BALTIMORE — Forget urine tests, parents in Maryland can hire dogs to sniff out whether their kids are using drugs.

The nonprofit group Dogs Finding Drugs uses canines that can detect even trace amounts of narcotics within seconds.

Owner Anne Willis says parents are clamoring for the service. The rate is about $200 an hour. Dogs Finding Drugs also offers its services to companies and schools.

It also seems like a way to find lost dope in the house. Or perhaps dope in someone’s else’s place. The sky is the limit.

  1. Grandpa says:

    Trust me, you don’t need a dog to know when your kids are on drugs.

  2. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    That is just wrong. If you want drugs, buy your own. Don’t steal your kids.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    If you need a dog to find drugs in your house, you don’t spend time at home then.


  4. Improbus says:

    The answer is simple kids. Don’t stash your drugs in your room, stash it in your parents room. Hilarity ensues.

  5. Brian says:

    This seems sketchy, because a dog can only be trained to sniff for one substance (i.e., Spot can only sniff for weed, Fido can only detect herion) So how many dogs are they bringing to all these people’s houses?
    “I’d like 2 coke dogs & an angel dust dog, please…”

  6. Nobodyspecial says:

    And when they do find drugs – you just report the parents to your school and they get taken away.

  7. RTaylor says:

    I’m a bad baby boomer. I got spanked, and was allowed to be a kid. I had no schedule on the fridge, or complicated shit to keep up with. I got paddled at school. Now our kids are a piece of work, I am so proud of them. Helicopter parents, pushing them in every athletic program. I was in physical therapy yesterday and there was a dad with a 10 year old coaching his girl. If I was the PT I would have threw his ass out. He was acting like he was coaching an NFL team. He already pushed her in soccer, now he’s going on about basketball. I wanted to brain the SOB with my cane, and it’s heavy steel. Don’t get me wrong, encourage children, but damn, they are kids and need to be kids.

  8. bobbo, I don't know says:

    but I assume dogs can smell and alert on a whole range of drugs.

    “I assume” dogs used in criminal work are trained to alert on one drug only because the penalties for different drugs is different. Can’t ask the dog which drug it is.

  9. JimD says:

    All the CASH in the U.S. has traces of cocaine on it, so these dogs may give false positives …

  10. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    Parents need to spend less time pushing their kids into sports and everything else and more time teaching them to help out around the house and be useful. Magically they will find their children are interested and involved in the family. Then, if you want to find out if they are taking drugs or not, all have to do is ask them … people that feel useful are better adjusted.

  11. chuck says:

    #10 – I thought the whole point of drug-sniffing dogs was to provide false positive results.

    This gives the police the authority to make an arrest, do a more thorough search, look for anything more incriminating, plant evidence, and generally hassle anyone they want.

  12. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Why are they taking away our kids’ cocaine?

    No wonder we have an epidemic of obesity…


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