This Episode’s Executive Producers: Borislav Marinov, Fredric Guimont, Adam Burkepile, Eric Hertha, Thomas Nussbaum
Associate Executive Producer: Marco Scari
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    Only an inept retard that shouldn’t be allowed out in society without a spit shield would rehash this “aqua buddha” crap again. It’s been well over a month since the woman involved came out and said it was a college prank and they all had fun doing it.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    Just because Adam has a pilot license doesn’t make him a aviation expert anymore than putting my grandmother in the garage makes her a Ford.

    Adam is a piece of work

  3. deanej says:

    Did Adam and John reveal something big this week? The podcast feed has been down for a few hours now.

  4. skunkman62 says:

    #3 agreed. i’m listening to this podcast less and less because of adam.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    The federal position on California marijuana has nothing to do with the stuff leaving the state, it is all based on Gonzales v. Raich, which in turn is an extension of Wickard v. Filburn, where the idea is the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce is impeded on when people can produce things locally and not have to engage in interstate commerce.

    As a fun little game, you can try to think of any number of examples where this idiot standard can be applied. Writing your own software prevents you from having to engage in commerce, so the government could conceivably clamp down on open-source software in the guise of interstate commerce.

  6. jpfitz says:

    yea yea I know Adam will have some BS excuse because this article comes from the NY Post, granted a rag.

  7. ECA says:

    cost of basic LIVING…
    rent $600 and UP.
    Water $100
    Electric $75
    Gas $40
    Cable TV $50
    Internet $40-60
    Food for 1..$200
    Entertainment? $100
    Car? Insurance? maintenance? Gas? $100+

    About $1300 per month?

    $10 per hour, 40 hour week, 1 month wages?

    $12 per hour, SAME as above…
    $1920-tax($633)=$1267 This could work.

    $15 per hour, same as above..
    $2400-tax($792)=$1608 and gives you enough for emergencies..

    NOW try to find a job that will pay you MORE then min wages.. A living wage.
    Even if you CUT CORNERS…You could save MAYBE $200.
    The only way I can find to save money, is to find a CHEAP HOUSE..but cheap homes dont have insulation or air you end up paying MORE on utilities..

  8. ECA says:

    It costs more to collect a tax, than the amount you will gain from Taxing.

    Those responsible will garner more time and effort in collecting a tax, then the tax is worth.

    Out of most taxes the greater percentage >50% goes to collecting it.

    For all the Gobbledygook in the IRS laws, those with the most to loose, have LESS to worry about, as it would take ALL the power of ALL the computers the IRS has to figure out WHO DID WHAT, and PAID WHOM, and When it happened.. aND THAT FROM incomplete records, that the IRS cant make Match anything CURRENT.

  9. ECA says:

    LETS SEE..
    TSA..paid for by YOU and me..
    Business plan #1…
    Make it cheaper so the corp can make MORE money..
    Force people to WAIT, for something that was BASIC/STANDARD in the beginning.

    Can I ask something?
    ISNT TSA against the LAW? NOT as an invasion of privacy. BUT as part of our TAXES. It is against the law for us to PAY for something, IF WE DONT USE IT. I do not think that 1/2 the USA has flown a commercial airline..


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