Introduce your patients to an elevated MMJ experience
Formulated from a carefully cultivated blend of the finest Sativa-dominant buds,
Dixie Elixirs delivers the potency that patients want in a soothing, sparkling beverage.* Colorado-grown to complement the Rocky Mountain lifestyle
* Easy to enjoy with discretion
* Consistently delicious, reliably potent
* Relieves a wide range of symptoms
* Use alone or to increase and enhance other MMJ medication
* Carbonation delivers relief faster
* 12-ounce recyclable bottles in seven refreshing flavors: lemonade, sweet tea, pink lemonade, strawberry, orange, grape and root beer
* Also available in extra-strength 1-ounce watermelon and spearmint “dew drop” bottles
And you thought California was progressive. I’ll have the Root Beer please.
Oh my aching back.
Damn right #1. I’m doing my best to avoid surgery for spinal stenosis. The only reason I mention it is because some other old farts lingers around this site.
I hope to god it’s not laced with HFCS.
And the kids will love it!
It will go great with their flavoured ciggies!
All the while the dopamine receptors dull and dull and you have to drink more, smoke more, use higher concentrations, lace your shit, combine (which they already suggest) with other narcotics to keep that instant gratification.
Please all of you just switch to mixing Oxycontin with heroin and do us all a favour and OD!
This is the GENE OOL. Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way.
It’s almost like some are trying to derail legalization via publicizing irresponsibility.
This is exactly what the pure food and drug act was designed to prevent.
I want over the counter opium. Why not? Dope is dope, and I want Opium. Since I am still stuck in Kalifornia, I might soon get my wish.
“Relieves a wide range of symptoms”
Like coherent speech, ability to function in society, dignity, short term memory, and intelligence of any kind. Also removes you from any job application lists.
Well, to each his own I guess, but for me, no thanks. The last time I ate pot was January 1, 1981. I have never had the desire to eat or drink it ever again.
Oh, and Faxon, have you ever smelled opium smoke? My college roommates got a hold of some and smoked it in our living room. Think of burned vinegar that lingers and lingers. Nasty stuff.
Still, one of those roommates is now a PHd in physics and the other is a reasonably well known and successful musician.
Oh, and why is a Colorado based company using “Dixie” in their name?
wow what a market opportunity!!! just think after having one, you’ll crave another..
This is good news. I might need some of this since I won’t have Social Security or Medicare to help me. I’ll definitely need this to keep me from killing every f**king Republican I can find.
Hey admfubar why the hell would you ‘crave’ another?
Is there something in marijuana that makes you crave more of it?
I think you should define ‘crave’ before spouting more nonsense…
I’d buy that for a dollar!
#11 – dix·ie
/ˈdɪksi/ –noun Anglo-Indian .
a large iron pot, esp. a 12-gallon camp kettle used by the British Army.
Maybe it’s what they cook the stuff up in?
For those with no real world experience/knowledge on this subject, there is a HUGE difference between smoking pot and ingesting it. Like the difference between snorting a line of cocaine and injecting it intravenously. For most recreational users, smoking pot is far more pleasurable and controllable than eating it. Eating pot is a lot more like doing acid. so I’ve been told..
Ah, here we go. Product idea entrepreneurs jumping on the bandwagon as early as possible to catch consumers in the coming THC markets. What did anybody expect?
I hereby predict that there will be many “Ooh wee, my oh my, I just sit around and get real high”* types in this, just like there always have been.
There will also be the folks who say that people who do this stuff are all nothing but whoo-hoo losers, just as always, too.
Moderately hedonistic creative people will go on being busy as well.
*chorus from a J.J. Cale song