Michael Arato…is charged with one count of accepting bribes, one count of conspiring to commit theft and three counts of theft by a government employee…
Arato was the supervisory transportation security officer for the Transportation Security Administration at Terminal B of the airport, and worked with the colleague to steal from passengers, according to the complaint. He and the colleague — who has been cooperating with authorities — frequently worked together at “the B-3 checkpoint.” The checkpoint is typically the security checkpoint for international airlines including AirIndia, the complaint said.
Beginning in August 2009, TSA and the Port Authority Police Department of New York and New Jersey “received numerous complaints from passengers scheduled to depart the airport on the 6:20 p.m. AirIndia flight that money and other valuables in passengers’ carry-on baggage were missing after their baggage was hand searched by TSA employees at the B-3 checkpoint,” the complaint said.
The complaining passengers were predominantly non-English-speaking women of Indian descent and nationality who were returning to India after visiting the United States, according to the complaint. Authorities launched an investigation, including video surveillance of the checkpoint.
Arato’s colleague, identified in the complaint as the “co-schemer,” began cooperating with authorities in September 2010 and told police he has been stealing from passengers at the checkpoint since about October 2009. The colleague said that he and Arato had agreed that when he stole from passengers, he would “kick up” half the money to Arato. Arato also regularly stole from passengers himself, sometimes giving his colleague some of that money, according to the complaint.
What part of the definition of Homeland Security includes theft?
“What part of the definition of Homeland Security includes theft?” /// Last time I flew, my brand new “anti-theft” luggage got broken into on the SF to Frankfurt direct trip. Impossible for it to be damage by normal use, it was the target of thieves who did not care the damage/attempt would be obvious. When Homeland Security catches and stops this activity which could have planted a bomb as well as steal my used underwear, then I would have more tolerance for their otherwise near useless program.
I ain’t holding my breath though.
I did report “the theft” at Frankfurt Baggage Claim. They looked at me like why was I bothering?
Still had a good time though.
I always wondered how items got stolen from luggage. Since the airside of an airport is secured so well that a single box cutter can’t get through then there is no way anything could be stolen and smuggled out by baggage handlers. It must be an inside job – either TSA are incompetent or they are behind all airport luggage thefts.
My advice is always pack a firearm in your stowed luggage. Your bag will never get lost and if it gets stolen they will take you seriously! You have to go through a separate TSA bag search but they search it while you are standing there and then they escort your bag to the plane for you, get some value for your tax dollars! Just get a cheap 50 dollar pistol from a pawn shop, it doesn’t even have to work, and stick it in your suitcase in a lockable case unloaded per TSA regulations.
As always, the question: Who Polices the Police ?
#4 presumably the TSASA (Transport security administration’s security administration?)
Or perhaps we could have some form of local law enforcement independent of the federal government – possibly organized at state level?
Of course this would mean reserving certain rights for the states to decide matters themselves without the feds automatically being in charge. But that would probably require something in the constitution.
This is not unexpected since TSA is nothing more than a jobs welfare program giving to the lowest common denominator of society in order to obtain support for the power elite. The solution is to stop all unneeded commercial flying. BTW, if you want to embarrass TSA, a friend told me he packs his carry on luggage with the filthiest gay-porn and disgusting sex toys he can find. He tells me the looks on the TSA faces upon inspecting his baggage is just priceless. He laughs at them right to their face, and they can’t do shit about it.
Who did not see this coming? You can’t trust the pigs … even cheap rent-a-pigs.
“What part of the definition of Homeland Security includes theft?”
Are you serious? Don’t you people understand that the US government (hell, all governments) are nothing but organized crime syndicates complete with “enforcers” to shake you down when you refuse to give them a cut of the action?
@# 8 – the difference is that when a lowest level flunky in the mob steals from the don – he gets slightly more than verbal a warning and a note on his personnel file.
Way back in the 60’s when I was going to grade school my teachers (government workers) told me that America was not like the Soviet Union. No one in the USSR believed the lies printed in the papers. Their government required a passport to go anywhere even inside the country. Their government workers were corrupt and didn’t work much. That is why we need to be strong to prevent that from happening here. I guess the Soviets won after all. We all become our enemies the longer the war goes on.
Sad but then I don’t and didn’t feel that just because somebody has on a uniform you ought to trust them. Others disagree.
I’m shocked, shocked!
>> Troublemaker said, on October 21st, 2010 at 11:55 am
>> Don’t you people understand that the US government (hell, all governments) are nothing but organized crime syndicates complete with “enforcers” to shake you down when you refuse to give them a cut of the action?
Yeah, but conservative governments have made an art-form out of it.
John Pistole should change his name to John PERVERT! The rubber stamp man from FBI is now the YES man for every pathetic idea….. Why.. because he is a “blank” kisser and coward that does not think for him himself ….but only about himself. The YES man for the pathetic fool Mueller is now in a real quagmire. John, a few questions for you:
1. What is your policy on having the openly gay homosexual employees touching the private areas of heterosexual passengers?? Did you think about it? Probably not! Well I don’t want my wife felt up by a lesbian and neither does she. Get ready for the lawsuit when it happens.
2. How many hours of training did you give your employees about touching passengers with medical conditions? NONE !! Get ready for the lawsuits.
3. Has anyone calculated the amount of money the airlines and it’s industry is now going to loose because of this poorly thought out plan? No!! They are struggling to survive right now.. this will cause them to loose Millions!!
4. If your position is just under a cabinet level position, why haven’t you met with the President?
5. I know you are too much of a coward to resign.. so we all must wait for you to be FIRED!!