1. ernesto says:

    Next week, there will be someone in a crowd in Mississippi rushing over to Sarah Palin with a piece of parchment and a quill pen.

  2. LDA says:

    This brings up the same emotions that much digitalization of information prompts. Is a digital version the same? He did make those bits I guess. It theoretically could last longer but it is already a facsimile.

  3. TruthBeTold says:

    Perfect match
    Obama and Apple
    10% approval rating
    10% market share

  4. Cursor_ says:


    Oh yes!

    Though I still say the funniest Palin is Michael.


  5. bobbo, showing discretion in not exercising my 4th Amendment Remedies says:

    LDA==emotions? I can see “questions/issues” but not emotions. But yeah==is there any intrinsic, and then market, value between an original digitized signature made with a stylus, or the first digitized paper and ink signature made with a scanner. When they look exactly the same? Are all signatures facsimiles of something else? Is any part of your soul captured by a signature?

    Hey!!!—you’re right. I’m starting to tear up.

  6. tdkyo says:

    Apple, Adobe, and the President of the United States in one shot.

    Hey tech journalists! How did your theory about Apple abandoning Adobe on portable devices workout?

  7. Sparky_One says:

    Butt-wipe, the best vertical integration of the ipad to date.

  8. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Hmmm. BO just met with Apple. Suddenly an Apple photo op. How long before we find out the guy was paid by Steve. I call set-up.

    Am I getting skeptical in my old age?

  9. nick the rat says:

    those two asian girls look like they are about to blow obama… and his signature still looks like a cock to me

  10. Gildersleeve says:

    This is a great pic, not just for the iPad guy, which is cool, but for the two adoring Asian’ish chicks who are on the verge of losing it.

  11. Maricopa says:

    # 9 nick the rat – those two asian girls look like they are about to blow obama… so’s that guy with the maxi pad

  12. gquaglia says:

    What’s an Obama signature worth. Absolutely nothing. He will go down as the biggest joke in modern history.
    No we can’t!

  13. clancys_daddy says:

    So its a digital signature, if you print it than what? This guy just saw the dollar signs.

  14. Faxon says:

    I am a news photographer. I was next to BO as he ran for the nomination. I had a few words with him. He is a cold son of a bitch.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Now if that guy with the signature can get Big Obama’s Social Security #.

    Imagine Barrak ordering Hookers and Blow!!

  16. chuck says:

    If you click the image through to the web-site, they have a full-size image.

    Feel free to download it and start signing cheques and executive orders.

  17. JMJahn says:

    The expression on the Asian girl’s face (lower left)
    is the scariest part of this photo.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    What a idiot, all that guy has to do is cut, paste, and use that signature. The possibilities for abuse are limited only by ones ingenuity.

  19. Camacho says:


    # 15 Faxon said,

    I am a news photographer. I was next to BO as he ran for the nomination. I had a few words with him. He is a cold son of a bitch.

    Can you elaborate? The effect may have been mutual, you know?

  20. Howard Beal says:

    # 19 BigBoyBC What an idiot his signature out there and easy to copy mask-out and and paste in photoshop or any number of image editing programs singing an iPad would not make it any easer.

    3 points shot for the guy with the iPad for coming up with a way to score an autograph in a crowd If he’d had Obama use a Sharpie he could sell it on ebay

  21. BigBoyBC says:

    #21 Howard Beal as I said,”The possibilities for abuse are limited only by ones ingenuity.” You pointing out the flaw in my thoughts, in my last post, demonstrates you have a far greater criminal tenancies than I do.

  22. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #23 BigBoyBC said,”criminal tenancies” So, in effect, you claim that you and Howard rent to miscreants?

    In any case, what’s the big deal? BO’s signature is no State secret. Easy to find a sample. Scan it and -voila- you’ve got the same thing the Apple fanboi in the I Faint For Obama tee shirt, Now – whatcha gonna do with it?

    The Obama fanboi has such great faith in his leader he drew not only a line but put an X there so his fearless savior would know where to sign.

  23. Animal Mother says:

    Universities are the only place Obama can find an enthusiastic crowd.

  24. Maricopa says:

    # 25 – Universities are the only place Obama can find an enthusiastic crowd.

    Erly reports say even Michele is not so crazy about him, any more.

  25. JMJahn says:

    Does it ever occur to you’ll that Obama has 2 (or 3 or 4) signatures ? One official and one for public autographs.
    I’m 100% certain what he has written is not the way he signs his name to legislation or anything personal for that matter.

  26. goldbug says:

    The religious zealot look on those two girls’ faces is really creepy. Too much “yes we can” chanting, too little reflection on his policies.

  27. Maricopa says:

    Is that guy in the back making a finger gun?

  28. BigBoyBC says:

    #24 stupid spell checker


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