deal an honest hand for years. I remember all the lies and back room deals during the Vietnam war. The command even lied to the American troops. Any thing goes in war and now it’s going from the other side. I’m glad to see this happening, it’s about time they get the evil on them they put on others. That patriot stuff is bull crap.

  17. Cursor_ says:

    #46, #49

    I hate to break it to you. That command was for everyone to assist the have nots.

    That sharing the good fortune that God gives you with those less fortunate is showing the same mercy and love God gave to those well off in the first place.

    YOU are always to consider your fellow man, EVEN before yourself. Because that is what GOD did in putting his creations’ needs for salvation even over his only begotten son.

    I just wanted to remind you of that. Because it is at the heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

    But of course there are many in these camps that will never get that. Because they think their old wine tastes better.

    The message was that THIS world’s gifts came from God and will stay here with this world. So why value them when they really are not yours nor will do you any good in The Kingdom.
    Share the gifts, God Commands it.

    That makes him a progressive he is making you share the wealth or else face the tormentors.

    Sounds like what you fear to me. But then many say to fear God. Although it doesn’t mean the irrational nonsense fear that most humans have. It means reverence to his authoruhtah!

    But then they get the word for world wrong in the flood in Genesis and the word perfect in various passages and of course the whole lucifer/heylel issue due to tinkering by Jerome.

    So what can you expect.

    But that vintage wine sure do taste good to ya.


  18. MikeN says:

    Included in the leak is evidence of WMD, mostly chemical weapons.

  19. Somebody says:

    “share the wealth or else face the tormentors”

    Ha! Ha! That is progressive indeed!

    Especially if the tormentors keep most of it for themselves!

    OK, Ayatollah Cursor, you win.

    Clearly, you want the state to enforce the Bible’s proscriptions.

    No doubt, all of them.

    Are the gay and pro-choice progressives still with me?

    But remember, “thou shalt not steal” made the top ten.

    Let’s see you square that with robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    Or are you just going to demonstrate again how progressives will use any argument at hand without thinking it through or really understanding or meaning anything they say?


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