Click pics to read how these were made

  1. Dallas says:

    I’m thinking of carving out a christine o’donnell face which should not take a whole lot of time.

    BTW, very excited about Pres Obama visiting Apple and Google on his trip to Cali. Very exciting to see the high tech industry once again know who gets it in terms of American innovation and job creation.

    Sadly, the GOP is focused on the violent overthrow of American elected officials, hence supporting the murder of innocent American civilians in the process. How sad.

  2. bobbo, showing discretion in not exercising my 4th Amendment Remedies says:


  3. Cursor_ says:


    Damn it has to do with pumpkin carving. Could you give the political rubbish a rest on this?


    As for the carving, it proves that some people have too much time on their hands.

    I still prefer the traditional Mao Tse-Tung version of jack-o-lanterns.


  4. Dallas says:

    #3 Actually, nanny, you’re wrong. There is relationship as Halloween symbols include bats, gravestones, witches, pumpkins, owls, cats, and skulls.

    Since O’donnel is a self proclaimed witch, carving her out of a pumpkin is very clever and appropriate.

  5. fargonaz says:

    dallas = jerkoff

    keep your station tidy?

  6. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    I live in SE Asia – we carve them into little square chunks and add them to the stew. No candle required. Seeds are eaten separately.

    Dallas get off it. She never said she was a witch. What she was doing, much like yourself, was trying anything to get laid! You’re really tiresome, you know? Here Unc Dave tried to give us something fun and seasonal and you fuck it up.

  7. Cursor_ says:

    “Sadly, the GOP is focused on the violent overthrow of American elected officials, hence supporting the murder of innocent American civilians in the process. How sad.”

    Yeah that had something to do with piumpkin carving. yea right.



  8. Special Ed says:
  9. pcsmith says:

    I heard that this year the pumpkin crop was bountiful.

    There was a pumpkin index a few years ago. The more pumpkins you saw on you neighbor’s doorstep, the better chance your kid got a good education.

    Arts and music matter, even is the small ways.

  10. Meatball says:

    Good gosh people, you’re missing some obvious ones here:

    “These aren’t the pumpkins you’re looking for..”

    “Look at the size of that thing!”

    “This pumpkin is now the ultimate power in the universe.”

    “You carved that? You’re braver than I thought!”

    “Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational Jack-O-Lantern!”

    Get your geek on, people, and wear it proudly!

  11. coward says:

    did anyone else notice the guys name was dickover

  12. Dallas says:

    #7 Save your anger for politicians wishing violent overthrow of elected government and not someone commenting on a fucking pumpkin blog.

    Pin head

  13. Stiffie says:

    I hope this fad goes the way of chainsaw bears.

    One of the funniest things I ever saw was a full-sized model of R2-D2 being used as a beer cooler.


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